death to israel thread


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Supporters of izrael shouldn't be tolerated, they're war crime supporters, lovers of child murder, and fervent supporters of genocide. They're modern day nazi party supporters.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Is there some reason why you love murdering terrorists and hate the only peaceful nation in the middle east? Do you have jewish ancestors that didn't give you what you wanted like your hero adolph.

The other terrorist supporting jew hater heard from. Both of you should move to some terrorist controlled country since you love them so much and hate the west that lets you freely spew your ignorant hatred.
That is kind of a hate filled rant. Which terrorist controlled country were you thinking of? The United States of Aggression, Harpo's Canada (sorry, we are already there) or Great Briton.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Supporters of izrael shouldn't be tolerated, they're war crime supporters, lovers of child murder, and fervent supporters of genocide. They're modern day nazi party supporters.

Nope, you have it all wrong...

Israeli supporters are for democracy, security and regardless of age, when you pick up a gun and start shooting at soldiers, you are no longer a child, but a soldier and a target.

11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed by other Muslims since 1948. Hopefully, they will kill themselves off, and soon.

The Only Good Muslim is a Dead Muslim.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Nope, you have it all wrong...

Israeli supporters are for democracy, security and regardless of age, when you pick up a gun and start shooting at soldiers, you are no longer a child, but a soldier and a target.

11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed by other Muslims since 1948. Hopefully, they will kill themselves off, and soon.

The Only Good Muslim is a Dead Muslim.
The same could be said about hate mongering red necks.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011

There is no such thing as moderate Islam
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims
It isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you
Islam is NOT the Religion Of Peace - it is the Doctrine Of Death

  • The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.
  • From "Mein Kampf", the book by Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of Nazi Germany.

Does this sound familiar? Is this not exactly what is happening to most western secular nations under the guise that the loss of our freedoms is for the sake of security against terrorism - Muslim terrorism? In the USA, since 11 September 2001, Americans have been restricted in the way they act, travel and do many things that were completely free to them. They are harassed by TSA officials and police, who grab them and literally physically assault them when patting them down to look for weapons or bombs.

The freedoms that Australians have taken for granted for so many decades have been eroded slowly, all because of Islamic terrorism, not because a despotic government wants more powers. The carefree Australian way of life is slowly vanishing under a raft of restrictions by government, along with demands by Muslims for special concessions and conditions, even to controlling the food supply by coercing and blackmailing producers into obtaining Halal certification, a disgraceful way of extorting money that most probably ends up in the hands of terrorists and at best, pays for the propagation of Islam in secular nations.

The problem is that Islam is not like any other religion. Islam is a death cult and a malignant political system that is responsible for virtually all the terrorist acts in the world. Islam is a doctrine that imposes the most Draconian and barbaric punishments for acts that would attract little or no penalty in any other nation, such as an automatic death penalty for anybody who renounces Islam.

Islam can easily be compared to Nazism, however even the Nazis complied with a certain standard of human behaviour and morality. At least the Nazis respected the rules of war in most cases and treated their prisoners of war reasonably well, whereas Muslim groups such as Islamic State simply massacre their captives and rape their women and then keep them as sex slaves. Even the Nazis did not stoop to such barbarity. So it is not hard to determine that Muslims are far worse than Nazis, simply because the evidence says so.


  • Nazis wanted to conquer and subjugate the world.
  • Muslims want to conquer and subjugate the world
  • Nazis followed and worshipped a genocidal maniac called Adolf Hitler
  • Muslims follow and worship a genocidal maniac called the Prophet Mohammed
  • Nazis believed in the National Socialist holy book called Mein Kampf that called for world conquest and genocide.
  • Muslims believe in the Islamic holy book called the Koran that calls for world conquest and genocide.
  • Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews.
  • Muslims want to exterminate the Jews.


  • Nazis didn't subjugate females and make them into slaves and chattels.
  • Muslims subjugate females and make them into slaves and chattels
  • Nazis didn't mutilate the genitals of females so that they could never enjoy normal sexual relations.
  • Muslims practise genital mutilation to prevent their females from ever enjoying normal sexual relations.
  • Nazis targeted Jews and gypsies for extermination and left most others alone.
  • Muslims target every non-Muslims for either conversion to Islam or extermination.

An impossible and irrational comparison really. The Nazis were made up of a group Nationalist Germans in the 1920s to the 1940s who were voted in power by a populace angered by economic hardships. The Nazis believed in a master race and that they were that race, and all other races were inferior, particularly jews. The set up concentration camps and murdered who they felt were undesirables.

Muslims who now number over a billion, are followers of a religion that's existed since the 6th or 7th century and have an incredibly long and storied history with the Jews. There is no nationalism in Islam, or thought of an superior races. There is no inherent hatred in Islam for Judaism or any other religion or people. In fact Muslims incorporate Jewish history with their own, for instance Moses, one of the most important prophets in Judaism is as well considered a prophet in Islam.
Throughout history Jews mainly lived in Islamic countries and did so quite peacefully. Jews were accepted and treated so well under Islamic rule that in fact a golden era of Judaism culture was able to blossom under that rule..

While conflicts did exist, there was clearly long and peaceful relations with the two religious groups.

In the modern era Israel has been a root cause of the deterioration of Muslim-Jewish relations.

Israel is a country created out of Zionism which is by definition a NATIONALIST movement that seeks to create a country only for the JEWISH people. This nationalist and racist thought is highly comparable with Nazi ideology. Gaza is also comparable to a concentration camp. They're surrounded by fences set up by Israeli's and are strictly under their rule. You can't enter or leave Gaza without Israel's permission.

Israel's current government is highly extremist as seen by the indiscriminate killings of Gazans without a care. The charter of the Likud party expresses their right for settlement and that the Palestinians shall not be allowed rule over their own nation.

Israel clearly has that superiority mentally that the Nazis had as well as their hunger for colonization.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Is there some reason why you love murdering terrorists and hate the only peaceful nation in the middle east?
Only your complete ignorance gives you the ability to call Israel a peaceful state with a straight face. I'll point out the obvious because apparently it's necessary - the hatred of the nation of Israel which is ran by war criminals does not in any way equate to antisemitism.

You clowns are proud racists while hiding behind the "but but Islam isn't a race!!" garbage anyways. I shouldn't even really say "hiding" as it's quite blatant. So why do I care what a bunch of racists dorks want to whine about antisemitism for anyways?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
...and is still in the Dark Ages.

Why don't you fly over to Iraq or Syria and tell somebody who gives a dam.. because I don't. Islam is a violent, hateful ideology.
So is yours. You advocate killing over a billion people because of their beliefs. That is pretty backwards thinking, far more than a few fanatical fundamentalist loonies who are doing their thing for personal and political gain. Kinda like the west who have been invading and murdering Muslims in their countries.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

There is no such thing as moderate Islam
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims
It isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you
Islam is NOT the Religion Of Peace - it is the Doctrine Of Death

  • If Muslims are so peaceful, why are so many people afraid to offend them?

  • Islam is NOT a race.
    Do not let anybody get away with trying to purport that Islam is anything more than a filthy death cult.

  • Islam promises spiritual benefits from being a member of the cult, namely avoidance of hell and entry into paradise, which in Islam's case is a well-appointed brothel in the sky.

  • Insanity is believing that your hallucinations are real.
    Islam is believing that Mohammed's hallucinations were real.

  • A radical Muslim wants to behead you.
    A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to behead you.

  • We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. How stupid is that?

  • Islamophobia - Being afraid of a religion whose stated goal is to wipe my people off the face of the planet.
    Jeremy Silbert

  • Is there just one nation where Muslims dominate, where freedom of religion, freedom of speech and equality under the law prevail? The answer: No, there is not one Islamic nation that remotely allows those fundamental human rights.

  • "Without the shield of religion to hide behind, Islam would be banned in the civilised world as a political ideology of hate and we have no obligation to make allowances for it, any more than we do for Nazism."
    British journalist and commentator Pat Condell

  • Islamophobia is not a disease.
    It is a valid defence against Muslim terrorism and intimidation.

  • Islamophobia - The thought-crime that seeks to suppress legitimate criticism of Islam and demonise those who would tell the truth about Islamic aggression.

  • Jokes do not kill people.
    Muslims who are offended by jokes kill people.

  • By the words of the Koran, Mohammed was a thief, bloodthirsty murderer, rapist and a paedophile
    Does this sound like a prophet of God?
    It is not even the profile of a civilised human being.
    The only reason that Mohammed has followers claiming that he was a prophet of God is that they secretly hope to get away with the same crimes.

  • Islam uses freedom of speech and religion to destroy freedom of speech and religion

  • Difference between a mosquito and a Muslim.
    One is a serious and dangerous pest that sucks everything it can from its host and tries to infect it with a deadly killer disease.
    The other is just a mosquito.

  • Dhimmitude - the act of kowtowing to Muslims and appeasing them.
    Muslim man Abdul Haider stabbed two policemen in Melbourne and they said that he had "personal issues".
    Five hundred Muslims riot in Sydney over a movie that parodied Islam and they called it a "minority".
    Around 100 Australian Muslims fighting with Islamic State terrorists and they said that they must have been "seduced".
    Muslim Man Haron Monis held 17 hostages at gunpoint and murdered two of them and they said that he was "mentally ill".

  • They say that not all Muslims are monsters and terrorists.
    Imagine a bowl of Smarties with only 2.2% of them laced with cyanide. (2.2% is the Australian Muslim population)
    Would you eat a handful of those Smarties?

  • Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that Islamic State terrorists have nothing to do with religion.
    By the same criteria, the Pope is not Catholic.
    The Archbishop of Canterbury has nothing to do with Christianity.
    And a bear doesn't **** in the woods.

  • Famous old Islamic saying: The militant Muslim is the one who beheads the Infidel, while the moderate Muslim holds the feet of the victim.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms, there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms, there would be no more war.

  • US President Barack Obama: Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. (Now we know that this idiot is crazy)

You advocate killing over a billion people..

What did I advocate??

I only Stated; "The Only Good Muslim is a Dead Muslim."

I'm not advocating people go out and kill all the Muslims. Muslim are worthless and deceitful, and I personally try to avoid interaction with them..

I have the right not to contribute to their livelihood, and walk away. If they are offended, to dam bad.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to war. We are trapped in this endless cycle of violence because our so called leaders create fear to keep the war machine bringing in the loot and the sheeple fall for it every time. Time to wake up everybody. You are all being had for the sake of the all mighty dollar. Only the rich benefit from war.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Only your complete ignorance gives you the ability to call Israel a peaceful state with a straight face. I'll point out the obvious because apparently it's necessary - the hatred of the nation of Israel which is ran by war criminals does not in any way equate to antisemitism.

You clowns are proud racists while hiding behind the "but but Islam isn't a race!!" garbage anyways. I shouldn't even really say "hiding" as it's quite blatant. So why do I care what a bunch of racists dorks want to whine about antisemitism for anyways?

You and DB are the ignorant racists on here. In a perfect world you would be sent to live with the murderers you love so much instead of being able to hide behind the freedoms to spew hate while living off our taxes that our country provides you by fighting the very people you support.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Netanyahu is expected to tell Congress an Iranian bomb is imminent- just as he warned in 1992, 1995, 2002, 2009, 2012

On military targets, not civilian targets.. Military installations that are developing a nuclear bomb, and have at'er because it's the only thing these guys understand..

Talking and negotiations is a sign of weakness, and that what the Obama administration is doing.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
So is yours. You advocate killing over a billion people because of their beliefs. That is pretty backwards thinking, far more than a few fanatical fundamentalist loonies who are doing their thing for personal and political gain. Kinda like the west who have been invading and murdering Muslims in their countries.

When you're religious beliefs is to convert or kill anyone that's not agreeing with you. Is it still a acceptable religion ???

When slave women are killed because they didn't follow religious laws like veiling themselves, is that acceptable?

When homosexual are killed because they are homosexual is that religious beliefe acceptable?

When underaged girls are sold to men as child bearing slaves, out of religious beliefs is that acceptable?

When girls have their sexual organ mutilated out of religious beliefs, is that acceptable?

You saying we should accept all this because it's part of their religious beliefs?