Too much reason for a thread like this.
My reasoned outlook on things does tend to upset the nutters.
As for AGW, the coming ice age, carbon capture, armageddon, warming, cooling....I have one thing to say....don't know, don't care. It's one of those subjects (like cricket) where I understand that its important to some people but as soon as somebody starts talking about it I just gloss over. The climate scientists tend to agree that there is a warming. I can't be bothered to question it. If it is occurring, it will continue because there isn't significant desire to do anything about it. If it isn't occurring, then why worry. I think I'm like the majority of the population that way. I know when I'm out at social events, there never is a serious climate science discussion. People just
don't care. So if somebody asked me on a street corner about climate science I would probably say that it'll get warmer as we near summer and colder again next winter.
That's why I seriously question the relevance of the study. It's so obvious that people that are interested in climate science would know more about climate change just like people that care about what they put in their bodies (vegetarians) would know more about nutrition. Most of the population pound back Quarter Pounders without any thought at all. That doesn't mean the vegetarians are right in their views.