Canadian Flag Turns 50


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I am old enough to remember all the controversy surrounding replacement of the red ensign by a uniquely Canadian emblem for our national flag. I can remember some people saying that the new flag looked more like a beer can label. Then PM Lester B Pearson had favored a design that featured three maple leafs joined with a blue banner. However the single maple leaf on the white background with red borders eventually won out.

Happy Birthday to our beautiful flag.



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I've only ever known this flag. And she's always been a beauty to me, eh? Lol.

What I like most about our flag is its simplicity, SLM. No clutter, just the symbolic maple leaf - straight forward like us Canadians, eh. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Too bad maple leafs aren't blue colored, eh spam. :lol:
yeah, I know what mean. :( if they want to change to green maple leaves as the leafs colour that's fine. there are no blue maple leaves in nature. ;)

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I can remember a cold, clear February day when all the classrooms at Balmoral Drive PS shivered around the flag pole. Though I was partial to the three red leaves and the blue bars, that red and white shone against the blue sky


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
A flag of Canada's own for 50 years | Mike Filey's The Way We Were | Toronto & G

Most Canadians proud to fly flag, think Canada is world's best country
By Brian Daly, QMI Agency First posted: Saturday, February 14, 2015 08:14 PM EST
MONTREAL - Three in four Canadians are proud to fly the Maple Leaf and nearly eight in ten believe Canada is the best country in the world, says a new poll.
The Leger survey was released to QMI Agency for National Flag of Canada Day, which is on Sunday.
Albertans and Ontarians are proudest about the flag, according to the poll of 1,500 Canadians.
Women reported more patriotism than men on the six questions that Leger asked from Monday to Wednesday of this week.
Three-quarters agreed that "displaying the Canadian flag gives me a sense of pride in Canada."
Similar numbers said "Canada is the best country in the world" and that they "feel proud wearing a t-shirt or hat with the maple leaf on it."
Attachment to the Maple Leaf was highest among older Canadians and lowest among the youngest adults and Quebecers.
Just 44% of Quebecers reported a sense of pride in flying the Maple Leaf.
People in La Belle Province did, in fact, have a high opinion of Canada - they just don't like showing it.
"There's still a majority who think Canada is the best country in the world," said demographer Jack Jedwab, whose Association for Canadian Studies commissioned the poll.
It was 50 years ago this Sunday that the Maple Leaf flew over Parliament Hill for the first time. There had been a vigorous debate in Parliament, and in society, between those who wanted a homemade national emblem and people who remained attached to the Canadian Red Ensign, featuring the Union Jack.
An overwhelming amount of Canadians are proud to fly the Maple Leaf and believe Canada is the best country in the world. (MARK WANZEL/QMI Agency file photo)

Most Canadians proud to fly flag, think Canada is world's best country | Canada

Flag Quiz: Do you know the flags for Canada's provinces and territories? | Quiz

10 Things About The Canadian Flag
10 Things About The Canadian Flag
February 14, 2015 20:00
10 Things About The Canadian Flag : Canada : Videos