Get Over It: Islam Is Not a Race


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Get Over It: Islam Is Not a Race

The next time you hear some liberal ideologue, or grievance-monger whine incessantly that Islam is a race–respond with the following: “Bullsh*t!”

That’s right: Bullsh*t!

Islam isn’t (and has never been) a race. Instead, it is a political system based on the most virulent forms of misogyny and anti-Christian/Semitism the world has ever witnessed.

In fact–in its most fundamental and original intent–Islam dictates that children are mere ancillaries created to serve as *** containers for their adult masters. Lest we forget: Aisha was only 9 years old when the Prophet Mohammed (then 60) broke her hymen.

From New York to the UK–and beyond, Islam hides behind the shroud of race. CAIR consistently cries “racism” whenever an organization, group, or individual refuses to acquiesce to its demands.

Since most Muslims are “people of color”–CAIR knows it can play the race card with full impunity. And given the politically correct posture that currently dominates our culture–it never hesitates to take full advantage.

And the results have been nothing short of insidious. From CAIR teaching “sensitivity” courses to federal law enforcement agencies to taxpayer funded footbaths at the University of Michigan to allowing Muslim service members to wear beards and turbans–crying racism has allowed one of the most vile dogmas in history to gain a stronghold in our nation.

And it gets even worse across the pond.

Europe is currently in the throes of an Islamic upheaval. From the UK to Scandinavia–the restive, Islamic hordes have successfully created “No-go” zones. “Infidels” are strictly “prohibited” from these zones which have been declared “Islamic territories” by their Muslim inhabitants.

And since these inhabitants are “people of color”–any and all who move against them are quickly labeled, you guessed it–racists.

So, how do we start putting an end to this insanity?

Again, we need to respond to all those who spuriously claim that Islam is a race with the following: “Bullsh*t!”

Now, that’s a good start.

source: Get Over It: Islam Is Not a Race


This is probably coming to a city near you and chances are it's even going to be seen where you live. Do you know which city this is?

Are these photos from a city in a third-world Islamic ****-hole like Yemen or Bangladesh? They certainly look like it, but if you agreed, you would be wrong. In fact, these photos were taken in the second-largest city in France - Marseille.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Actually I've never heard anyone refer to Islam as a race. :scratch:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I don't have anything against Islam, most Muslims are good people.

Correct, most Muslims are good people, I just don't agree with their Ideology.

I'd also say people that don't agree with Gay Marriage because they are Christian, they are good people too.. but their Ideology sucks.

Any ideology that condones women as a second class, wants to dominate the world (like the Nazi's), are Anti-Semites and Anti-Gay, well should not be followed and is dangerous.. do you not agree.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Nope, Islam is not a race.

Islam is an Ideology of Hate, Nazi-Inspired, Anti-Semite, Misogynist men who hate Gays.

We're kind of busy with the Russian expansionist hordes right now. Islam is also on the list and arrangements are being made to control both problems. There is also the pending Alien invasion which is being addressed. Can you comment on the Alien problem please? Your serious consideration and advice with respect to this problem would be respected the same as the other issues you bring to our attention.

Do you think it will be the greys or the ones with big heads?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
We're kind of busy with the Russian expansionist hordes right now. Islam is also on the list and arrangements are being made to control both problems. There is also the pending Alien invasion which is being addressed. Can you comment on the Alien problem please? Your serious consideration and advice with respect to this problem would be respected the same as the other issues you bring to our attention.

Do you think it will be the greys?

To bad you don't have the honor or principal as a person to discredit Islam in the same manner.. but I just assume you're a NAMBLA member and agree with screwing 9 year olds boys and girls.

ISIS releases Islamic Guide Permitting Adult Men to Marry 9-Year-old Muslimas, manifesto Reveals Misery Girls Can Expect to Endure in the Cause of Allah

I think religion in general is misogynist and homophobic.

Yup.. agreed +1


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
No Islam is not a race it used to be a religion that has been morphed into an ideology
for political purposes. It has become the new face of fascism based on hate and
exclusion.Only those of its membership are entitled to anything only those in its circle
are entitled to life. The sooner we understand this is an attempt by some to see the
vision of world conquest, will we as global people decided to defend out way of life.
We saw that in the extreme right wing national socialism of Germany prior to WWII
we also saw the left wing form of communism which is the extreme of democratic
socialism take a fling at world domination.
The politically correct would make excuses for unacceptable behavior right up to and
including being hung in public by the people they are defending. We must take a look
around and give our head a shake we are at war not with a race with an ideology and
its time to put away the smiles and fight


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
To bad you don't have the honor or principal as a person to discredit Islam in the same manner.. but I just assume you're a NAMBLA member and agree with screwing 9 year olds boys and girls.

ISIS releases Islamic Guide Permitting Adult Men to Marry 9-Year-old Muslimas, manifesto Reveals Misery Girls Can Expect to Endure in the Cause of Allah

Well thankyou for your timely reasoned responce. A well put together sentence, short and concise as we would expect from an intellect of your stature. Thankyou once again I know you must be very busy with important scientific stuff.

No Islam is not a race it used to be a religion that has been morphed into an ideology
for political purposes. It has become the new face of fascism based on hate and
exclusion.Only those of its membership are entitled to anything only those in its circle
are entitled to life. The sooner we understand this is an attempt by some to see the
vision of world conquest, will we as global people decided to defend out way of life.
We saw that in the extreme right wing national socialism of Germany prior to WWII
we also saw the left wing form of communism which is the extreme of democratic
socialism take a fling at world domination.
The politically correct would make excuses for unacceptable behavior right up to and
including being hung in public by the people they are defending. We must take a look
around and give our head a shake we are at war not with a race with an ideology and
its time to put away the smiles and fight

Mr Boomer and you are closely related right, I'm just guessing, cuz you both write very honestly about these important things. I notice in your last sentence your desire to engage the emeny, I assume you'll be departing for the front without further delay. I will knit socks for you and pray for your safe keeping while you are away saving babies from German bayonettes. Thank God Canada has men like you, it means the rest of us don't have to bother.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Well thankyou for your timely reasoned responce. A well put together sentence, short and concise as we would expect from an intellect of your stature. Thankyou once again I know you must be very busy with important scientific stuff.
You are in fine form this morning Beav. You must have got up on the right side of the bed.

Too bad some people are too lazy to see past the propaganda they are being fed. It is so much easier to just let someone else give you your opinions.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You are in fine form this morning Beav. You must have got up on the right side of the bed.

Too bad some people are too lazy to see past the propaganda they are being fed. It is so much easier to just let someone else give you your opinions.

I have no idead what you mean, these people are the nations finest examples of testikles.

NOTE: The Novorussia Armed Forces (NAF) currently have 8,000 Ukrainian regulars surrounded in Debaltsevo, East Ukraine. This is a very big deal although the media has been (predictably) keeping the story out of the headlines.
Evacuation corridors have been opened to allow civilians to leave the area. Fighting could break out at anytime. At present, it looks like a good part of the Kiev’s Nazi army could be destroyed in one fell swoop. This is why Merkel and Hollande have taken an emergency flight to Moscow to talk with Putin. They are not interested in peace. They merely want to save their proxy army from annihilation.
I expect Putin may intervene on behalf of the Ukrainian soldiers, but I think commander Zakharchenko will resist. If he lets these troops go now, what assurance does he have that they won’t be back in a month or so with high-powered weaponry provided by our war-mongering congress and White House?
Tell me; what choice does Zakharchenko really have? If his comrades are killed in future combat because he let Kiev’s army escape, who can he blame but himself?
There are no good choices.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

This is probably coming to a city near you and chances are it's even going to be seen where you live. Do you know which city this is?

In fact, these photos were taken in the second-largest city in France - Marseille.
In one pic everyone is praying, in the other one it is a sit down peaceful gathering and the last one looks like a garage sale. Which one should be bomb them for?

I'm betting those round things aren't AC units.

Mr Boomer and you are closely related right, I'm just guessing, cuz you both write very honestly about these important things. I notice in your last sentence your desire to engage the emeny, I assume you'll be departing for the front without further delay. I will knit socks for you and pray for your safe keeping while you are away saving babies from German bayonettes. Thank God Canada has men like you, it means the rest of us don't have to bother.
Should you lose your feet to frost or an explosion the sock work well as mittens also.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Islam isn't a race. Judaism is.


This is probably coming to a city near you and chances are it's even going to be seen where you live. Do you know which city this is?



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Islam isn't a race. Judaism is.

Do you use that photo as a promo in your. 'We have the right to rule over you.' speech? If you don't I can see why.

To be a Jew you would have to be born in Judea, even using the OT maps that would be less than the population of Gaza and they were all born in the area so they would be classified as being Jews. Really want me to add the next line?


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Yeah I usually find it a bit annoying but funny when people call those who attack Islam racists. There are whites, blacks,, arabs, asians etc in that little club. For some reason people ignore that.

Actually I've never heard anyone refer to Islam as a race. :scratch:

I see it a couple times a week usually in comments sections of articles or news stories about anything connected to Islam or Muslims in general.