'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners':


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,
and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord,
and from the glory of his power;

It only hurts for 1,000 years. Who do you think is going to repent during that time, you guys or God?


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,
and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord,
and from the glory of his power;

It only hurts for 1,000 years. Who do you think is going to repent during that time, you guys or God?

In a thousand years god will realize the world is based on the randomness of chaos theory in operation. And even you will realize that redemption comes in the form of acceptance of the warm hand of oblivion to wipe away the pain, the stress, the anxiety, and fear. There is no pain in oblivion. There are no recriminations in oblivion. There are no regrets in oblivion. Ebrace death as a long lost friend come to guide you home.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
At what point after the genocide of the American Indians did the Monarchy version of Christianity go through that transformation where compassion and tolerance come into play. Seems like Christians are still waging naked war against people who are on their own land, yet they are the bad guys. It would seem that stupid is batting 1000 here.

I have trouble seeing this as a truly religious war. Religion is just an excuse, a cheap diversion from the truth that those committing these atrocities are simply emotionally unbalanced savages that seek power through the subjugation of others. Bullies with machetes and machine guns. These people will not listen to reason or logic, or even succumb to the teachings of the religion they claim as their own. They do however, understand the power that fear has over those they wish to control. I am saying that perhaps the Jordanians are right in turning that fear against them. Trouble is that martyring a few baddies in prison likely won't do the trick, to make them stop you'd have to take the terror right to them. And their families. And the fight-fire-with-fire logic means that the so-called good-guys need to actually become the monsters they despise.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Tell me all about it over coffee, right here 1,001 years from the day the 7th trump sounds.

I'll explain in a laserdisk recording of my analysis that can be found in a time capsule encased in concrete in the basement of an office tower located at 1066 Hastings Street in Vancouver, British Columbia. Once you have retrieved the capsule head to China Town. A big black man will come up to you to sell you meth. Buy it. Consume it. Open the capsule. Start watching the laserdisk, and the meaning of life will be revealed to you. Your consciousness will immediately be expanded. Then buy a pack of condoms and hang out in Stanley Park for the approach of men and women who will seek your seed. You will be drained, and ready for oblivion. Enjoy.

Oh, on a separate matter, the primitives of North America begged the missionaries to baptise them and then kill them before they could sin. The primitives wanted a straight shot to heaven. The colonialists simply complied with the desire of the primitives to die in a state of grace.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Slaughtered for their entertainment: Crowds gather to watch the barbaric murder of Jordanian pilot on giant screens on the streets of ISIS capital... and CHEER when the airman goes up in flames

A sickening video has emerged showing Islamic State supporters gathering to watch Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burnt alive on big screen in the centre of the terror group's de facto capital Raqqa, northern Syria. The crowd can be seen cheering and shouting religious slogans as the airman goes up in flames (right), before members of the crowd - including children (left) - are asked for their views on the atrocity.

Brutal: The footage, which is titled 'Healing the Believers' Chests', shows the captured airman wearing an orange jumpsuit as a trail of petrol leading up to the cage is seen being set alight

Barbaric: An ISIS extremist lights a trail of petrol leading to the cage in which the 26-year-old stands

Depraved: The flames reach the cage holding the helpless pilot. It is later flattened by a bulldozer

Captured: Muath al-Kasasbeh (centre in white) was captured by the Islamic State after after crashing near its HQ in the Syrian city of Raqqa in December. ISIS is now believed to brutally murdered him

ISIS supporters watch murder of Jordanian pilot on big screens in Raqqa | Daily Mail Online

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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Jordan executes 2 al-Qaeda prisoners after ISIS kills captured pilot - World - CBC News Looks like they kept their word, partially. There are apparently more prisoners.

And the executed will be hailed as heroes of the revolution, martyrs to fuel the flames. The more I think of this the more I see the only way to gain ground against these savages is to find a way to take the horror to them on a personal level, to subject them to such suffering that "the cause" gives way to something they will feel in their bones. It's sad, but the way to beat them is to become them.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Maybe we should start up some black prisons or something like that? Ids that your suggestion because 'we' are several decades ahead of you on that one.

Welcome to Iran Comrade.
Background to Confrontation: The U.S. & Iran: A History of Imperialist Domination, Intrigue and Intervention: Pt3
After the 1953 CIA-organized coup, the Shah and the U.S. moved to crush the widespread anti-U.S., anti-Shah opposition, solidify the Shah’s grip on power, and bring Iran firmly under U.S. control--politically, economically, and militarily.
The Shah immediately formed a military government and put Iran under indefinite martial law. The U.S. poured military advisors and aid ($504 million between 1952 and 1961) into Iran, reorganizing, training, and expanding the Monarchy’s police, military and, in 1957, its dreaded secret police--SAVAK.1
Opposition groups which had backed the overthrown Prime Minister Mossadegh, including the broad-based National Front and the pro-Soviet Tudeh Party, were immediately outlawed. All forms of political organization and activity--even literary gatherings--were banned. Massive arrests, unjustified detentions, institutionalized torture, summary tribunals, prison-murders, and executions were the order of the day. Newspapers, magazines, books--even leaflets--were outlawed if they criticized the government or the U.S. Censorship was enforced so strictly that the number of publications soon dropped from 600 under Prime Minister Mossaedegh (1951-53) to around 100.2
Parliament’s limited independence was stripped away, and candidates were now chosen by the regime. A “two-party” system was begun in 1957--with both the “Nationalist Party” and the “People’s Party” initiated and controlled by the Shah. Iran’s educational system was reorganized to institutionalize pro-Shah loyalty and propaganda.

Did we become the Nazis?
Hiring several 1,000 of the worst of them to run our secret police might have helped that along more than a little. (I'll put that in for you as I know about your restriction on what you are allowed to say)

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
If you become them you lose by default.

Then how do we deal with them? These are the type of people that see compassion as a weakness to be exploited, what we see as a level of enlightenment to aspire to they see as opportunity to subjugate. What else is there?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Says who?

Did we become the Nazis?
Almost exactly, read some history, call Homeland Security ask them. Just kidding no you haven't become Nazis, they could built better aircraft and tanks, but you /we have become fascist states, se Mooseoleanees definition. And he knew what he was talking about.

Then how do we deal with them? These are the type of people that see compassion as a weakness to be exploited, what we see as a level of enlightenment to aspire to they see as opportunity to subjugate. What else is there?

Only the truly subjugated could see the western ruin and destruction of the ME as an act of meek compassion. You watched a holly-wood production of some guy with his head down dancing in flames in a gage with no bottom. You've seen the same kind of depictions a thousand times or more in popular movies. We could stop paying and training them if we were serious about stopping the war.

The camera work was pro the set was pro the costumes were pro the acting was pretty good too, the light and angles were very good. Holly-Wood.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Only the truly subjugated could see the western ruin and destruction of the ME as an act of meek compassion. You watched a holly-wood production of some guy with his head down dancing in flames in a gage with no bottom. You've seen the same kind of depictions a thousand times or more in popular movies. We could stop paying and training them if we were serious about stopping the war.

The camera work was pro the set was pro the costumes were pro the acting was pretty good too, the light and angles were very good. Holly-Wood.

This is a lot wider than this one incident.