10,000 bc


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm not normally into reality show rubbish like Big Brother, but here's a new reality show that I do like: 10,000 BC.

In October 2014, Channel 5 sent 20 Brits back to the Stone Age to take part in a social experiment:

The Harding family, five of the 20 participants of Channel 5's new reality show 10,000 BC

In the first episode, the tribe is dropped into a remote forested wilderness in Bulgaria. Waiting for them is Klint Janulis, an archaeologist and survival expert. He will help them swap their smart phones and modern clothes for animal skins and introduce them to their new home – a Mesolithic-style camp supplied with some basic tools, rations and a pile of flint.

To get them started, they are given a freshly killed deer – a sudden reality check for vegetarian Josie. With only hours before nightfall, the tribe have to preserve as much food as possible, dig latrines and make a fire. Hours later, with the fire still not lit and raw meat ready to be cooked, their first night looks likely to be a very cold and hungry one...

Watch it here: Episode 1 | 10,000 BC | Channel 5

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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Why not give the million to the poor and follow them around to see how they spend it? Oh wait, this is the West, if one was helped all the wretched poor would want the same.
When does the Tower of London make a comeback? Royal guest stars can relive the 'good old days through drinking and song and the torture rack.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I'm not normally into reality show rubbish like Big Brother, but here's a new reality show that I do like: 10,000 BC.

In October 2014, Channel 5 sent 20 Brits back to the Stone Age to take part in a social experiment:

The Harding family, five of the 20 participants of Channel 5's new reality show 10,000 BC

In the first episode, the tribe is dropped into a remote forested wilderness in Bulgaria. Waiting for them is Klint Janulis, an archaeologist and survival expert. He will help them swap their smart phones and modern clothes for animal skins and introduce them to their new home – a Mesolithic-style camp supplied with some basic tools, rations and a pile of flint.

To get them started, they are given a freshly killed deer – a sudden reality check for vegetarian Josie. With only hours before nightfall, the tribe have to preserve as much food as possible, dig latrines and make a fire. Hours later, with the fire still not lit and raw meat ready to be cooked, their first night looks likely to be a very cold and hungry one...

Watch it here: Episode 1 | 10,000 BC | Channel 5

For me I would'a loved to experience this.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You live in Canada, drive due north, the odds are you will find what you are looking for on a single tank of gas. You got to admit cellphones and quads would make roughing it as bit more tolerable.