Six Reasons To Buy A Wii U Instead Of A PS4 Or Xbox One


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Six Reasons To Buy A Wii U Instead Of A PS4 Or Xbox One - Forbes

The holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving gave way to Black Friday. Black Friday set the stage for Christmas. And we slackers out there—those of us who don’t have the moxie or the guts to get up that early and go stand in line in the cold—still have our shopping ahead of us.

For some, this means deciding what to buy out of a bevy of choices. For shoppers and families looking to introduce a new video game console to their home, the choices are more varied than ever.

You could go with a last-gen offering like the PS3 or the Xbox 360. I give reasons why you should buy a PS3 over an Xbox 360 here, and reasons why you should buy an Xbox 360 over a PS3 here.

But today, I’m going to argue in favor of Nintendo’s latest and greatest (and worst-named) video game console: the Wii U. This small box of gaming goodness packs a much bigger punch than it did last holiday season, and it’s the best new-gen gaming machine on the market today in terms of pure gaming value.

Here are six reasons why.

1. It’s the cheapest of the three.

Of the three new-gen consoles, the Wii U is by far the cheapest. For $299.99 you can snag a 32GB console with Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World.

That’s a great deal. Even with the Xbox One Assassin’s Creed Unity bundle at just $349.99 right now, the Wii U is cheaper and comes with two games instead of one. Update: The Xbox One bundle actually comes with two games also, as it includes Assassin’s Creed IV as well. Meanwhile, the PS4 Lego Batman/LittleBigPlanet 3 bundle is going for $399.99.

2. You don’t have to pay a monthly subscription to access content.

Of course, the Wii U is also cheaper thanks to Nintendo not charging for its online services. No app or online multiplayer is hidden behind a monthly subscription.

Compare this to Xbox Live Gold ($59.99/year) or PlayStation Plus ($49.99/year) and the pennies start to add up. Granted both those services do offer nice perks, but the Wii U’s online is the only one of the three that is 100% free.

3. The best and the most exclusives.

Nevermind all that. You pay for what you get, right? Well the cheapest console also happens to have the best exclusives of the three—at least at the moment. Granted, the Wii U came out a year before its rivals, but that first year was hardly its best in terms of video games.

Now the Wii U boasts Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, a remastered Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. And that’s just off the top of my head. Upcoming exclusives include the new Xenoblade game, a brand new Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and the Shin Megami Tensei/Fire Emblem crossover, just to name a few. Neither the Xbox One nor the PS4 can boast so many video games you can’t play anywhere else.

Better yet, almost all of these games are simply excellent. Mario Kart 8 is my favorite in the series. Tropical Freeze is a hugely challenging platformer. Bayonetta 2 may be the best action game released in years. And Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is a fantastic brawler.

4. It’s fantastic for couch co-op and competitive play.

While games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. can be played online, they’re also really terrific to play with friends in person. Up to four players can play Mario Kart 8 and up to eight players can play the new Smash. Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze has two-player co-op, and Super Mario 3D World has up to four.

I don’t spend nearly as much time playing games with friends in person on any other system, mainly because those other systems are targeted largely at online play. There are a handful of great co-op games on Xbox One and PS4—Diablo III springs to mind, and Call of Duty can be fun—but the Wii U dominates this type of old-fashioned, in-person play.

5. You can play all your old Wii games.

The Wii U isn’t limited to just Wii U games, either. For Wii owners, or for those of us who missed out on the Wii altogether, the Wii U is fully backwards compatible with Wii games. This is a nice perk, and one that Microsoft and Sony left out of their new-gen systems (for perfectly understandable reasons, but still…)

This means you can brush up on the various first and second-party exclusives you may have missed, including entries in the Metroid series, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, a couple excellent Zelda titles, and more. At least a handful of terrific not-to-be-missed RPGs for the Wii are also available on Wii U, including Xenoblade and The Last Story.

(As I wrote this post I tracked down a copy of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn to play on my Wii U, actually.)

6. It’s great for families.

This obviously won’t apply to everyone, but if you have kids it’s hard to beat the Wii U. The touchscreen gamepad makes navigating the system a breeze for kids, many of whom are already accustomed to touchscreen interfaces. The games aren’t all kid-friendly (I’m looking at you Bayonetta) but many of them are.

This isn’t to say they’re easy games. Few games are as challenging as Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze these days. But titles like Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 are wonderful for kids, and of course there’s third-party stuff like Skylanders available also.

These are games you can play with your kids, which is even better. While my family dips into other consoles as well, we spend far and away the most hours playing Nintendo games together. As they get older, my kids can graduate from Mario and move on to tougher games like Donkey Kong and the upcoming Star Fox game which, one presumes, will be mind-bogglingly hard.


There are drawbacks to the machine, of course. You won’t find graphics quite as high-def as the competition (though you’ll soon appreciate the fine-tuning and care that go into Nintendo titles.) The 32GB of harddrive space is extremely limiting compared to the 500GB on Xbox One and PS4, though an external harddrive fixes that problem easily enough (at extra cost.) And there is a dearth of third-party content, unfortunately, as major publishers find stronger sales on alternative consoles. Call of Duty and Assassin’s Creed fans would do better elsewhere.

Still, the Wii U is a terrific deal with terrific content this holiday season, especially for families and fans of the sort of weird creativity that goes into so many Nintendo games.

Do you have a Wii U at home already? If so, what are your thoughts on Nintendo’s current home console?
^ Upcoming Zelda for the Wii U

In addition:

The following consoles and Nintendo systems will be backwards compatible with the console and sold through the Wii U Virtual Console:

•Wii (game discs)
•GameCube (downloads only)
•Nintendo 64
•Super Nintendo
•Neo Geo
•SEGA Master System

Wii U backwards compatibility | Wii U


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Console wars.

I would agree that the Wii U is the best console right now though.

I already own one. :)


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
weeeeee....the margarine of gaming. :lol:

do you kids even COD, do you even Halo? do you not Assassin?


12 Reasons the Wii U Will Fail

I don't even like any of those games listed and even if I wanted to play them, I'd play them on my PC which is not only more powerful, has better graphics, better controls... But is very backwards compatible and I don't have to pay extra for any subscriptions to play online..... And Steam keeps all my games nice and tidy without the need of discs.

PS4 and XBox One are just a poor man's PC who can't grasp mouse and keyboard controls which are more superior than controller.

If I wanted a console for my living room to sit down and play with, then I want something to be unique and innovative with different games than what I already can get on my PC.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Are you serious! Wii!!!!!

You may as well push Atari and Nintendo... or Sega.

PS4 and XBox One are just a poor man's PC who can't grasp mouse and keyboard controls which are more superior than controller.

If I wanted a console for my living room to sit down and play with, then I want something to be unique and innovative with different games than what I already can get on my PC.

I liked PC games better but you have a little over one year with a new PC to enjoy the latest PC games until your PC is obsolete.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Um... The Wii is Nintendo and has Sega games you can play on it.

No Atari though :p

Did not know that... well you get my drift.

Donkey Kong... Mario Kart.......... over Assassins Creed, HALO... are you high?

You're just playing devils advocate OR simply can't justify buying an XBox.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Did not know that... well you get my drift.

Donkey Kong... Mario Kart.......... over Assassins Creed, HALO... are you high?

You're just playing devils advocate OR simply can't justify buying an XBox.

Never played Halo, never really played Assassins Creed either. I've seen trailers and gameplay through IGN, Gamespot and YouTube, but nothing ever really peaked my interest.

Still, if I was interested in either game, I would get them on the PC. Since Windows 8, XBox is tied into the OS and you can purchase pretty much all the games for the PC without needing the XBox. I even have XBox tied into my Windows Phone. Even without the XBox tie-in, pretty much all of the games that are popular today are easily available on the PC, with better controls, better graphics, quicker load times and no need to pay for an additional online subscription to play Multiplayer.

I can't stand playing First Person Shooters or even 3rd Person Shooters on a console with a controller.... Mouse and Keyboard all the way.

However, the Wii/WiiU/Gamecube have all done very well with their controllers in regards to FPS's and similar games.

The thing is, most games on the PS4 or XBO are available on the PC, while all the games on the Wii U are unique, require special controls/controllers and exclusive to Wii/WiiU, thus if I want to play them, I need the console.

Also, if I bought a PS or XB.... eventually the newer version of those consoles will come out and I'll need to buy the new one, while risking the chance of not being backwards compatible to the games I already owned on the previous console. So I either have to have both consoles hooked up and cluttering my living room, or I keep the new one and no longer play the old games.

With the PC, I can play all the games that have come long before I bought my system and can play games that have been around since the early/mid 90's if I play around with some settings.... and when more games come out that get too updated for my PC, I'll simply upgrade the weakest part of my PC and suddenly my system is good for the next 3-5 years.

The WiiU at least has a similar feature where they allow older generation console games to play on it.

My Wii (the previous Wii) could play GameCube games right off the disc, while using the original memory cards and controllers..... the WiiU no longer does that, but you can still buy the games and download them to the system which is almost the same thing.

For the XB and PS.... they just seem way over priced for what they are and don't have the longevity that the Nintendo Consoles have, and nowhere near what a PC has.


No I can't justify it :p


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I hear you Prax.... I'm a WASD fan myself.

But unless you want to buy a new PC every year you got to bite the bullet. Try uploading a Skyrim or any game that came out within the last two years on a 6 year old PC. Such pain!


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I hear you Prax.... I'm a WASD fan myself.

But unless you want to buy a new PC every year you got to bite the bullet. Try uploading a Skyrim or any game that came out within the last two years on a 6 year old PC. Such pain!

Lol, I don't even use the WASD setup, never had.

I started using the arrow keys and surrounding keys since the Wolf3D / Doom days. Never liked having the keys so close together. Kept having to look at where my hand was when I moved the wrong way (when I did try WASD with Quake 1)

Oh and I did have Skyrim running on minimum settings when I only had a GeForce 210.... Very crappy by even the standards at the time I got it.

Popped in a GeForce 660Ti Twin Frozr III and I'm good for the next few years.