Artifical Wombs


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
it won't make any difference, men aren't needed now haven't been since sperm freezing and it didn't affect them one little bit

Future virtually reality and AI robotic sex dolls will make women obsolete to men and the change will have a much bigger impact on future women than men given that from an anthropological perspective, the construct of civilization is arguably of a greater benefit to women than men andd men are more likely to embrace technology and take risk than woman.

Men pretty much just want sex, emotional companionship and someone to take care of the house. Even now the crude noninteractive sex dolls such as the one pictured below that will be laughed at 5 or ten years from now are pretty impressive and when these dolls become fully robotic are indistinguishable from a living person in personality, mannerism, communication and appearance and all these things can be customised to suit individual taste then few men if any will bother with actual women given that men place a higher premium on appearance and personality than women do to men.

As one piece of evidence of these changes having a greater impact on women is the growing number bars in Japan that cater to lonely neglected young women who want to be held by or talk to a man or have a "boyfriend" experience now that young Japanese men are the first group in history to no longer be interested in pursuing living females and already preferring virtual ones.

Bottom line is we as a species are creating our successors by incorporating our technology with our 200000 year bodily evolution. Artificial wombs guarantee designer babies.

Artificial Wombs. Because there are not near enough people on the planet yet.

How many men do you know that will take on the moral and financial responsibility of a kid when sex no longer leads to reproduction? I should think the world's population, certainly the developed worlds population will shrink.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Future virtually reality and AI robotic sex dolls will make women obsolete to men and the change will have a much bigger impact on future women than men given that from an anthropological perspective, the construct of civilization is arguably of a greater benefit to women than men.

Men pretty much just want sex, emotional companionship and someone to take care of the house. Even now the crude noninteractive sex dolls such as the one pictured below that will be laughed at 5 or ten years from now are pretty impressive and when these dolls become fully robotic are indistinguishable from a living person in personality, mannerism, communication and appearance and all these things can be customised to suit individual taste then few men if any will bother with actual women given that men place a higher premium on appearance and personality than women do to men.

As one piece of evidence of these changes having a greater impact on women is the growing number bars in Japan that cater to lonely neglected young women who want to be held by or talk to a man or have a "boyfriend" experience now that young Japanese men are the first group in history to no longer be interested in pursuing living females and already preferring virtual ones.

Bottom line is we as a species are creating our successors by incorporating our technology with our 200000 year bodily evolution. Artificial wombs guarantee designer babies.
hot looking younguns by the way

really what difference will it make to the individual's life or that of anyone other than some are more happy than they currently are now?

if someone merely wants a sex toy and a maid and if that is sufficient for him and he is happy with that, could he really be a decent partner to a flesh and blood woman? I say no.

if all a woman wants is a sperm infuser and a food and luxury she a good companion long term? I say no.

I am not a super fan of the human race. I am a super fan of certain individuals within our race. I like depth and feeling understood, and support for me to stretch myself. No rubber dolly will do that for me.

I am pretty much live and let live and more so as I age. I have zero need, want or desire to control another's behaviour other than if they limit or hurt others in their quest for fulfillment.

Even if these dolls proliferate there will always be pockets of individuals who band together, make tribes or communities and prefer the companionship of human flesh.

If others want blow up dolls have at it. I don't have a problem with that.

Same with designer want a perfect child, go for it...but I will tell you this, it won't be what you want down the road, it won't be all one could conceive of simply because we grow and learn and change as we age...we have only the knowledge of the present and to attempt to manipulate and project into the future...can't happen


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
really what difference will it make to the individual's life or that of anyone other than some are more happy than they currently are now?

In the 1950s we as a society deliberately ramped up consumerism. Aside from some of the negative environmental and human heallth affects, people have fallen into a never ending cycle of work, earn money, shop, buy, toss away all in an attempt to placate an emptiness that widens further with each generation.

I know you enough to know you would enjoy this video series:

Story of Stuff (2007, OFFICIAL Version) - YouTube

if someone merely wants a sex toy and a maid and if that is sufficient for him and he is happy with that, could he really be a decent partner to a flesh and blood woman? I say no.

You would be wrong because that is virtually what every man wants. In fact, about 1/2 of attached men would have an affair if they knew they wouldn't be caught. When asked to engage in immediate anonymous sex with a hot stranger 100% of women declined and about 60% of the men agreed. Almost all men also want a threesome with their woman and her hottest friend and if you could see the browser of your father, uncles, minister or any other male you respect you'd likely be sick to your stomach.

if all a woman wants is a sperm infuser and a food and luxury she a good companion long term? I say no.

Again you're wrong. Women are biologically predisposed to favour men who can acquire resources. Men are biologically geared to favour women they feel are best suited for sexual reproduction. This is just biological fact and will continue on until we find away to swallow a pill and change our genetic coding.

Probably the biggest difference sexually between men and women (pay attention here boys) is that women have an inbreed need to be desired while men need to desire. As such, women wear clothes, makeup, hairstyles, shoes and walk and talk for the sole purpose of attracting a male and women find it much more exhilarating to be desired and wanted then men do who are pretty happy spend an afternoon in front of the strippers over getting their hair styled.

I am not a super fan of the human race. I am a super fan of certain individuals within our race. I like depth and feeling understood, and support for me to stretch myself. No rubber dolly will do that for me.

In 100 years humans and robots will be indistinguishable. When robots become self aware they will likely want to keep humans in their world as it is the only thing that gives a self aware robot reason to exist much like most humans need a god of one sort or another to actually give meaning to their own existence.

I will bet dollars to donuts that you will change your mind about the dolls the same way most people dismissed the internet in the early 90s pointing to their shelf of encyclopedias.

I am pretty much live and let live and more so as I age. I have zero need, want or desire to control another's behaviour other than if they limit or hurt others in their quest for fulfillment.

iEven if these dolls proliferate there will always be pockets of individuals who band together, make tribes or communities and prefer the companionship of human flesh.

The dolls or robots will be covered in human flesh with beating hearts, hair and fingernails that grow, flowing blood and dilating pupils emitting pheromones and other subtle odors and indistinguishable from a full human in every way measurable.

Same with designer want a perfect child, go for it...but I will tell you this, it won't be what you want down the road, it won't be all one could conceive of simply because we grow and learn and change as we age...we have only the knowledge of the present and to attempt to manipulate and project into the future...can't happen

A typical person's personality is 1/3 genetic, 1/3 cultural and 1/3 family influenced. Controlling the genes and deliberately designing the baby has a huge impact on the genetic and by extension cultural influences and is a complete game changer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You don't even need the sperm these days to fertilize an egg. Viability is still a question though. But that no doubt will not be a hurdle that can't be overcome.

This definitely has a sci-fi feel to it. Soldier birthing factories and farms for tissue and organs. Creepy.

One clear benefit I can see is a better understanding of embryology and the directed mechanisms of embryo development. But that is more a question of should we, not could we.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
In the 1950s we as a society deliberately ramped up consumerism. Aside from some of the negative environmental and human heallth affects, people have fallen into a never ending cycle of work, earn money, shop, buy, toss away all in an attempt to placate an emptiness that widens further with each generation.

I know you enough to know you would enjoy this video series:

Story of Stuff (2007, OFFICIAL Version) - YouTube
brilliant little video thanks Grain, absolutely enjoyed it and put it on my FB wall to do some further exploration

I would like to believe that it isn't true but really it only reinforces what I think is likely the case and fear to be true on a deeper level too

And the thread that Loc posted a bit ago about the number one drug prescribed in the US being a mood altering drug would indicate people haven't been happy for over a half century in spite of having more. Which actually indicates that while we may desire consumerism and support it, the human spirit does not do well or flourish with that attitude.

I see that as a positive. We are more than we buy/have. The human spirit prevails.
You would be wrong because that is virtually what every man wants. In fact, about 1/2 of attached men would have an affair if they knew they wouldn't be caught.
So 50% wouldn't. That's pretty good odds.
When asked to engage in immediate anonymous sex with a hot stranger 100% of women declined and about 60% of the men agreed. Almost all men also want a threesome with their woman and her hottest friend and if you could see the browser of your father, uncles, minister or any other male you respect you'd likely be sick to your stomach.
mmmmmmmmmmmm maybe not.... an unpopular opinion and in the minority BUT I do not believe sexual fidelity is the most important piece of a partnership. We are told it is, but in fact it is not. There is a deeper bond and connection than sex. That bond, and connection may well be expressed through sex because for now we can not meld our minds in any measurable way. When we can hopefully people will understand more fully that connection of mind and spirit is the ultimate.
Again you're wrong. Women are biologically predisposed to favour men who can acquire resources. Men are biologically geared to favour women they feel are best suited for sexual reproduction. This is just biological fact and will continue on until we find away to swallow a pill and change our genetic coding.
And again, biological predisposition does not mean all women are of that mind set. Perhaps the majority, perhaps it is the norm, but that does not indicate superior....perhaps it may indicate...inferior in comparison to human potential.

I truly don't believe it is what every man and woman wants. In fact your stats say not every man or woman want it. Right off 40% of men don't. That is actually higher and more positive indicator than I had hoped for. As I said I am not a fan of the human race generally speaking, only a fan of a small percentage of it.

Probably the biggest difference sexually between men and women (pay attention here boys) is that women have an inbreed need to be desired while men need to desire. As such, women wear clothes, makeup, hairstyles, shoes and walk and talk for the sole purpose of attracting a male and women find it much more exhilarating to be desired and wanted then men do who are pretty happy spend an afternoon in front of the strippers over getting their hair styled.
This may well be the norm, yes.

In 100 years humans and robots will be indistinguishable. When robots become self aware they will likely want to keep humans in their world as it is the only thing that gives a self aware robot reason to exist much like most humans need a god of one sort or another to actually give meaning to their own existence.
I will bet dollars to donuts that you will change your mind about the dolls the same way most people dismissed the internet in the early 90s pointing to their shelf of encyclopedias.
Hey if they do all of the housework...I could become a fan

The dolls or robots will be covered in human flesh with beating hearts, hair and fingernails that grow, flowing blood and dilating pupils emitting pheromones and other subtle odors and indistinguishable from a full human in every way measurable.
okay and we will make them for what purpose other than to serve us.

A typical person's personality is 1/3 genetic, 1/3 cultural and 1/3 family influenced. Controlling the genes and deliberately designing the baby has a huge impact on the genetic and by extension cultural influences and is a complete game changer.
but not everyone will want a designer baby, some will opt out and others will opt for whatever they create together.

You're painting kind of a bleak picture here of mankind and the need to conform to the status quo. But think of the one's who have always gone against the norm. Not bought into the status quo. Boats against the current. There will always be individuals who will fight against this type of enslavement and group think. There will always be heroes.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
In my late seventies & twice married 'next time' I would opt for the sex dolls circa. 2050 A.D.

Much cheaper & less trouble.

Hmm, but then I wouldn't have my wonderful kids. Aah, we can't win.

At my age I am just waiting for the arrival of the mother ship.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
While I can't say this technology is bad for those who may not be able to conceive and give birth the old fashioned way, overall I have to say it leaves me with a rather cold feeling. Technology is well and good but it scares me sometimes how much it can take us away from our humanity. Not everything does but this I think definitely does that. Having given birth to two children, I would not trade the experience for anything in the world, swollen ankles and morning sickness included.

With sperm donations, IVF, test tube babies, genetic modification, gene splicing and now artificial wombs, we're merely one step closer to Matrix Pods

What could possibly go wrong?

You could get your very own artificial womb from the back of a comic book like a pack of sea monkeys, set it up in your living room, fill with water, mix in the womb packet until you get a nice rose wine colour, drop in your egg, sprinkle the pack of sperm in (or get some guy to toss a loogie in there), turn it on and head off to work.

In 9 months, it *DINGS* when ready and you pull out a baby. If under cooked, simply leave the baby in for another day or two.

Afterwards, your artificial womb can easily be converted into a crib to help the baby transition from womb to real world while still maintaining a familiar environment.

It's a great idea.

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