Climate Change Deniers Are Getting Desperate (and Personal)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Remember when the rainforest was the lungs of the planet until proven to be pretty much a closed system?

Sure do.... Wonder how long before the ecotards set their sights on South America?... Oh, that's right, S. American gvts and companies don't donate to the greenie causes, therefore, it doesn't make sense to focus on them

these AGW warmists is a funny lot. :lol:

How long do you think it will take for goreObsessed to blame da Joos for global warming?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

Meanwhile churning out products and sales just like always.

Lip service and a little hush money will do it. Just look at Apple. Unsustainable, non renewable, luxury items that they will continue to produce as long as the CEO yells about how climate change is destroying the planet Apple is free to conduct business as usual. Using money and power to greenwash their company. As does Coca-Cola.

Remember when the rainforest was the lungs of the planet until proven to be pretty much a closed system?

Oh yes... and once you cut down part of the rain forest it can NEVER grow back.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The comment below is typical of the end pattern of denier trolls. They start out making a heap of increasing silly comments, veering further and further from the subject at hand (and reality). Eventually they cross the line into unsubstantiated and unfounded allegations of fraud, scam, deception or hoax by scientists. I don't allow such defamatory idiocy here or on the main blog. (Ironically, in this case, this happened on an article about crazy denier conspiracy theories.) When their comments get deleted the denier spits the dummy and starts making what they regard as threats. It's the same pattern repeated over and over by different deniers. One is tempted to think these tactics are deliberate so that they can get banned. Then they can go crying to their denier mates and fill up denier blogs with rants about all those nasty alarmists, who won't let them defame scientists and fill up threads with ludicrous pseudo-scientific fantasies.

HotWhopper: The HotWhoppery - where dud comments get HotWhoppered


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
It's sad that autonomous seemingly intelligent adult humans can be so easily swayed by such temperature shiny keyisms.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
AGW is finished.

It has steadily fallen in the list of concerns of the broad population.. as it has been consistently proven to be a fraud. One that constantly changes the script and moves the horizon for disaster further away (but ever more apocalyptic).

People realize the AGW methods of fear mongering and psuedo science hide a much more sinister agenda. This political cult sees now that as none of their predictions of 'warming' have been realized.. they must change the narrative to 'Climate Change' to cover all possible scenarios.

It is the AGW Political Scam that has become ever more desperate.. less specific.. and unconvincing. They are frustrated by their total inability to lock up anything but minority of fanatics.. those that can be 'Fooled ALL the time'. The phase where they could 'Fool ALLof the people SOME of the Time' by bamboozling them with smoke and mirrors.. has long since passed.
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