Veterans scandal risks engulfing Obama


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Maybe they shoulda gone with embroiled instead of engulfed.

They'd get the red lobster vote.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Re: Veterans scandal [sic]

Instead of blaming Obama as the right wing always does, there is a simple solution which will easily help all vets:

Expand Medicare to Serve All Veterans

Expand Medicare to Serve All Veterans | Common Dreams

“If Congress is serious about helping to alleviate the problem and showing our gratitude to and support for our veterans, it will expand Medicare coverage to include all veterans. If that is done, our veterans could choose between the VA system and any doctor who participates in Medicare.
“Medicare is approaching its 50th anniversary as one of the most durable, successful and popular federal programs ever created. Do our veterans deserve any less?”
We believe that simply making every veteran eligible for Medicare following discharge from military service would provide a technically (if not politically) quick and simple means of providing them with access to additional resources as a supplement to those available to them through the VA. And it would eliminate the need to create a new bureaucracy within the VA to deal with private-sector doctors and other providers.''



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Re: Veterans scandal [sic]

Instead of blaming Obama as the right wing always does, there is a simple solution which will easily help all vets:

Expand Medicare to Serve All Veterans

Expand Medicare to Serve All Veterans | Common Dreams

“If Congress is serious about helping to alleviate the problem and showing our gratitude to and support for our veterans, it will expand Medicare coverage to include all veterans. If that is done, our veterans could choose between the VA system and any doctor who participates in Medicare.
“Medicare is approaching its 50th anniversary as one of the most durable, successful and popular federal programs ever created. Do our veterans deserve any less?”
We believe that simply making every veteran eligible for Medicare following discharge from military service would provide a technically (if not politically) quick and simple means of providing them with access to additional resources as a supplement to those available to them through the VA. And it would eliminate the need to create a new bureaucracy within the VA to deal with private-sector doctors and other providers.''
Nah, expand the VA to cover all Medicaid eligibles. VA costs less (about 2/3) per patient.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Re: Veterans scandal [sic]

you will have to persuade these people:



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Ah, ok. Well, at least that way you will not likely be saying "BLAME OBAMA!" as so many others do.
Meh. Obamacare is a mess. Never liked it, never supported it. The VA thing is just mismanagement. It's only a scandal to the manipulators who use it to score political points, and to the chumps who buy it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
“If Congress is serious about helping to alleviate the problem and showing our gratitude to and support for our veterans,

Dosn't the results at hand answer that question already?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Whatever happened to that veterans ''scandal'' that was going to engulf the Obama administration?

Republicans don't want to solve the VA healthcareÂ*disaster

Republicans don't want to solve the VA healthcare disaster

While Republicans and their billionaire allies are very happy to politicize the crisis in the Veterans Administration medical system, they're not too anxious to do anything to fix it.
A House-Senate conference committee tasked with writing a compromise veterans’ health bill continues to struggle with a Congressional Budget Office cost estimate for what it will take to allow veterans to seek care from private health care providers and avoid notorious treatment delays at veterans’ medical centers.
[The] CBO has reduced its estimate by 15 percent to $38 billion per year, down from $50 billion, but Republicans are still keen on spending offsets while Democrats are urging a non-offset emergency designation for the bill.

Of course they don't want to solve this problem. Beating up on President Obama is much more important to them than taking care of veterans. Republicans only want to help veterans if they can take the money away from some other program and make someone else hurt. Chances are, the programs they would cut to fund the VA fixes would be other programs that veterans rely on, like foodstamps or housing assistance. Because for Republicans, a veteran's service only counts if she doesn't need any help when she gets home.