Hudak starts to sound like a conservative

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The contractors who police themselves - most notably: winter roads maintenance. Before MTO was ground down to nothing - even with the slackers who attach themselves to government work - an MTO patrol person was in charge. Now, contractors (read: lowest bidder) are trusted to do the job. Contractors can bill more for plowing - hence the reason for snowplows plowing sunshine from highways. Contractors use salt and calcium chloride - not because it works better (It doesn't work at all below -15°) but because they dispatch fewer loads. Bureaucrats detest confrontation with citizens. Contractors don't have to answer to citizens.

Contractors aren't shy about going "over budget" when the pit is apparently bottomless. Darlington nuclear power project springs quickly to mind
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Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I don't give a ****. In 3 generation Canada and Ontario could be bankrupt and I'll be dead.


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Cut corp tax 30%, cut income tax 10% who the **** is going to pay for ****. You brainless twats haven't got a ****in' clue if you think that's anywhere near realistic . Red that ******* !

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
It's frightening, even the retired Canadian soldier guy said he wanted to slap him, but I'm pretty sure he will vote Hudak.
The propaganda that these people eat is amazing.
Pure vomit spewed at them and they lick it off the floor if some spilled.

A million jobs.
That is the ultimate worse campaign promise ever.

Then 100,000 government jobs cut.

I mean I don;t have a job for life.
But i support the idea that someone goes to work and brings home the bacon sends their kids to collage and lives nicely .

If our government can produce a job that produces that i'm ok with it, especially when I need something done or go to a hospitol or phone in for some advice or need a watch dog. the list is endless.

I cut a postie some slack in the fact they get to go to work and live a decent life.

The guy wants to take all those chances at survival away.
And not produce a million jobs. it's unreasonable to ask.

I'm not talking out right socialism , I'm talking a government that produces a decent living for people in the guise of helping the province work better.

why ax government jobs, whats so wrong with government jobs.

whats next ax health care?

OMG - since when can government create jobs? Are you serious?? Give your head a shake - please! Business and industries create jobs man, come on!

I'm wondering how much property taxes will go up when those "100,000" civil servants and the services they represent are downloaded onto municipalities

I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. Downloading how? Please explain.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Cut corp tax 30%, cut income tax 10% who the **** is going to pay for ****. You brainless twats haven't got a ****in' clue if you think that's anywhere near realistic . Red that ******* !
Cutting taxes usually raises tax revenue.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Cutting taxes usually raises tax revenue.

Aaaaand we've officially hit a new low folks.



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I still believe the Liberals will hold on in Ontario despite the critical mass of make believe
presented by the Tories. The NDP made a giant mistake in not supporting the present
government the Tories would be worse for ordinary people


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Not long ago, Stephen Harper mused about scoring a hat trick in Ontario -- a Tory at Toronto City Hall, a Tory at Queen's Park and himself -- Dear Leader -- in Ottawa.

This morning, Rob Ford is in rehab; Tim Hudak has resigned; and Stephen Harpers future -- who knows?

The province has finally turned its back on the 1990s-style Common Sense Revolution championed by former premier Mike Harris and re-offered by Tim Hudak in 2014. Clearly, Ontarians, in their wisdom, have decided that returning to the days of hostile austerity and ideology run amok is not for them.

The big centre ground the old PCs of Bill Davis used to dominate has now moved over to the Ontario Liberals. Much of the Liberal victory has to do with Kathleen Wynne's personality and leadership abilities. But the Ontario PCs' refusal to give up its hard right turn of the 1990s also has much to do with it. Ontarians simply aren't interested in tearing down government for the sake of a few tax cuts; they want quality public services and quality public infrastructure and they'll grudgingly re-elect governments who sometimes raise taxes to offer these things. Ontarians don't hate working people or unions as much as some Tories, at their most ugly, seem to instinctively.

After their 2003 loss, the Ontario PCs seemed to understand that Ontario had turned away from the Common Sense Revolution of Mike Harris. So they elected a moderate in John Tory to lead them forward instead of Jim Flaherty. In a misguided sop to his party's right-wing, Tory promised to introduce public funding for religious schools, a decision which backfired immensely and got him defeated in 2007. After two painful years of trying to hang on, Tory finally called it a day after losing a 2009 by-election. After that, the Mike Harris wing of the party swept Tim Hudak into the leadership, insisting that a return to the Common Sense Revolution was their ticket back to power.



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Not long ago, Stephen Harper mused about scoring a hat trick in Ontario -- a Tory at Toronto City Hall, a Tory at Queen's Park and himself -- Dear Leader -- in Ottawa.
Calling BS on this. Give a link to these comments.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Not long ago, Stephen Harper mused about scoring a hat trick in Ontario -- a Tory at Toronto City Hall, a Tory at Queen's Park and himself -- Dear Leader -- in Ottawa.

This morning, Rob Ford is in rehab; Tim Hudak has resigned; and Stephen Harpers future -- who knows?

The province has finally turned its back on the 1990s-style Common Sense Revolution championed by former premier Mike Harris and re-offered by Tim Hudak in 2014. Clearly, Ontarians, in their wisdom, have decided that returning to the days of hostile austerity and ideology run amok is not for them.

The big centre ground the old PCs of Bill Davis used to dominate has now moved over to the Ontario Liberals. Much of the Liberal victory has to do with Kathleen Wynne's personality and leadership abilities. But the Ontario PCs' refusal to give up its hard right turn of the 1990s also has much to do with it. Ontarians simply aren't interested in tearing down government for the sake of a few tax cuts; they want quality public services and quality public infrastructure and they'll grudgingly re-elect governments who sometimes raise taxes to offer these things. Ontarians don't hate working people or unions as much as some Tories, at their most ugly, seem to instinctively.

After their 2003 loss, the Ontario PCs seemed to understand that Ontario had turned away from the Common Sense Revolution of Mike Harris. So they elected a moderate in John Tory to lead them forward instead of Jim Flaherty. In a misguided sop to his party's right-wing, Tory promised to introduce public funding for religious schools, a decision which backfired immensely and got him defeated in 2007. After two painful years of trying to hang on, Tory finally called it a day after losing a 2009 by-election. After that, the Mike Harris wing of the party swept Tim Hudak into the leadership, insisting that a return to the Common Sense Revolution was their ticket back to power.

'If there is hope,' wrote Winston, 'it lies in the proles.............Might have been Orwel's philosophy, but he didn't say it. A character named Winston in the book "1984" said it.

Still, good post.;-) Maybe Timmy will end up in the gutter, abandoned by his Con buddies, driven to drugs and booze,..............hooonoze!

his campaign SUCKED

Oh c'mon Sal; he was gonna givus a millyon jobs eh. .............Jeez.8O

glad we proles scum saw him fer what he is.