Immigration Overload: More Than 1,000 Unaccompanied Children Flood Texas Border


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Have to disagree. It's a mess created mostly by increasing violence and chaos in Latin America, and compounded by the mutual inability of the President and the Congress to agree on a policy.

And the Administration giving the green light to Central America that amnesty is coming and refusal to enforce the laws.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Last week Obama was criticized for doing too much. This week it's not enough. Where will the next wind blow?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
More deportations than any other administration in history.

But I understand your position. It's based on the notion that the Republicans are perfect.

The GOP is so far from perfect.

But you saying that is based on the notion that you believe you're always right.

Last week Obama was criticized for doing too much. This week it's not enough. Where will the next wind blow?

Doing too much what?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So, you're completely satisfied with the Republicans' performance on immigration?

Eric Cantor's constitutents weren't.

What part of "The GOP is far from perfect" is confusing you?

I am completely unsatisfied with the GOPs performance on immigration. The thought of even giving amnesty consideration is asinine.

And that is a big reason was why Cantor was tossed and I applaud Virginia's 7th District for doing so.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I would not be able to look those children in the eye and tell them "sorry, don't want ya. Too bad a fluke of nature had you born in the wrong country and too bad you have to live under insane violence and poverty, but you didn't fill out the right forms."

These poor innocent children. It's heartbreaking.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
What part of "The GOP is far from perfect" is confusing you?
Honestly? Your general refusal to criticise them, up until this post.

I am completely unsatisfied with the GOPs performance on immigration. The thought of even giving amnesty consideration is asinine.
Good. Now I have a serious question. What's the alternative to amnesty? Do you think we have the ability or money to round up and deport 12 million people (by some estimates)"

And that is a big reason was why Cantor was tossed and I applaud Virginia's 7th District for doing so.
I applaud because Cantor is a douchebag, politics aside.

And before you start assuming what my position on immigration is, let me clue you up.

1. Control over who may come and who may stay is a fundamental aspect of sovereignty. We can make up whatever rules we want. There is no "right" to be in the U.S. for non-citizens.

2. If you don't have the leave to be here, or if your leave to be here has expired (same thing in my book), you are entitled to a very short list of things. . .

a. A summary, administrative hearing to make sure you are really you, and your immigration status is really non-existent or expired (to deal with paperwork errors).
b. Humane treatment while you are held in custody, including emergency medical care (operative word is "emergency").
c. An all-expense-paid one-way ticket back to where you come from.

That list is comprehensive, i.e., there are no other entitlements.

I don't think we will ever have an effective immigration policy until we criminalise hiring illegals and enforce those laws.

I would not be able to look those children in the eye and tell them "sorry, don't want ya. Too bad a fluke of nature had you born in the wrong country and too bad you have to live under insane violence and poverty, but you didn't fill out the right forms."

These poor innocent children. It's heartbreaking.
It is indeed. But so is condemning them to a life in the shadows, particularly given the risk that they'll end up being sex slaves.

We need a sane, enforceable, consistently-enforced immigration policy. One with clearly-defined standards for humanitarian exceptions.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I understand ES, it's hard to keep up with.

In other words you were just babbling?

Honestly? Your general refusal to criticise them, up until this post.


I guess you'll have to go through my post history to see how you are wrong.

Good. Now I have a serious question. What's the alternative to amnesty? Do you think we have the ability or money to round up and deport 12 million people (by some estimates)"

If we have the money to support them we surely have the money to deport them. (unintentional rhyme)

How about actually enforcing the current law?

Who'll be in charge of the rest of the Central Americans in the SW. Soon we're going to see some POed Mexicans with all these Hondurans and Guatemalans "taken der jerbs!"

I applaud because Cantor is a douchebag, politics aside.

And before you start assuming what my position on immigration is, let me clue you up.

1. Control over who may come and who may stay is a fundamental aspect of sovereignty. We can make up whatever rules we want. There is no "right" to be in the U.S. for non-citizens.

2. If you don't have the leave to be here, or if your leave to be here has expired (same thing in my book), you are entitled to a very short list of things. . .

a. A summary, administrative hearing to make sure you are really you, and your immigration status is really non-existent or expired (to deal with paperwork errors).
b. Humane treatment while you are held in custody, including emergency medical care (operative word is "emergency").
c. An all-expense-paid one-way ticket back to where you come from.

That list is comprehensive, i.e., there are no other entitlements.

Those are all well and good but they will not happen.

And wtf... your view is not much different than mine and so far from amnesty.

Look no further than Massachusetts to see what really happens when illegal immigrants get here. They qualify for everything INCLUDING free college tuition.

I don't think we will ever have an effective immigration policy until we criminalise hiring illegals and enforce those laws.

I agree there as well.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Who'll be in charge of the rest of the Central Americans in the SW. Soon we're going to see some POed Mexicans with all these Hondurans and Guatemalans "taken der jerbs!
Not if they are Native.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
In other words you were just babbling?

I guess you'll have to go through my post history to see how you are wrong.

If we have the money to support them we surely have the money to deport them. (unintentional rhyme)

How about actually enforcing the current law?

Who'll be in charge of the rest of the Central Americans in the SW. Soon we're going to see some POed Mexicans with all these Hondurans and Guatemalans "taken der jerbs!"

Those are all well and good but they will not happen.

And wtf... your view is not much different than mine and so far from amnesty.

Look no further than Massachusetts to see what really happens when illegal immigrants get here. They qualify for everything INCLUDING free college tuition.

I agree there as well.
That's why I wanted to make it clear. I wanted to forestall you from making up some dumb-***, supposedly "liberal" point of view and ascribing it to me. I'm a hard-liner on immigration. It's one of the very few areas where I think the Federal government can be effective. Too bad the Dumbocrats and the Republiklans are too busy screaming past each other and posturing for the constituents to do their damn jobs.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That's why I wanted to make it clear. I wanted to forestall you from making up some dumb-***, supposedly "liberal" point of view and ascribing it to me. I'm a hard-liner on immigration. It's one of the very few areas where I think the Federal government can be effective. Too bad the Dumbocrats and the Republiklans are too busy screaming past each other and posturing for the constituents to do their damn jobs.

It is not in the interest for the Democrats to enforce the law and the GOP is too afraid of being called racists.