Protesters outside court as Rigby's killers due to be sentenced


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Protesters, including the EDL, are currently protesting outside the Old Bailey in central London as Drummer Lee Rigby's killers are awaiting their sentencing. According to tweets from Sky News presenters outside the Old Bailey the murderers are to be sentenced at 4.30 pm, around 15 minutes' time.

The EDL and the other protesters are calling for Adebolajo and Adebowale to be hanged, and have even erected a noose and scaffold outside the Old Bailey.

The pair were convicted of the murder in December, but Mr Justice Sweeney delayed sentencing until after a key appeal court ruling last month that whole-life tariffs can be used by UK judges after the European Court of Human Rights said they breach prisoners' human rights.

Woolwich: Lee Rigby Murderers Being Sentenced

Wednesday 26 February 2014
Sky News

Protesters with a replica hangman's gallows await news of sentencing.

The two men who murdered soldier Lee Rigby are being sentenced at the Old Bailey.

Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, ran the soldier down before hacking him to death in Woolwich last year.

The pair were convicted of the murder in December, but Mr Justice Sweeney delayed sentencing until after a key appeal court ruling last month that whole-life tariffs can be used by UK judges.

As sentencing began, Adebolajo refused to stand as his name was read out and Adebowale remained seated to confirm name.

Fusilier Lee Rigby was murdered last May

Victim impact statements were read out to the court, including one from Lee's widow, Rebecca Rigby.

"I was also suddenly living in the public gaze," she said.

"I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. I felt like I didn't want to go on. I saw people nudging and looking at me if I walked down the street.

"I know my son will grow up and see images of his dad that no son should have to endure and there's nothing I can do to change this."

Adebolajo's barrister, David Gottlieb, told the court: "However shocking and terrifying a crime, a whole-life term can never be justified when the full circumstances of the offence known at the time ... show that the offender is not so deprived of all human dignity that he has no possibility of atonement in the future."

An EDL supporter stands next to a replica hangman's noose outside the court

Protesters remain noisy outside court as they await news of sentencing.

He compared Adebolajo's extremist views to "alcoholism" or a severe "psychiatric" illness.

"Whatever his expressed views or wishes, he's not somebody who's incapable of change," he added.

Abbas Lakha, Adebowale's defence barrister, said his client's psychiatric condition should be taken into account in his sentencing.

He argued Adebowale played a "lesser role" in the killing and that he was a passenger in the car - which he said he did not know was going to be driven at Fusilier Rigby.

Heated protests took place outside the court, with one group heard chanting: "There's only one Lee Rigby."

During their trial, Adebowale, from Greenwich, south-east London, offered no evidence in his defence, but Adebolajo, from Romford, Essex, gave a rambling testimony during which he told the jury he loved al Qaeda.

He claimed the pair were "soldiers of Allah" and had carried out the killing as revenge for abuse of Muslims abroad.

Crowds continuing to grow outside the court.

Woolwich: Lee Rigby Murderers Being Sentenced
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Kay Burley@KayBurley (Sky News presenter)

Adebolajo rep: whole life term not justified when offender isn't so deprived of human dignity that no possibility of atonement in future

Defending barrister for Adebowale said he should not be sentenced to die behind bars "unless the court is driven to the conclusion without any doubt at all that it is a just sentence".

Adebowale's barrister has said: "There was no evidence they were part of a larger organisation
or group, nor was there any evidence that in carrying out the act of the killing that they did any more than what they believed was the command of God, certainly not in furtherance of a religious or ideological cause supported by a group that they were members of."

Too bad your country, all put together, can't come up with the testicles to hang murderers.

That can only happen if we replace our left wing ruling Establishment with a right wing one.

Police and protester presence outside the court.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Sentencing delayed for another 20 minutes and is now due at 16.50. We're gonna be waiting all night.

The judge is asking Lee Rigby's family if it's okay to proceed with sentencing.
by roddymansfield 4:54 PM
4:53 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
The judge is now continuing his sentence remarks in the absence of Michael Adebolajo and Adebowale


The judge says both men will be sentenced in their absence.
by roddymansfield 4:53 PM
4:52 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
Some members of Lee Rigby's family shocked and crying at having to witness the very violent outburst on the dock

Michael Adebowale shouting: "You (Britain) and America will never be safe!"
by roddymansfield 4:52 PM
4:52 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
The outburst from both men came as the judge said he was in no doubt they had both become radicalised and extreme in their views


Michael Adebolajo shouting "Allahu- Akbar" at the judge, both men restrained and removed from the dock.
by roddymansfield 4:51 PM
4:51 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
Very dramatic scenes in court - Adebolajo can still be heard screaming from downstairs as guards try to drag him to the cells

4:50 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
BREAKING - Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale fighting with guards in court - being taken down to cells

4:49 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
Judge tells them they have both been convicted on overwhelming evidence of the barbaric murder of Lee Rigby

4:48 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite
Judge now back in court and defendants have just come back - the judge has told them to remain seated <a href="">#woolwich

4:47 PM
Rose Hughes (Gretton @RoseSkyNews
We've been let back into court for <a href="">#Rigby sentencing. Lee's family now filing into court. Awaiting judge and defendants


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Justice Sweeney: "You, Adebolajo, concentrated at his neck hacking at it repeatedly. All in an attempt to decapitate him for maximum horrific effect."
by roddymansfield 5:04 PM

Justice Sweeney: "(Lee Rigby) had done absolutely nothing to do what you went on to do to him. You stalked him and went into Artillery Place where he crossed the road in front of you. You accelerated hard and ran him down."

Mark White @skymarkwhite

BREAKING - Michael Adebolajo told he must spend the rest of his life in prison for the murder of Lee Rigby
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
<li class="Tweet PostType_1 focus" id="LiveBlog_Post107433005" data-postid="107433005">
5:09 PM
Mark White @skymarkwhite

<li class="Tweet PostType_1 focus" data-postid="107433005">

BREAKING - Michael Adebowale sentenced to life in prison with MINIMUM of 45 years


Justice Sweeney delivers a whole-life tariff for Michael Adebolajo, but says it is not appropriate for a whole-life tariff for Michael Adebowale, who will serve 45 years minimum

Mark White @skymarkwhiteLee Rigby's mother and widow sobbing as judge passes sentence - judge apologises to family for the violent scenes they just had to witness

Adebolajo (left) has been sentenced to die in prison. Adebowale is 22 but will be in his late 60s before he is even eligible for parole

Crowds of protesters outside the Old Bailey cheered as Justice Sweeney sentenced the defendants.
by roddymansfield 5:22 PM

Protesters celebrating outside the Old Bailey

Both men were wearing Islamic robes when they entered court.
by roddymansfield 5:28 PM

Both defendants will shortly begin their sentence in Belmarsh Prison.
by roddymansfield 5:27 PM


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Here's their new home - HMP Belmarsh in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, south east London (Woolwich is within the borough).

They have everything they need there. It has a nice modern exterior; a nice yard for them to exercise in for ten minutes a day with their 910 flatmates; plus food DELIVERED to them everyday without them having to go and buy it! Not to mention that their lodgings are rent-free.

Can't be bad...



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Here's their new home - HMP Belmarsh in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, south east London (Woolwich is within the the borough).

We had a soldier killer too. Guy named Nidal Hasan. Here's his new home (briefly). . .

Let us know if Britain ever develops a functioning pair of testicles.