Soknacki blasts Ford over bad math

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
You ask that a lot....

The point is: whether it's LRT or conventional subway train, right of way has to be secured before developers get in there and demand sky-high prices for easement. The "subway" part (burying the line) can be done later with demand for crowding space.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
You ask that a lot....

The point is: whether it's LRT or conventional subway train, right of way has to be secured before developers get in there and demand sky-high prices for easement. The "subway" part (burying the line) can be done later with demand for crowding space.

I ask that when you respond with non sequiturs, such as this post.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
You can check the math yourself if you want.

It is pretty simple to understand though. Subways are very expensive to build.

And its only Scarborough right? Why would they need transit? Lets spend more money on an environmental centre in London or another bike lane through the downtown core. Or lets throw away half the money and give them a glorified streetcar.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
And its only Scarborough right? Why would they need transit? Lets spend more money on an environmental centre in London or another bike lane through the downtown core. Or lets throw away half the money and give them a glorified streetcar.

I see you are paying close attention to the Rob Ford sob story.

It is not an insult to the suburbs to recognize that different areas support different modes of transit. If you don't live in an area with a reasonably high density of people, subways don't make sense.

It is an insult to all taxpayers to use plunge us into billions of dollars of unnecessary debt as a way to buy votes, while ignoring our most pressing transit issues.

If Rob Ford had not taken us down this road to nothing, people who live near Sheppard East would already be enjoying the use of and LRT line instead of wallowing in traffic in buses. Can you say he really seems to have their best interest at heart?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I see you are paying close attention to the Rob Ford sob story.

It is not an insult to the suburbs to recognize that different areas support different modes of transit. If you don't live in an area with a reasonably high density of people, subways don't make sense.

It is an insult to all taxpayers to use plunge us into billions of dollars of unnecessary debt as a way to buy votes, while ignoring our most pressing transit issues.

If Rob Ford had not taken us down this road to nothing, people who live near Sheppard East would already be enjoying the use of and LRT line instead of wallowing in traffic in buses. Can you say he really seems to have their best interest at heart?

Nobody enjoys the use of a glorified streetcar just like we don't enjoy taking the frikin bus. Just another way Toronto has and probably always will have the worst transit system on the planet.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Nobody enjoys the use of a glorified streetcar just like we don't enjoy taking the frikin bus. Just another way Toronto has and probably always will have the worst transit system on the planet.

Actually, many other advanced transit systems have embraced LRT.

How do you know you don't like something you know nothing about? LRT is nothing like a bus. It operates in a dedicated lane at higher speeds, carrying more people. These speeds are many time faster than a bus in Sheppard traffic at rush hour.

No form of transit is going to be luxurious. It is about getting from point A to point B for a reasonable price. Why would you want to pay hundreds of dollars more per year in taxes to bring rapid transit to fewer people?