Ford finally faces legal action.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I stated why I thouvht you and the idiot reporter are wrong. Just because you are, once again, demonstrating your comprehension problems,Is not my problem.

Glad to hear you are well and still normal and it's still everyone else who is the idiot and has comprehension problems. It's a wonder anyone of us can survive with all the idiots around. -:)


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
I didn't even know Dales name until this.

-Didn't California pass a law prohibiting any pictures of kids without consent?

-Dale and the news, has had no prob.defaming Ford.

-Dale was taking pictures of Rob's private property.Rob had legitimate concerns.

-If Dale were to win this law suit, it would spell big trouble for freedom of speech/Freedom of thought.
Ford did not say the word...He alluded to it.
( Which to my mind, in my personal opinion, is in some ways, worse; cuz he made me think it; say it to myself!...I would have preferred Rob say it himself! - Ref. Lewis C.K.; N-Word ;))

Rob did not say anything illegal...Just inappropriate.

Both men are being immature ********'s; in this case.

Maybe this law suit will keep them both quite for a while...However, all that said; Rob did push Dale to make a move...although ultimately I believe Dale will drop any law suit.


Need Truth and Proof to Prove the Truth...Believe what you will...You are Entitled to/by your Opinion.
Last edited:


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
riiiiiiiiight....... and of course you have so much more posting decorum than the rest of us "losers", right eh1?:roll:

I think most people hear have good posting decorum. Even you. As a mater of fact you're quite good at it and rather civil too.
I just can't reconcile defending someone with zero decorum in all aspects of his life.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I think most people hear have good posting decorum. Even you. As a mater of fact you're quite good at it and rather civil too.
I just can't reconcile defending someone with zero decorum in all aspects of his life.

I don't think any one is defending anyone in all aspects of their life.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
I don't think any one is defending anyone in all aspects of their life.

Lol, what was it you were saying about reading comprehension?

I didn't even know Dales name until this.

-Didn't California pass a law prohibiting any pictures of kids without consent?

-Dale and the news, has had no prob.defaming Ford.

-Dale was taking pictures of Rob's private property.Rob had legitimate concerns.

-If Dale were to win this law suit, it would spell big trouble for freedom of speech/Freedom of thought.
Ford did not say the word...He alluded to it.
( Which to my mind, in my personal opinion, is in some ways, worse; cuz he made me think it; say it to myself!...I would have preferred Rob say it himself! - Ref. Lewis C.K.; N-Word ;))

Rob did not say anything illegal...Just inappropriate.

Both men are being immature ********'s; in this case.

Maybe this law suit will keep them both quite for a while...However, all that said; Rob did push Dale to make a move...although ultimately I believe Dale will drop any law suit.


Need Truth and Proof to Prove the Truth...Believe what you will...You are Entitled to/by your Opinion.

Dale never took pictures of Ford's kids or his property. Ford had possession of his camera after the incident since Dale dropped it when he ran away, so we, including Rob and his lawyers, are 100% clear on this fact.

Rob Ford is pretty much the last person to crusade for freedom of speech. He has attacked and bullied every single person who has used that speech to speak out against him. This incident is just another part of that.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Lol, what was it you were saying about reading comprehension?

You have proven that you have comprehension problems from day one.

Dale never took pictures of Ford's kids or his property. Ford had possession of his camera after the incident since Dale dropped it when he ran away, so we, including Rob and his lawyers, are 100% clear on this fact.

Rob Ford is pretty much the last person to crusade for freedom of speech. He has attacked and bullied every single person who has used that speech to speak out against him. This incident is just another part of that.

The a$$hole was skulking around on the property directly behind Ford's yard. There was no reason for him to be there, except to harass Ford and his family. This is my opinion. In my opinion, Ford would have had every right to deck the son of a bitch.

If the useless di ck had had the right to be where he was and if he wasn't doing anything wrong, then why did the little shyte drop his phone, shyte his pants and run like a little girl......


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
You have proven that you have comprehension problems from day one.

Please provide an example.

The a$$hole was skulking around on the property directly behind Ford's yard. There was no reason for him to be there, except to harass Ford and his family. This is my opinion. In my opinion, Ford would have had every right to deck the son of a bitch.

Ford, who is the Mayor, was trying to buy public land, which is quite uncommon. That is exactly the kind of thing that the media should be investigating, since we need to make sure that our politicians are not using their power to get special treatment in situations like that.

If the useless di ck had had the right to be where he was and if he wasn't doing anything wrong, then why did the little shyte drop his phone, shyte his pants and run like a little girl......

If you have a 330 pound man running at you with his fist cocked ready to punch you, yelling,(probably drunk too knowing him), it is naturally going to elicit some sort of fight or flight response regardless of if you think what you are doing is right or wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If you have a 330 pound man running at you with his fist cocked ready to punch you, yelling,(probably drunk too knowing him), it is naturally going to elicit some sort of fight or flight response regardless of if you think what you are doing is right or wrong.

Of course the burning question is "would the average lurker be in the yard of a 300 lb. man who is prone to drunken rages and using the fisticuffs, lurking"?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Please provide an example.

Ford, who is the Mayor, was trying to buy public land, which is quite uncommon. That is exactly the kind of thing that the media should be investigating, since we need to make sure that our politicians are not using their power to get special treatment in situations like that.

and it was necessary to be skulking around behind Fords back yard because............... he wasn't allowed in the Lands office to get the assesment of the public land? He had to personally survey the public land lot and Fords lot? Reality, there was no reason for him to have been where he was except to harass Ford and his family.

If you have a 330 pound man running at you with his fist cocked ready to punch you, yelling,(probably drunk too knowing him), it is naturally going to elicit some sort of fight or flight response regardless of if you think what you are doing is right or wrong.

and if you had a brain with at least one working brain cell you would have known that that was a possibility. Then again, we are talking about someone that works for the Toronto Star.

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
and it was necessary to be skulking around behind Fords back yard because............... he wasn't allowed in the Lands office to get the assesment of the public land? He had to personally survey the public land lot and Fords lot? Reality, there was no reason for him to have been where he was except to harass Ford and his family.

If you were writing a story about a piece of public land in Toronto, you wouldn't think to go look at the land? Seems like a pretty basic bit of background work to me.

and if you had a brain with at least one working brain cell you would have known that that was a possibility. Then again, we are talking about someone that works for the Toronto Star.

What exactly is your point now? Even if he expected that reporting on a land deal between the Mayor and the city would open him up to physical attacks from the mayor, being scared of the guy when it happens certainly doesn't prove that he had no right to be there or was doing something wrong, as you suggested in your previous post.

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
To be expected once his lawyers explained things to him.I don't expect any of the usual suspects here to apologise though the righteous never do-now about that phony video....

Rob Ford apologizes to Toronto Star reporter who threatened to sue
Mayor says his issue is with the Star, not reporter Daniel Dale

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has apologized to Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale for suggesting he was a pedophile and accusing the reporter of spying on his children.

"To be clear, I never personally saw Mr. Dale peering over the fence or taking pictures," Ford said in council chambers on Tuesday.

Dale filed a notice of libel to Ford last week. In it, there was a timeline for the mayor to retract and apologize for comments he made during a VisionTV interview with Conrad Black.

In the interview, Ford said: "Daniel Dale is in my backyard taking pictures. I have little kids. He's taking pictures of little kids. I don't want to say that word but you start thinking what this guy is all about."

On Tuesday, he claimed the unsaid word was not pedophile.

'Did not mean to suggest he is a pedophile'

"It's unfortunate the word I did not say has been ascribed to me by the media," Ford said. "I certainly did not mean to suggest he is a pedophile."

He said he trusted a report from a neighbour he has known for 15 years that there was someone "lurking" near his backyard. When he went to investigate, he found Dale near the fence of his backyard.

"I have no issue personally with Daniel Dale," said Ford, offering to apologize to Dale in person. He did go on to say he did have an issue with Dale's employer, the Toronto Star. Ford faults the paper for putting him and the reporter in the position he was in.

Dale had denounced Ford's account of their encounter as "categorically false."

There has yet to be a reply from VisionTV, which also received notice of a libel claim.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Does a word of truth ever accidentally slip from this guy's mouth? I'd say the only folks left in this guy's corner are the Randian wingnuts who just want to see it all burn.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This time is different and it has nothing to do with justice even. In the background
governments pay lip service with faint praise. No one judge included will cut Ford
anymore slack. Ford is doing the apology thing hoping to calm things down for a
very good reason. If he goes into court and loses the perception of invincibility is
forever gone. The hero worship will end and the Canadian perfectly timed wrath
will begin. Ford is a spent force because the worst is likely still to come.
Having Conrad Black stand up for you is like the kiss of death as well.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Ford is so full of ****, this is another one of his non-apology apologies, like claiming journalists hadn't asked the right questions when after months of denial he finally admitted to smoking crack.

Rob Ford Apologizes To Toronto Star Reporter Daniel Dale

But in a statement to council on Tuesday, Ford it is "unfortunate" that the word he never said was "ascribed" to him by the media.

"I never called Daniel Dale a pedophile. I have never used that word to describe Mr. Dale," Ford said. "I do not believe Mr. Dale is a pedophile nor did I intend to suggest that in my comments."

He might not have said it outright but the implication was obvious, he was placing Dale in his yard with kids with a camera(which according to his own surveillance video never happened) and then inferred that Dale was a pedophile. Ford keeps pushing the line to see how far he can go, this kind of behaviour may be perfectly acceptable in the criminal world(where he seems quite at home) but it has no place in responsible government.

Ford also owes the young female security guard he told, "I'm going to eat your box" an apology. It's obvious from his past behaviour we can't trust him when he denies that claim. Makes you wonder what kind of man makes false claims about anther man being a pedophile while at the same time acting in a sexually abusive manner to someone in a vulnerable position like an employee. There are other members of his staff who have related abusive incidents on the part of the "mayor". There's also evidence of serious domestic abuse.

Rob Ford's true victims may be those closest to him: DiManno | Toronto Star

When cops arrived, they observed that Mrs. Ford had bruises and cuts to her limbs and face that appeared to be a few days old. But, when asked about it, she refused to say how the injuries had been suffered. She was, in fact, too incoherent to say much of anything — either inebriated or on drugs.
More Video
Mayor Ford ‘sincerely’ apologizes to Daniel DaleVideo: Mayor Ford ‘sincerely’ apologizes to Daniel Dale
Mayor Rob Ford Ignores the MediaVideo: Mayor Rob Ford Ignores the Media
The upshot of this event is that nobody was charged. When police tried following up the matter in subsequent days — as they always do when domestic abuse is suspected — Mrs. Ford was not cooperative.
This occurrence was just one of among more than two dozen incidents in the past eight years or so when a member of the Ford family has intersected with police, sources have told the Star.
The Star obtained the incident report from this episode many months ago. The details were also confirmed with senior police sources.

So when Ford and his supporters like Doug Ford complain endlessly about how poorly Ford is treated, they do so ignoring the huge amount of damage that Rob Ford does to himself and those around him. There's something seriously wrong in this country when someone this unbalanced can ride roughshod over the rest of us.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Wow. Beyond buffoon to actually lying about people then admitting to the lie.
"To be clear, I never personally saw Mr. Dale peering over the fence or taking pictures," Ford said in council chambers on Tuesday.
This guy just keeps getting better. And by better I mean moronic.