UN: Global warming 95% likely to be manmade


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I respect your credentials, I'm a mechanic I understand numbers too. I enjoy the argument ZF and I think having accredited scientist engaged enriches the subject matter and it certainly does count for something. However being a free thinking person of some reason I do not have to bow to your opinion however it has been arrived at but I do have to surrender common courtesy. I remain disagreeable. I think I'm right and I've read nothing yet to dispel that feeling..

Fair enough. If you find any goood papers on your electirc theory, I'd like to read them. Cheers!

You don't! I could be a 12 year old girl for all you know.

No, I would expect a good deal more educational acumen form a 12 year-old girl.

I have no idea of anyone's background here. Well that isn't quite true.. .

That pretty sums up your posting history right there. State one thing and reverse next sentence. ha ha ha. I think you tapped out whn you claimed you had a refrigeration ticket and then showed you didn;'t understand the fundamentals of refrigeration.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
No, I would expect a good deal more educational acumen form a 12 year-old girl.

That pretty sums up your posting history right there. State one thing and reverse next sentence. ha ha ha. I think you tapped out whn you claimed you had a refrigeration ticket and then showed you didn;'t understand the fundamentals of refrigeration.



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
If you don't think 1 degree F makes a difference tell that ice when it sits at 33 degrees F.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If you don't think 1 degree F makes a difference tell that ice when it sits at 33 degrees F.

As if that is going to be the permanent temp.

It depedns. What's the maximum acceptable level of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Oh so there is a definitive monetary value that can stop the climate from changing? A definitive number of electronic bank transfers?

He's doing what he can.

What are you doing besides the usual?




Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Actually what we have is a bunch of scientists employed by those who benefit from the AGW scare saying it's true and a bunch of others with no vested interest saying it might be true but the higher likelihood is it isn't.

Who funds the ones who have "no vested interest?"

What are you doing besides the usual?


Trying to help some people understand the difference between science and politics. Without much success, admittedly.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It depedns. What's the maximum acceptable level of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Since we have it on good evidence that the level of CO2 has been really thick more than a few times in the human experience and we're still here ticking away I suggest that a level necessary to exterminate us has not yet occured, so maybe what we're being asked to contemplate is a simple end of the world con supercharged with todays media speed and scope and expertise in selling laundry detergent. The polar bears are having none of it I understand.

Trying to help some people understand the difference between science and politics. Without much success, admittedly.

The difference isn't always as apparent as it should be. While nothing else in our world seems immune from political inntrique it is unfair to ask the lay person to expect science to be the exception I think.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I'm curious what everyone thinks about evolution. Is that too just a money grab?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I'm curious what everyone thinks about evolution. Is that too just a money grab?

Evolution has a lot of historical and empirical evidence and is generally accepted as proven. Even the church now accepts and teaches some form of evolution. No, it isn't a cash grab, except maybe for the Darwin awards.

The opposite side, creationism, is definitely a cash grab and has been since it's inception. It is an even bigger farce than AGW. Hey, we do the work of god so you need to give us money. I'm not sure why nobody has yet figured out that if there is this all-knowing omnipotent being he doesn't need a few humans to di his work and certainly doesn't need money.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
BILL NICHOLS: Electric Earth, Electric Weather | EU 2013

Posted on March 19, 2013 by B Talbott
Atmospheric scientist Bill Nichols offers a refreshing reconsideration of climate issues, with emphasis on the electrodynamic environment of the Earth, largely overlooked in the polarized debates on climate change.

Evolution has a lot of historical and empirical evidence and is generally accepted as proven. Even the church now accepts and teaches some form of evolution. No, it isn't a cash grab, except maybe for the Darwin awards.

The opposite side, creationism, is definitely a cash grab and has been since it's inception. It is an even bigger farce than AGW. Hey, we do the work of god so you need to give us money. I'm not sure why nobody has yet figured out that if there is this all-knowing omnipotent being he doesn't need a few humans to di his work and certainly doesn't need money.

Let's not be hasty about a word with baggage. Since we are here, you and I, we certainly were created and creations evolve, even if it's just a layer of moss. Like above so below, if a planet is created and stars and galaxies then how is it we evolved skipping the creation event. Slow creation may appear to be evolution and evolution appears to be creation. Does evolution create or creation evolve? Damned if I know.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No, I think where we left it last time is that you said there was no such thing as the greenhouse effect and then I asked you why the temperature of the earth wasn't the same as the moon at night time.
WTF are you on?

I'm curious what everyone thinks about evolution. Is that too just a money grab?
$861 Billion has been shelled out so far by US government alone. Where did it go?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Antarctica — Once a Tropical Paradise | thunderbolts.infoThe second curiosity comes from “the lost squadron” of the second world war. Lockheed Lightnings were abandoned in Greenland in 1942. Fifty one years later, Patrick Epps reclaimed them 250 feet under the ice cap! But this very feat revealed that the layers of ice were not annual, as is presumed by modern science. Each layer was a reflection of ice melt boundaries after each storm.
Ice core studies from GISP, Camp David, Vostok and all others, rely on the paradigm of one layer equals one year. All isotopic and chemical analysis assumes this fundamental delineation. The revealing quote comes from expedition organiser “Richard Epps”. He puzzlingly remarked, “Who told you one layer equals one year? We dug down through fifty years of time and found thousands of layers in 250 feet.”
The Vostok ice sheet proposes an age of 250,000 years! Yet if we divide the total rings by the number of storm events the total age drops exponentially. Especially when eras such as the little ice age, with its chaotic scenarios, produced myriads of rampant weather events. Could the ice sheet be as little as 6,000 years old? To add to this scenario, Charles Ginenthal in his paper on ‘ice core evidence’ explained, that summer melt and the deposition of thousands of layers during chaotic eras totally falsify the year per layer paradigm on which this theory is built. He contends that ocean core and bore hole results contradict the ice core data. Staggering.

Must we quarrel ? Why can't we be civilized like ah forget it.

WTF are you on?

$861 Billion has been shelled out so far by US government alone. Where did it go?

It went to buy the bullets to control the angry mobs when the truth about climate change becomes unbearable.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Fair enough. If you find any goood papers on your electirc theory, I'd like to read them. Cheers.
On the tail of our magnetosphere you find oodles of electricity. Sometimes it discharges, arcs back and nails the snot out of the poles.

We live on a pretty cool planet.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm curious what everyone thinks about evolution. Is that too just a money grab?

Oh well let's not stop the stupid train... please continue!

Trying to help some people understand the difference between science and politics. Without much success, admittedly.

Nah... you were trolling and got pwned again.


Evolution has a lot of historical and empirical evidence and is generally accepted as proven. Even the church now accepts and teaches some form of evolution. No, it isn't a cash grab, except maybe for the Darwin awards.


That's the alarmist just having a temper tantrum Nick.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Evolution has a lot of historical and empirical evidence and is generally accepted as proven.

Wrong. It's the Theory of Evolution. It is not the same Theory of Evolution that Darwin devised. It has changed amany times as new evidence is discovered.

Fail again.

On the tail of our magnetosphere you find oodles of electricity. Sometimes it discharges, arcs back and nails the snot out of the poles.

We live on a pretty cool planet.

Yeah, Apparently Jupiter's is particularly spectacular.