UN: Global warming 95% likely to be manmade


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Yes, even NASA is wrong. If they don't work for the oil industry they're wrong.

It has nothing to do with the oil industry. It has everything to do with the fact that the median temperature has been dropping for 15 or so years and we are near the bottom of the historical heating/cooling cycle. Nothing has happened in the past 10,000 years of this cycle to give any credence to the theory that a small change in average temperature will devastate the planet and human existence.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
It has nothing to do with the oil industry. It has everything to do with the fact that the median temperature has been dropping for 15 or so years and we are near the bottom of the historical heating/cooling cycle. Nothing has happened in the past 10,000 years of this cycle to give any credence to the theory that a small change in average temperature will devastate the planet and human existence.
It has everything to do with big business defending it's territory.

What accounts for the loss of arctic ice? The cooling?

That's where you are wrong, sir... When there is no longer any rational argument to be made, it's incumbent that the oil companies (please use the phrase 'Big Oil" as it has a more sinister tone) are wholly responsible
Give me a break, your position is beyond irrational, more like neurotic.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
What accounts for the loss of arctic ice? The cooling?
We lost a lot when the ice-pack grew by 60% this year. :roll:

Give me a break, your position is beyond irrational, more like neurotic.
Yes, your position is. Just ignore the factual data and current trends and keep screaming the sky is falling, sooner or later someone will pay you to shut-up.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
.. And who brought-up the companies (oil) protecting their turf?

If you don't want to be treated like a foiler, then cease in playing the role
Don't give me that baloney, you bozos keep pointing to everyone around the world who you deem to have a financial interest in climate change. The industry that trumps everyone else with what's at stake is oil, and pointing this out to you is suddenly a failed argument? Give your head a shake.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
... Ummmmm... Carbon tax?.. Kyoto Accord?... Copenhagen?

What do all these have in common relative to 'who' is proposing the costing models?

Ain't the energy companies that are hollering for that


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I wonder why they ignore that?
I won't ignore it, nor will I ignore the fact that it is trending down (as everyone who seems married to the conservative political ideology). As I said before if something has dropped 50% then increases 60% it's still down, and down a lot from where it was a few decades ago. What has caused it? I don't know, but at least face some common sense facts rather than trumpet nonsense.

... Ummmmm... Carbon tax?.. Kyoto Accord?... Copenhagen?

What do all these have in common relative to 'who' is proposing the costing models?

Ain't the energy companies that are hollering for that
Oh there he is, the man without a rational argument pointing out the money trail! You are failing miserably at counting the money.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
There was a time when a kilometer-thick sheet of ice covered much of NorAm... Is this the benchmark that you greenies believe to be normal?

Yearning for the days when much of the Northern hemisphere was uninhabitable, are we?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Don't give me that baloney, you bozos keep pointing to everyone around the world who you deem to have a financial interest in climate change. The industry that trumps everyone else with what's at stake is oil, and pointing this out to you is suddenly a failed argument? Give your head a shake.

Do you really think oil companies are in a big tizzy over this.

To give you an idea of the money they make...in the year that BP had to deal with the gulf coast spill and pay $56 billion in fines along with $3-5 billion in costs to stop the leak and a further $20 billion in clean-up They still showed a profit of $28 billion.

Now if the doomsayers and madmen who think collecting extra taxes and fees will somehow stem the imaginary out-of-control warming of the atmosphere actually prevail in their fight get a never-ending source of funding for their useless jobs all that will happen is the price of oil will increase by whatever amount is needed to cover the new tax. The CEOs will not take a pay cut and the shareholders will not lose their dividends. The general public will just pay $2/L instead of $1.50 and it will be business as usual for the likes of Shell & BP.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
There was a time when a kilometer-thick sheet of ice covered much of NorAm... Is this the benchmark that you greenies believe to be normal?

Yearning for the days when much of the Northern hemisphere was uninhabitable, are we?
Oh my God, it has changed? Didn't it all come back in the 60% rise?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There was a time when a kilometer-thick sheet of ice covered much of NorAm... Is this the benchmark that you greenies believe to be normal?

Yearning for the days when much of the Northern hemisphere was uninhabitable, are we?

Yes indeed... where I sit and most likely you as well was under a mile of ice. Where did prehistoric man go wrong?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Do you really think oil companies are in a big tizzy over this.

To give you an idea of the money they make...in the year that BP had to deal with the gulf coast spill and pay $56 billion in fines along with $3-5 billion in costs to stop the leak and a further $20 billion in clean-up They still showed a profit of $28 billion.

Now if the doomsayers and madmen who think collecting extra taxes and fees will somehow stem the imaginary out-of-control warming of the atmosphere actually prevail in their fight get a never-ending source of funding for their useless jobs all that will happen is the price of oil will increase by whatever amount is needed to cover the new tax. The CEOs will not take a pay cut and the shareholders will not lose their dividends. The general public will just pay $2/L instead of $1.50 and it will be business as usual for the likes of Shell & BP.

Not just that... they are free to operate as usual as long as they pay. And China, India, etc does not have to do a thing. So as long as bank transfers are made to the government all is well.

And that will stop the climate from changing for all eternity.

It was all the mammoth farts! All that gas released into the atmosphere changed the climate dramatically and ended the ice-age.

Well Native Americans solved that mammoth problem once and for all.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Not just that... they are free to operate as usual as long as they pay. And China, India, etc does not have to do a thing. So as long as bank transfers are made to the government all is well.

And that will stop the climate from changing for all eternity.

Of course it will. The scientists and government aren't gonna keep all that money. They are going to burn it releasing special molecules into the atmosphere that will counteract the non-existent warming trend.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Not just that... they are free to operate as usual as long as they pay. And China, India, etc does not have to do a thing. So as long as bank transfers are made to the government all is well.

And that will stop the climate from changing for all eternity.

Well, in all fairness, the Chinese and East Indian CO2 is 'green-approved' by the UN... Apparently, the emissions that will increase many times over from those nations (with the assistance from the UN/IPCC tax) will have a cooling effect AND it's proven that the glaciers will triple in size all over the world.

That's not me talkin' ES - that's science


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There was a time when a kilometer-thick sheet of ice covered much of NorAm... Is this the benchmark that you greenies believe to be normal?
YES!!! A f*cking MEN somebody is on the right track. THAT IS NORMAL. WE'RE IN AN ICE AGE HAVING AN INTERGLACIAL PERIOD. We should STFU and enjoy it while it lasts because when they end, they end very fast.

Nobody absolutely nobody can deny that fact.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well, in all fairness, the Chinese and East Indian CO2 is 'green-approved' by the UN... Apparently, the emissions that will increase many times over from those nations (with the assistance from the UN/IPCC tax) will have a cooling effect AND it's proven that the glaciers will triple in size all over the world.

That's not me talkin' ES - that's science

That is right Captain.

The UN KNOWS China and India will not do anything it doesn't want to. It also knows the west for the most part is weak and that is where the money will come from. China will laugh in their face if the UN makes monetary demands because of their emissions.

And many alarmists make excuses for them in this very forum. They know the China issue is a dead end.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
No doubt... Much like those idiots at Green Peace that decided to protest Gazprom in 'Western fashion'... The UN is nothing more than the brain-trust for these unwitting stormtroopers that do the IPCC's bidding

Good on the Russians to not take any BS from these morons and jailed the bastards until they are good and ready for a trial... Too bad that the weak-kneed NorAm politicians don't grow a set and do the same.

I wonder if the righteous greenies that are presently cooling their heels in a dank cell are rethinking their position.