British males- Dirty, dirty and dirty. Gross


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Waffle irons are pretty compact and travel quite nicely.

Nice cover, lol. As long as you load the dishwasher before you leave, we're good. Lol.

Why wash the sheets? Just win the lottery and throw them out after the week is over, then purchase new ones.;)

I like the way you think. For that matter just buy a new house too, then you never have to clean it.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Nice cover, lol. As long as you load the dishwasher before you leave, we're good. Lol.

I like the way you think. For that matter just buy a new house too, then you never have to clean it.

I like my house. Of course, if I were to win the lottery I would get a bigger one.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I like my house. Of course, if I were to win the lottery I would get a bigger one.

You could buy all the houses on your block and rotate through them. That way you'd always be near the house you like. Plus think of the extra storage space you'd have!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
a mixture of hydrogen peroxide & baking soda can be used as cleaning agents for your mattress - lightly spray the mixture on it, use a vacuum or run an electric fan over the surface and let dry in about an hour or so --- it helps if you can put it by the window on a sunny day

makes it smell clean & no doubt kills off dust mites


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
You could buy all the houses on your block and rotate through them. That way you'd always be near the house you like. Plus think of the extra storage space you'd have!

I think one huge house will be good enough for my storage needs. I can always rent out space in a friend's house. LOL!


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Funny the way that life works - waffle irons don't make just singles.

Are you proposing some sort of Pavlovian reward system?

The idea has merit. Lol

I think one huge house will be good enough for my storage needs. I can always rent out space in a friend's house. LOL!

You could rent storage space from me.

Of course you might have to buy me a bigger house first. Lol


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Well they need to do something about that because they are not the right kind of dirty, dirty boys. LOL.

No, no, no. I don't do waffles. I am however worth them, lol.

You are also TAKEN, oh shameless one..
Its cruel to get hopes up here...:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Single British males- Dirty, dirty and dirty. Gross beyond belief.

Single men swap bed sheets 4 times a year, study finds - Health - CBC News

Watch out ladies, the man of your dreams may have the bed of your nightmares.

The average single man washes his sheets just four times per year, according to a survey by U.K. mattress company Ergoflex.

The survey asked Britons about their bed sheet hygiene and found a few stomach-churning results.

Among single men aged 18 to 25, 55 per cent changed their sheets every 3.1 months. Of that grubby group, 49 per cent figured that was an acceptable frequency, and another 19 per cent didn't care.

Not surprisingly, 17 per cent of those men also admitted that their soiled sheets had "put off" potential romantic partners.

"Romantic ambitions aside, we were more alarmed by the potential health risks that unhygienic bed sheets could cause, considering in particular two unwelcome night-time companions — dust mites and bed bugs," Ergoflex's Steven Willis wrote in a blog post.

The cleanest demographic were women aged 35 to 50; where 60 per cent changed their linens weekly.
Point - Weekly should be the max time.

This is just one of those anti-male sexist posts that appear every week in British newspapers, which you wouldn't get away with had you made the same reports about women.

I don't look too much into them. The stats should all be taken with a pinch of salt.

The "fact" that single men change their bed sheets just four times a year is absolutely ridiculous and should be ignored.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
This is just one of those anti-male sexist posts that appear every week in British newspapers, which you wouldn't get away with had you made the same reports about women.

I don't look too much into them. The stats should all be taken with a pinch of salt.

The "fact" that single men change their bed sheets just four times a year is absolutely ridiculous and should be ignored.

Well the facts smell for themselves.