Looks like JT will self-destruct


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Looks like JT will self-destruct

If the Harper government wants to sock away some extra war-room cash, it should spend not a dime more on attack ads and just let Justin Trudeau do himself in.

So far he is doing a superb job.

The newly-anointed Liberal Leader's terrorists-have-feelings-too response to the Boston Marathon bombings was hardly a shining moment when it comes to showing spine or reflecting the political stance of true leaders.

Seems young Trudeau's a group-therapy "why-can't-we-all-get-along" kind of guy more concerned about understanding a terrorist's psychological circuitry and early-childhood abuses than hunting the coward down.

In this case, he's certainly not his daddy's boy.

Looks like JT will self-destruct | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun

Trudeau certainly looks like a true light weight.
Considering political experience, education and past achievments he does not appear to be in the same league as Mulcair or Harper.
Or Hall Findley or Garneau.
Or for that matter Dion or Ignatieff.

But he has nice hair and white teeth.
And he does make soccer mom's tingle when he walks by.

However I think the real question is whether or not the Liberal Party of Canada will self destruct?
Harper for all his failings remains a strong, steady leader. He oozes competence if not charm.
Mulcair is smart, tough and experienced.
The Dippers have punted the Liberals into the House cheap seats next to the urinals.
As official opposition the Dips now have the funding and research assets the Liberals lost.

Trudeau absolutely must win, at the very least, official opposition status for the Lib's on the next Federal election.
Or all is lost.
The Liberal Party of Canada will fade into oblivion, its members absorbed by the Dips and the Cons.
And Trudeau will get off that dead and rotting horse and walk away.

I think Trudeau is charismatic and a good public speaker.
But Trudeau will need to take Quebec away from Mulcair.
And then there is the Bloc out to gain traditional seats.
And Quebec has never really been all that fond of the Trudeaus.

The Provincial fiasco left in Ontario by ex-Liberal leader McGuinty continues to fester and boil.
And that hurts Trudeau's chances for an Ontario sweep.

And Harper remains a true National heavyweight.

Pretty tall order for a young rookie and if he fails in his quest the Liberal Party of Canada is gone, gone, gone.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Looks like JT will self-destruct

If the Harper government wants to sock away some extra war-room cash, it should spend not a dime more on attack ads and just let Justin Trudeau do himself in.

So far he is doing a superb job.

The newly-anointed Liberal Leader's terrorists-have-feelings-too response to the Boston Marathon bombings was hardly a shining moment when it comes to showing spine or reflecting the political stance of true leaders.

Seems young Trudeau's a group-therapy "why-can't-we-all-get-along" kind of guy more concerned about understanding a terrorist's psychological circuitry and early-childhood abuses than hunting the coward down.

In this case, he's certainly not his daddy's boy.

Looks like JT will self-destruct | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun

You wish bear. If you had bothered reading what JT said, you'd know that the "root cause" statement was the second thing he said but when you are writing phoney attack ad crap like this, obviously reading is unneccessary.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You wish bear. If you had bothered reading what JT said, you'd know that the "root cause" statement was the second thing he said but when you are writing phoney attack ad crap like this, obviously reading is unneccessary.
LMAO, another one that thinks I'm on the Sun's editorial board, lol.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Are there any sound bites of T-runt saying, "just watch me"?

How about "fuddle-duddle"?

can I get a fuddle-duddle?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
"When you see this kind of violent act, you do not sit around trying to rationalize it, or make excuses for it, or figure out its root causes.
"You condemn it categorically," said the PM. "(And) you deal with them as harshly as possible."

harper wasn't too bright either. Yes, justice must be served, but at the same time, knowing the causes of terrorism would be useful knowledge to prevent futrue attacks, no?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Another point to Justin's credit. Since he's light on policy and wants to give MPs more freedom, his position will affect mostly his local constituency, since we can therefore immagine that his own caucus woudl then be free to counterbalance him, forcing him to work more as part of a team, helping to curb some of his silly responses. And honestly, I'm more concerned with the kind of laws he'd enact, not on silly gotcha moments.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It is sometimes better to be silent than comment on a situation that is happening at
such a rapid pace. It is fine to speculate that they might not have the right person.
However during the altercation the night before it was reported at least once they
threw a pressure cooker out the window, I believe that was on CNN. Not many folks
go around with pressure cookers in their vehicles.
As for terrorists have feelings too, that statement is true. They all have the feeling of
senseless hatred perpetuated with visions of violence.
I don't care about the feelings of a murdering piece of scum that killed a little kid who
was there for enjoyment. He also killed and ruined the lives of many others to satisfy
his personal feelings.
America allowed him in, he and his brother were accepted into the society. The younger
of the two was quite popular therefore he can't claim he was treated poorly in America.
Personally I have no sympathy for the little bugger and I hope they fry him when they are
done with him. In addition anyone else who aided or abetted him, be they friends,
relatives, clerics or anyone else they should be tried in a court of law and punished the
same as the surviving criminal that this individual is. These two were nothing more than
violent criminals and should be treated as such. Enough already


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Looks like JT will self-destruct

If the Harper government wants to sock away some extra war-room cash, it should spend not a dime more on attack ads and just let Justin Trudeau do himself in.

So far he is doing a superb job.

The newly-anointed Liberal Leader's terrorists-have-feelings-too response to the Boston Marathon bombings was hardly a shining moment when it comes to showing spine or reflecting the political stance of true leaders.

Seems young Trudeau's a group-therapy "why-can't-we-all-get-along" kind of guy more concerned about understanding a terrorist's psychological circuitry and early-childhood abuses than hunting the coward down.

In this case, he's certainly not his daddy's boy.

Looks like JT will self-destruct | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun

:roll: The T sun has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
:roll: The T sun has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.

It is really beginning to look like Justin is on the right track. I know that I don't have to lie about or misrepresent what Harper says in order to be critical of him. The Conservative Party supporters are going to have to do a much better job if they want their team to hold onto power.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
LOL, ya, you save the lies and misrepresentations for attacking First Nations.

I don't attack first nations. I attack corrupt and selfish leaders of first nations as well as those that wish to enable and maintain a culture of divisiveness. I guess it isn't only Justin that you feel the need to misrepresent.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I don't attack first nations. I attack corrupt and selfish leaders of first nations as well as those that wish to enable and maintain a culture of divisiveness. I guess it isn't only Justin that you feel the need to misrepresent.
Nope, it is common knowledge among long time members that you lied (Which I proved) about the reason for Kashechewan's water problem, and even just recently you posted...

Oh-oh...Don't go there. CB is a little touchy about that considering Pat is aboriginal and therefore (according to CB) disadvantaged.

You have zero credibility here.

You fail, yet again. ;-)