Justin, Justin, Justin


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

Sure, why not

I understand that Justin gets to play with the RCs guns too.... That's quite an accomplishment for a bi-lingual lad.. I wonder if the security lets him play with legos - or maybe they are too dangerous as they represent a choking hazard

Yes.. Some of them even more than 3 languages AND, the languages they speak are relevant and global (not like the dying language of Quebec French)

I bang some of the beautiful multi-lingual women that I know.... And Justin doesn't

You just proved you don't speak French. If you did, you'd know that other than a few colloquilisms, the French
in Quebec is the same as that in France

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
You just proved you don't speak French. If you did, you'd know that other than a few colloquilisms,

Pretty impressive although I don't know how did you came to this conclusion?

the French in Quebec is the same as that in France

.. And that's why Quebec French is a dead language, no one outside of Quebec speaks it... Hell, the province is forced to impose draconian laws just to keep the tongue alive.

In the end, Que French is the linguistic equivalent of an appendix... It serves no useful purpose.

So, good for Justin that he has mastered a dying language... Next stop for Trudeau - learn to speak Latin fluently


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Justin Trudeau could go on French tv and speak to the people of France without a problem and they wouldn't have a problem understanding him. If you spoke French you would know that.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Money talks and bullsh*t walks.... Like it or not, Bieber has a crap ton of it

Besides, this isn't about 'liking' Bieber; it's about who is the prettier?

Justin B or Justin T?

I'm sure Bieber is loaded.. My advice to him: "Save your money, son, it's a short ride." :lol:

If you're comparing pretty Justins you really should throw Justin T into the mix too. I like Justines better myself, but hey, knock yoursefl out.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I expect Justin to be a nice, telegenic, politically vacuous icon.. a chip off the old block.. Margaret that is.. filled with empty slogans.. naive idealims.. and NONE of the ruthless political pragmatism... or success of his father. Another nail in the coffin of the Liberal Party of Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I expect Justin to be a nice, telegenic, politically vacuous icon.. a chip off the old block.. Margaret that is.. filled with empty slogans.. naive idealims.. and NONE of the ruthless political pragmatism... or success of his father. Another nail in the coffin of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Spoken like a true conservative.

What is the interest per year on a 100,000,000,000.00...........That is what Harper is costing us.......Added to
the rest of our debt of course.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Juan, it doesn't atter who is running the country. They all have to follow the same path to the same goal.

It's all fluff.

You may as well watch Young And The Restless.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Spoken like a true conservative.

What is the interest per year on a 100,000,000,000.00...........That is what Harper is costing us.......Added to
the rest of our debt of course.

Too funny... Justin's old man was ground zero for that debt. We're still paying for his ineptitude.

I guess that you won't like that little reminder will ya?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
One thing about oldman Trudeau you may or may not like, he did kick off the oil sands, heavy oil and the NG boom we're enjoying today in AB and SK.

Nuclear in SK as well.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Thanks for the reminder.

Allow me, in return, to offer you a little dose of reality:


captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
One thing about oldman Trudeau you may or may not like, he did kick off the oil sands, heavy oil and the NG boom we're enjoying today in AB and SK.

I guess so.. Really makes you wonder why he followed that up with gutting the industry and collapsing the economy.

My best guess is that it has much to do with Pierre having no real life experience, nor understanding of economic principles..... Sounds hauntingly familiar in terms of his kid, don't it?

Thanks for the reminder.

Allow me, in return, to offer you a little dose of reality:

... And your point?

Got a little news flash for ya. These things don't happen in a vacuum nor do they relate gvt policy and actions to the impact that they have on representations you posted.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
... And your point?

Got a little news flash for ya. .

My point? I didn't think it would be that difficult to ascertain. My apologies. The graphic neatly disputes your rather silly notion that Canada's national debt is all the fault of Pierre Trudeau. I think it makes the point quite nicely, don't you?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
My point? I didn't think it would be that difficult to ascertain. My apologies. The graphic neatly disputes your rather silly notion that Canada's national debt is all the fault of Pierre Trudeau. I think it makes the point quite nicely, don't you?

No i don't think that, hence my post questioning such.

I though that it was quite obvious.

In any event, attached are a couple of articles you can read on the subject of PET... Of particular interest is this little quote:

"... a survey conducted by the Canadian National Historical Society’s magazine The Beaver that named Trudeau the “worst Canadian” — worse, even than Clifford Olson (ninth), Paul Bernardo (fifth), or Conrad Black (tenth). An eclectic hate list."

hehe, looks like Clifford Olsen is considered a lesser evil to PET.... Interesting, non?
Read and enjoy.http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2011/03/31/peter-worthington-pierre-trudeaus-damaged-canada/http:



House Member
Apr 12, 2013
No i don't think that, hence my post questioning such.

I though that it was quite obvious.

In any event, attached are a couple of articles you can read on the subject of PET... Of particular interest is this little quote:

"... a survey conducted by the Canadian National Historical Society’s magazine The Beaver that named Trudeau the “worst Canadian” — worse, even than Clifford Olson (ninth), Paul Bernardo (fifth), or Conrad Black (tenth). An eclectic hate list."

hehe, looks like Clifford Olsen is considered a lesser evil to PET.... Interesting, non?
Read and enjoy.http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2011/03/31/peter-worthington-pierre-trudeaus-damaged-canada/http:


So let me get this staright then. In refutation to your point about Pierre Trudeau running up the debt I provide you with a graph showing Canada's debt during the various administrations.

In return you provide a blog post asserting that Pierre Trudeau was worse than a serial killer of children.

Well, thanks for demonstrating a frankly breathtaking display of partisan hackery there. On the plus side, at least I know not to take you seriously anymore.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
No i don't think that, hence my post questioning such.

I though that it was quite obvious.

In any event, attached are a couple of articles you can read on the subject of PET... Of particular interest is this little quote:

"... a survey conducted by the Canadian National Historical Society’s magazine The Beaver that named Trudeau the “worst Canadian” — worse, even than Clifford Olson (ninth), Paul Bernardo (fifth), or Conrad Black (tenth). An eclectic hate list."

hehe, looks like Clifford Olsen is considered a lesser evil to PET.... Interesting, non?
Read and enjoy.http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2011/03/31/peter-worthington-pierre-trudeaus-damaged-canada/http:


That is so stupid, it is silly.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So let me get this staright then. In refutation to your point about Pierre Trudeau running up the debt I provide you with a graph showing Canada's debt during the various administrations.

.. And as I specifically stated, you need context for the pretty graphs to have any force... Those figures articulate the debt levels (I assume accurately) but go no where in detailing the obligations that extend from administration to administration.... Like compounding interest rates over long periods of time

For example, under PET, the size of gvt increased dramatically, your little graph doesn't recognize the unfunded liabilities or ongoing obligations.

No one contests the fact that Trudeau is the heavy weight champion in organizing unsustainable levels of debt especially in times of high interest (your graph doesn't factor in that one either).

In return you provide a blog post asserting that Pierre Trudeau was worse than a serial killer of children.

A blog post?

You mean The National Post right? you just accidentally misspelled what you meant

Well, thanks for demonstrating a frankly breathtaking display of partisan hackery there. On the plus side, at least I know not to take you seriously anymore.

Too funny.. Even the Liberals understand that Trudeau gutted the financial capacity of the country, yet here you are willfully ignoring the reality.

Nothing that I (or anyone) can say to change your idolization of the man.... Blindness like that is on par with hitting your hand with a hammer over and over and wondering why it still hurts each time

That is so stupid, it is silly.

Interesting that the National Post wasn't too concerned about publishing that info in Canada's national newspaper for distribution clear across the country.... Kinda makes you wonder why the NP was not at all concerned about lawsuits from the Liberal Party on this.

Interesting, non?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
.. And as I specifically stated, you need context for the pretty graphs to have any force... Those figures articulate the debt levels (I assume accurately) but go no where in detailing the obligations that extend from administration to administration.... Like compounding interest rates over long periods of time

For example, under PET, the size of gvt increased dramatically, your little graph doesn't recognize the unfunded liabilities or ongoing obligations.

No one contests the fact that Trudeau is the heavy weight champion in organizing unsustainable levels of debt especially in times of high interest (your graph doesn't factor in that one either).

A blog post?

You mean The National Post right? you just accidentally misspelled what you meant

Too funny.. Even the Liberals understand that Trudeau gutted the financial capacity of the country, yet here you are willfully ignoring the reality.

Nothing that I (or anyone) can say to change your idolization of the man.... Blindness like that is on par with hitting your hand with a hammer over and over and wondering why it still hurts each time

Interesting that the National Post wasn't too concerned about publishing that info in Canada's national newspaper for distribution clear across the country.... Kinda makes you wonder why the NP was not at all concerned about lawsuits from the Liberal Party on this.

Interesting, non?

Well, I'm willing to be fair on this. Let's find the parents of one of Olsen's victims. I'll even let you pick them. You can find ones that are dyed-in-the-wool conservatives. And then we can ask them what was worse for them--having their child raped, tortured and murdered by a psychopath, or Pierre Elliot Trudeau's tenure as Prime Minister.

My point of view is that they would likely be offended by the question. Your point of view is that they would respond: "Well, Captain Morgan, as bad as it was finding out that your child died a horrible, painful death at the hands of a sexual sadist and is now gone from our lives forever, I would have to say that, all things considered, Trudeau was worse."
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