Oil Sand Myths


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
You mean holding them accoutable the way we're supposed to in a democracy?

The Conservatives are one of the least democractic governments we've ever had and blocked any meaningful actions on this issue, it's full speed ahead and forget any real debate on tar sands development. Look what a joke you and others treat it as here.

In our name the Conservative government is also going abroad and doing the same thing at international forums.

Canada Wins Fossil of the Year Award in Durban – Climate Action Network Canada

Based on the science, continuing massive releases of greenhouse gases by human activities is going to eventually have catastrophic consequences, they can already be considered disasterous in many cases. What the Conservatives are doing is along the same lines the federal government did on the Atlantic cod fisheries, letting industry set the restrictions(basically none) until the species was commerically extinct. What's going on now with climate change doesn't just affect a relatively limited fish stock, it's driving the global climate into a new and hotter state with little or no certainty if we'll even be able to survive the resulting predicted massive species loss. We're already looking at losing tens or even hundreds of thousands of species over the next century, at what point does that include us.

The whole point in having a democracy is citizen input, what we have isn't even close to that. Steven Harper and his government have closed down all the avenues to access to information they could and undercut the electoral system to the greatest degree they could and still avoid a massive backlash. Unless we want on a global environment system scale what happened to the Atlantic Cod fisheries then we'd better do something fast. People didn't listen to the inshore fishermen as they complained for years about diminishing catches, some very qualified people have been warning about the risks of uncontrolled release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases as well as other activities that alter the radiative forcing. We can listen or burn, considering that our current PM is of the personal belief due to his religion that might not be such a bad thing we should be very concerned.

And they have to "compete" with companies like ExxonMobil which is a leftover from the monopoly created by Standard Oil, as is Chevron. There's not a lot of real competition in the oil business.

We can continue to take the path of least resistance when it comes to the energy and financial sector, basically we're in a free-fall right now in terms of legislation and political control over the fossil fuel sector. The thing about free-fall is you only get the sensation of freedom...until you hit the ground.

Based on the best science the ground is rapidly approaching and instead of pulling the rip-cord, our government is telling us we need to assume a more aerodynamic pose to speed things up. They want us to focus solely on short-term economic gains and not at all on long-term social, economic and environmental losses that promise to be historic in scale.

BTW my intent isn't to say we need to limit human development, it's to say we can and must direct it in a way where we don't destroy ourselves...

There's lot's of competition in the oil industry,the most aggressive make lots of money and buy up the juniors.
Sometimes the juniors do good and buy up the bigger fish.
Lot's of time's it's the small guys that drill the risky wells,boom or bust.

You probably never even heard of the oil company I'm working for right now.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
There's lot's of competition in the oil industry,the most aggressive make lots of money and buy up the juniors.
Sometimes the juniors do good and buy up the bigger fish.
Lot's of time's it's the small guys that drill the risky wells,boom or bust.

You probably never even heard of the oil company I'm working for right now.

Yes and two of the largest are leftover from the original monopoly, how competitive is that. ExxonMobil is the largest company in the world by revenue, there isn't an even playing field even within the fossil fuel sector, good luck with the alternatives trying to compete fairly.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No, I get it, I just don't care.
And that's why you can and will be dismissed as an ideologue with nothing to offer.

Anyone who spends time talking about comfort in a situation where we're more and more presented with a situation of mere survival is so far off topic it's ridiculous.
According to the perpetually buggered anyways.

Then what the hell are you arguing for?
I've told you at least a dozen times now. I'm not arguing the facts, I'm arguing your BS. Well to be honest, I'm PWNing your BS, to be exact.

What monopoly Red?
Anyone with money can start an oil company.
Oh look, it's Redmontons brother.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Yes and two of the largest are leftover from the original monopoly, how competitive is that. ExxonMobil is the largest company in the world by revenue, there isn't an even playing field even within the fossil fuel sector, good luck with the alternatives trying to compete fairly.
How about shell?

There's no Exxon activity where im at.

Thumbs down on any troll posts,ignore them Red,lets discuss this like adults.
I'm all ears.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I'll neg rep all the troll posts.
You seem more intent on following me around and "powning" something then discussing anything.

Neg rep me all u want,this is an internet forum,not real life.

Fill your boots.
I'm pretty well "owning" you right now making you go back through all my posts.


I'm now owning your time,time better spent somewhere else.

Alerts (52)

You got a lot of posts to go through to neg rep them all,have fun! i'm going for a cold one with the boys.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You got a lot of posts to go through to neg rep them all,have fun! i'm going for a cold one with the boys.
I only negged the stupid ones in the past two days. Highspeed computer, highspeed internet, took seconds to do.

Unlike you, I'm not on some thrift store comp, hiding in mommies basement. Pretending to be a big oil man.

So, since you've admitted to being a fraud. And have refused to ansewr my question about Paul Roada, three times now.

I guess all your posts are clearly troll posts.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
And that's why you can and will be dismissed as an ideologue with nothing to offer.

According to the perpetually buggered anyways.

I've told you at least a dozen times now. I'm not arguing the facts, I'm arguing your BS. Well to be honest, I'm PWNing your BS, to be exact.

Oh look, it's Redmontons brother.

And back to the mindless abuse.

I'm just going to stop unignoring you blokes.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Ignore the trolls,Remember the rules.

Please refrain from PERSONAL ATTACKS and keep this thread ON TOPIC!!
We don't want to moderate your post or ban you, but we might have to if you can't follow the forum rules!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ignore the trolls,Remember the rules.

Please refrain from PERSONAL ATTACKS and keep this thread ON TOPIC!!
We don't want to moderate your post or ban you, but we might have to if you can't follow the forum rules!
Shall I repost all the personal attacks you deposited in the other thread?

Please, if you're going to cry like this about personal attacks. Don't make personal attacks.

So, how's Paul Roada?

Ya ya, I know you think your personal attacks are ok, and the neg button is some powerful weapon you now have...

But can you tell me who Paul Roada is?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Shall I repost all the personal attacks you deposited in the other thread?

Please, if you're going to cry like this about personal attacks. Don't make personal attacks.

So, how's Paul Roada?

Ya ya, I know you think your personal attacks are ok, and the neg button is some powerful weapon you now have...

But can you tell me who Paul Roada is?
I asked Red if he wanted to discuss this like adults,if you dont want to comply then butt out.

I can't answer all his questions but theres lots of guys who can on here.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I asked Red if he wanted to discuss this like adults,if you dont want to comply then butt out.
I get that, you think you set the rules.

You can troll and levy all manner of ignorant personal attacks, including weaponizing homosexuality. But when you get it back, you cry like a bitch...


So who is Paul Roada?

I can't answer all his questions but theres lots of guys who can on here.
You can't anser any of his questions, you're a fraud.

So how's Paul Roada?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm now owning your time,time better spent somewhere else.

You got a lot of posts to go through to neg rep them all,have fun! i'm going for a cold one with the boys.

Jeez, you're two beers behind already. Make sure you tell your friends you were kept from the beer by the people on the internet. Careful, or you might end up spending your whole day tied to your computer, just like your Sunday!



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ask away Red.
Ignore the personal attack thing,it will go away in about 3 days if you dont respond.
I've been here for years, it's well known I'm relentless.

You being a fraud, only makes the hunt more sweeter.

So who is Paul Roada Kakato?

You should know him.