Tsunami-linked fishing boat adrift off B.C.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Actually, I think think the term "gay" is misused personally. Gay is to be happy, somehow it has been warped into something dirty, or homophobic.

Let's start calling homosexuals, homosexuals and call being happy gay again.. so we can all be Gay.

YOU didn't use "gay" in that context. You used it in a derogatory way.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Well, that's a lot different than we beat them in a war. So which story you going to go with?

You are talking apple and oranges here, Quebec and Indians.. I stated both in my post..

We won a war against the French as I earlier stated. We basically slaughtered and forced native Indians onto reservations.. I would say that resembles a war in some context, just with little or no opposition.

Our History is what it is.. some I agree with, some I am ashamed off.. nevertheless, Canada's British heritage should not be changed to appease political correctness.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Actually, I think think the term "gay" is misused personally. Gay is to be happy, somehow it has been warped into something dirty, or homophobic.

Let's start calling homosexuals, homosexuals and call being happy gay again.. so we can all be Gay.

Oh, yeah. Of course. Clearly you were referring to "be happy" when you used the term here.....

WTF?? Haida Gwaii, formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. Still know as Queen Charlotte Islands, because I won't call it some BS gay name.. Haida Gwaii .. screw the tourism.

I figure as fussy as you were over the word "gay" you might have used the word "slaughter" in correct format....

Normally I would never correct you but I think you mean "selectively fussy". Cuz it all depends which way the wind is blowing.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Ummm? we won the war.. get over it already. Oh that's right Quebec and the Indians haven't yet.. :roll:

Dam PC'ers out there need to grow a pair.... ah, then again.

What war was that?

Geeez what do they teach kids in school these days, now wonder Asia is kicking our asses.. shame shame

The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) between France and Great Britain ending with the Treaty of Paris in 1763 where we "The English folks" kicked Frenchie's ass. ;-)

As you can see from above, you didn't diferentiate between the French and the First Nations.

as I posted above, ashamed of Canada for this..

Voices of the Canadian Holocaust

Your ashamed of Canada? Really? But you told First Nations to "get over it already". and before you deny it, look at the first quote above.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Your ashamed of Canada? Really? But you told First Nations to "get over it already". and before you deny it, look at the first quote above.

Yes ashamed of what we did as Canadians.. but just like Blacks in the USA who 5 generations later feel the Government owes them something. I mean seriously.. they are so far and removed from their ancestry.

It happened, it's sad, and hopefully people learn from history and do not repeat the same actions... now get over it and move on.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Yes ashamed of what we did as Canadians.. but just like Blacks in the USA who 5 generations later feel the Government owes them something. I mean seriously.. they are so far and removed from their ancestry.

It happened, it's sad, and hopefully people learn from history and do not repeat the same actions... now get over it and move on.

So, how about you be more specific about what they are supposed to "get over".


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
So, how about you be more specific about what they are supposed to "get over".

Actually gerryh; you need to "get over it.."

You talking in circles. First Nations are generations away from the original Indians who inhabited North America, they should be so dam lucky to be born Canadian.. and quit trying to claim what they clearly have to rights to any more.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
....agreed this thread has basically walked the plank and over the edge of the boat.

Hey, you're the one who threw in the comment as an addendum to your OP. If you don't want people to question the things that you say, then don't say them. Really simple solution.

By the way, Gerry is not the one who's talking in circles.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Hey, you're the one who threw in the comment as an addendum to your OP. If you don't want people to question the things that you say, then don't say them. Really simple solution.

By the way, Gerry is not the one who's talking in circles.

Look let me set some fact straight.. gay, homosexuals, fudge packers, taco eaters, whatever the hell they are.. I don't care.. what people do to each other behind closed doors is their business.. they don't effect my life one bit, and I don't care about their causes..

So I am guessing that you and Gerry are in the closet, but still defend the homosexual cause any chance you get like some of these bible thumpers and Muslim sympathizers.

I mean you do take the term "gay" pretty personal.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Look let me set some fact straight.. gay, homosexuals, fudge packers, taco eaters, whatever the hell they are.. I don't care.. what people do to each other behind closed doors is their business.. they don't effect my life one bit, and I don't care about their causes..

And I don't care that you don't care. But using the terminology in a derogatory manner screams homophobe to me. You could have used many other words to make your point. You chose to use that one. I wondered why. Or does taking personal responsibility for the choices one makes only apply to other people?

So I am guessing that you and Gerry are in the closet, but still defend the homosexual cause any chance you get like some of these bible thumpers and Muslim sympathizers.

Nope not the reason why, not that it matters, and I'm not defending a 'cause' here. Just objecting to what I view as poor judgement in use of a term. And trying to determine whether it was the natives themselves you had an issue with or gay people in general, or perhaps both.

I mean you do take the term "gay" pretty personal.

Yep I do take it personally, not unlike referring to a woman as a dog say, some things just irritate. Surely you, of all people, should understand that.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Actually gerryh; you need to "get over it.."

You talking in circles. First Nations are generations away from the original Indians who inhabited North America, they should be so dam lucky to be born Canadian.. and quit trying to claim what they clearly have to rights to any more.

Just wanting tio get it straight where you stand on things. This, as well as the following makes it abundantly clear where you stand on both Native issues and GBLT.

Look let me set some fact straight.. gay, homosexuals, fudge packers, taco eaters, whatever the hell they are.. I don't care.. what people do to each other behind closed doors is their business.. they don't effect my life one bit, and I don't care about their causes..

So I am guessing that you and Gerry are in the closet, but still defend the homosexual cause any chance you get like some of these bible thumpers and Muslim sympathizers.

I mean you do take the term "gay" pretty personal.