Pedophile teacher busted


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
He won't be charged with being a pedophile. He will be charged with sexual assault. For the life of me, I can't understand why this is so difficult to grasp

You can be a pedophile and never abuse kids. Clearly this issue is confusing to you. PM me if you like and I can go over it again for you.

Possibly. We don't know that. Time will tell.

A pedophile is any adult sexually attracted to children. Of course he is a pedophile.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I think that is a very good way of going about it.

I don't. I believe the purpose of the justice system should be to protect the public. Mentally ill or not mentally ill, if you are a danger to the public, you should be locked away for as long as you are a danger. The only difference is where you are locked away.

If you are no longer a danger, then I see no reason to lock people up. To do so would simply be punishing somebody for being ill.

A pedophile is any adult sexually attracted to children. Of course he is a pedophile.

That has not been proven. There is nothing in the story that proves this guy is attracted to children. They may simply have been an easy target. As I've already said a few times, he may very well have tried this **** on seniors if he had been working in an old folks home.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I don't. I believe the purpose of the justice system should be to protect the public. Mentally ill or not mentally ill, if you are a danger to the public, you should be locked away for as long as you are a danger. The only difference is where you are locked away.

If you are no longer a danger, then I see no reason to lock people up. To do so would simply be punishing somebody for being ill.

That has not been proven. There is nothing in the story that proves this guy is attracted to children. They may simply have been an easy target. As I've already said a few times, he may very well have tried this **** on seniors if he had been working in an old folks home.

Nonsense.....If you sexually molest children, you are a pedophile......Regardless of whatever else you may be. It has been proven to my satisfaction the pedophiles cannot be "cured".

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I don't. I believe the purpose of the justice system should be to protect the public. Mentally ill or not mentally ill, if you are a danger to the public, you should be locked away for as long as you are a danger. The only difference is where you are locked away.

If you are no longer a danger, then I see no reason to lock people up. To do so would simply be punishing somebody for being ill.

That day has come and gone about 30 years ago. It changed direction
about '72 or so. Thre's a famous quote to go along with that, but it's
late, & I've got to be to work in 7&1/ I doubt I'll hunt for it

It was something like, "The focus will no longer be to protect the public,
but to reabilitate the offender" or something along those lines. With
that, away went the prison farms (to feed themselves) and up went
the prison costs.

P.S. Sorry. Tired. '72 is about 40yrs ago, in the Trudeau era...
Last edited:

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white. Black is white.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

That is just gopey. The definition of a pedophile is one who molests children. What this
weirdo did certainly qualifies as child molestation or child abuse. What else are you
going to call him?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That is just gopey. The definition of a pedophile is one who molests children. What this
weirdo did certainly qualifies as child molestation or child abuse. What else are you
going to call him?

A couple of cuts above senior citizens who have "sentenced" the baby boomers and succeeding generations to abject poverty while they are paying for the unmitigated greed, imposed upon them. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
But the position has been put forth that this form of sexuality is a mental illness as apposed to a sexual orientation. Indirectly offering the defence of innocent by reason of mental disorder. If pedophilia is a mental disorder, then we'd have to revisit homosexuality and BDSM as possible mental illnesses as well.

I don't buy it as a mental disorder yet I also don't buy it as a sexual orientation. Orientation, to my way of looking at it, describes the gender of whom one is oriented towards: opposite, same, both, or neither. Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual. That's the base and everything else pertaining to an individual's sexuality jumps off from there.

As far as a mental disorder, I can't quite buy that either. There are a lot of people who do not act upon their darkest fantasies, choices have to be made. In the extreme example of someone who cannot control their impulses and actually feel compelled to act upon them, they are actually not able to hide them very well. And if they are, it's not usually for very long. Think of someone with extreme OCD, very difficult to hide. Whereas these guys can hide it for a lifetime, many have. That's a lot of control for someone who has no control over their actions.

And, to my understanding, there is a big difference between the psychological definition of insanity and the legal one. So I don't necessarily think pedophilia, if viewed as a mental disorder, would necessarily open up anything in terms of a defence against crimes.

With regards to Vince Li, didn't he take himself off the medication that he was prescribed? If that is the case, then it would be his fault. This isn't directed at you Karrie, I just quoted you as I agree with your point about the fact that he cut off someone's head and that he shouldn't be let out scott-free for that.

Of course, it's been a while since I've read about this incident, so I could be thinking about someone else that stopped taking their medication.

No, I blame them for the actions that they do. I don't care if a person is mentally ill or "legally" sane. If they do something that is morally reprehensible than they do need to face the consequences. Mental illness shouldn't be able to be used as a "get out of jail free" card. There needs to be some culpability or there won't be any justice for the victims(in the case of the OT, the children who were fed semen!).

Sometimes it's not even about blame, it's about risk. Using Li as an example, I can buy the idea that, off his meds, he was so delusional as to not be responsible for his actions the way that you or I would be responsible for our actions. But he should be separated from the public because of the risk he poses. To my way of thinking, letting him out poses the same risk as letting out Bernardo, and no one would ever talks about doing that.

I personally believe the not guilty by reason of insanity plea should be removed from our system. Not sent to prison by reason of insanity should replace it. You kill somebody and are insane, you spend 25 years to life in a mental institution rather than a prison.

That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Treat them by all means but once someone has demonstrated the risk they pose to others, then the safety of the public takes precedent.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No. A pedophile is one that is sexually attracted to kids. I know laymen get this confused sometimes.

Child molester.

Semantics isn't the point here, the point is the O.P. was about one sick, demented, depraved, degenerate A$$hole who should be castrated with a rusty sardine can lid!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Semantics isn't the point here, the point is the O.P. was about one sick, demented, depraved, degenerate A$$hole who should be castrated with a rusty sardine can lid!

Well yes, you have already shown many times that you like to over react. Some of us tend to be a little more measured and analytical (not to mention civilized) in our response. I tend to think it is one of those things that separates us (well me anyway) from monkeys.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well yes, you have already shown many times that you like to over react. Some of us tend to be a little more measured and analytical (not to mention civilized) in our response. I tend to think it is one of those things that separates us (well me anyway) from monkeys.

Whatever, I take a dim view of putting ejaculate in children's mouths, but if you want to go along with it that's up to you. :smile:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Whatever, I take a dim view of putting ejaculate in children's mouths, but if you want to go along with it that's up to you. :smile:

Has anybody on this thread said they want to go along with it? Is that really the best you can do?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And yet, everything you say shows how pedophilia IS like alcoholism.

That would be a bit of a stretch, alcoholics normally don't molest kids. I think the only similarity is that both have practicing and non practicing subjects. :smile:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That would be a bit of a stretch, alcoholics normally don't molest kids. I think the only similarity is that both have practicing and non practicing subjects. :smile:

Both may or may not do things that harm other people if they don't control their urges.


Nominee Member
Dec 15, 2011
A person with normal sexual orientation has nearly an unlimited number of possible sexual partners with whom they can pursue healthy relationships. If I am attracted to someone and it isn't reciprocated, I can move on until I find someone who is as attracted to me as I am to them.

A pedophile has no sexual partners with whom they can pursue a healthy relationship. Treatments for this condition exist, but have a low chance of success:
Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are all kinds of people who for a variety of reasons are not able to have the option of a healthy sexual relationship and don't have even a limited number of posibble sexual partners. These can include victims of sexual abuse. You're projecting the pedophile's sense of entitlement to their pathology and self pity with no responsibility or compassion for their victims into your argument.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
That is just gopey. The definition of a pedophile is one who molests children.

You and gerry should try to get your story straight.

Is the definition of pedophile one who molests children, or one who is sexually attracted to children?

That would be a bit of a stretch, alcoholics normally don't molest kids.

holy, cow, are you really that stupid? Where did I say that alcoholics normally molest kids?

****, this thread is full of people who can't even comprehend written words.