U.S. to re-route Keystone XL due to environmental concerns


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re-route the pipeline to Vancouver Canada and let the countries buying oilsand oil pick it up from there and when the Americans have they're elections then build a branch line to Texas

Better to go to a northern port. The Georgia Basin is already getting overcrowded and cost of living in Vancouver is way too high.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Somehow I get the impression Harper screwed this file up. This delay in P/L approval should never have come as a surprise to us, if he was on top of this file, he should have forewarned us earlier that delays was being contemplated.
As well, I don't see why the US could not have provided a conditional approval, ie all else approved and the balance to be approved pending rerouting of continuous area. This would have allowed construction to proceed immedialty on the major portion of the line.
I think some body in Ottawa is dropping the ball big time!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
And just who is WE? YOU can build one anytime you want to, but don't use MY money to build a Liberal Loser!!

Two price system, that idiot Truedau tried that in the 1980's and it was a big failure.

I think you should leave the Oil business to those who know the business and you stick to your rocking chair and dream about the old Liberal days!!

There would be nothing wrong with a two price system. Not NEP style but a Canadian price that gives producers a fair return on investment but leaves speculators out of the loop. Any production over Canadian needs can be sold on world markets at what ever price they can get. That is why we need a pipe to the North coast so that Oil can be shipped anywhere at any time and not stuck with a fickle US government and dubious economy.


House Member
May 18, 2010
There would be nothing wrong with a two price system. Not NEP style but a Canadian price that gives producers a fair return on investment but leaves speculators out of the loop. Any production over Canadian needs can be sold on world markets at what ever price they can get. That is why we need a pipe to the North coast so that Oil can be shipped anywhere at any time and not stuck with a fickle US government and dubious economy.

Oh, I see, and just WHO is going to decide what a fair return is for the producers, YOU ?? Or will your NDP friends do it for you ?? Have you looked at how well the regulated gasoline prices are doing on the east coast??

The free market works just fine the way it is, we just got to keep people like you out of the equation who thiink they know what's best for me!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Oh, I see, and just WHO is going to decide what a fair return is for the producers, YOU ?? Or will your NDP friends do it for you ?? Have you looked at how well the regulated gasoline prices are doing on the east coast??

The free market works just fine the way it is, we just got to keep people like you out of the equation who thiink they know what's best for me!!

Funny boy. Now run along and play. Leave the thinking top those that are capable of it.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Somehow I get the impression Harper screwed this file up. This delay in P/L approval should never have come as a surprise to us, if he was on top of this file, he should have forewarned us earlier that delays was being contemplated.
As well, I don't see why the US could not have provided a conditional approval, ie all else approved and the balance to be approved pending rerouting of continuous area. This would have allowed construction to proceed immedialty on the major portion of the line.
I think some body in Ottawa is dropping the ball big time!!!

Obama is playing politics and placating the 'squeaky wheel'. Had the hundred's of thousands of unemployed protested for the jobs that would have accompanied the project, we would be reading much different headlines today.

In my view, Harper is in the driver's seat on this one. The pipeline to the Gulf Coast will go through at some point in the near future, in the meantime, building another line to the West coast will strengthen Canada's position in terms of customer base and competitiveness. I see this as a fantastic opportunity for Harper to support the West line and not have to worry about any fallout from Obama in terms of providing this resource to other global buyers.


House Member
May 18, 2010
In my view, Harper is in the driver's seat on this one. The pipeline to the Gulf Coast will go through at some point in the near future, in the meantime, building another line to the West coast will strengthen Canada's position in terms of customer base and competitiveness. I see this as a fantastic opportunity for Harper to support the West line and not have to worry about any fallout from Obama in terms of providing this resource to other global buyers.
We need both lines. The west coast line is not a for-sure either.
We have enough oil to easily support both lines.

The Asian market is a fickle market as well, they are capable of changing their strategies almost immedialty.
We should not be fully dependant on any one market. We have to learn to pull our weight in the world market place and certainly not depend on relying on the US to look after our interest.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You honestly think those pipelines flow refined oils by gravity?
Flow rate in JP pipelines is limited on the lower side by the self scouring velocity, typically 1.5 to 2 m/s and on the higher side by erosional velocity, typically 4 m/s or static electricity consideration which is 3 m/s.

Children ride their bicycles at higher velocities.


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
Obama is playing politics and placating the 'squeaky wheel'. Had the hundred's of thousands of unemployed protested for the jobs that would have accompanied the project, we would be reading much different headlines today.

In my view, Harper is in the driver's seat on this one. The pipeline to the Gulf Coast will go through at some point in the near future, in the meantime, building another line to the West coast will strengthen Canada's position in terms of customer base and competitiveness. I see this as a fantastic opportunity for Harper to support the West line and not have to worry about any fallout from Obama in terms of providing this resource to other global buyers.

Harper's in the driving seat? How on earth do you figure that one? He's sucking the hind tit as usual with all deals pertaining to the U.S.of A.

He's "demanded" a meeting with O'bama and much has been made by Canada's media of his being given a 5 minute audience with His Lordship today while the American MSM is describing Obama's day as being nothing of consequence happening "a personal, no-business day". Haaar!

Harper sits in a back room listening to APEC discussions because Canada has excluded itself from joining those discussions due to it's not wanting FARMING products on the table because our farming community wants CONTINUED protection from the Asia market wanting free and equal access to our PROTECTED FARMER'S markets. Oh my, a conservative government who blathers on about free trade being the future but then opt's out of free trade inclusion with Asian markets 'cause it might piss off some farmer voters.

Yeah this is the government that is in the driver's seat when talking with Washington on all things from a border initiative to an oil pipeline. NOT!

"Crappolla" of the first order! This is just more of the same old, same old, 'talk out of both sides of your pie hole' while claiming the moral high ground.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
We need both lines. The west coast line is not a for-sure either.
We have enough oil to easily support both lines.

The Asian market is a fickle market as well, they are capable of changing their strategies almost immedialty.
We should not be fully dependant on any one market. We have to learn to pull our weight in the world market place and certainly not depend on relying on the US to look after our interest.

You are infinitely better-off to play 2 'fickle' markets against each other.

Harper's in the driving seat? How on earth do you figure that one? He's sucking the hind tit as usual with all deals pertaining to the U.S.of A.

He's "demanded" a meeting with O'bama and much has been made by Canada's media of his being given a 5 minute audience with His Lordship today while the American MSM is describing Obama's day as being nothing of consequence happening "a personal, no-business day". Haaar!

Harper sits in a back room listening to APEC discussions because Canada has excluded itself from joining those discussions due to it's not wanting FARMING products on the table because our farming community wants CONTINUED protection from the Asia market wanting free and equal access to our PROTECTED FARMER'S markets. Oh my, a conservative government who blathers on about free trade being the future but then opt's out of free trade inclusion with Asian markets 'cause it might piss off some farmer voters.

Yeah this is the government that is in the driver's seat when talking with Washington on all things from a border initiative to an oil pipeline. NOT!

"Crappolla" of the first order! This is just more of the same old, same old, 'talk out of both sides of your pie hole' while claiming the moral high ground.

Are you on glue?

First-off, we're talking about oil, not every pet peeve that you imagine.

Second, cut the partisan politics crap, it will only result in a myriad of examples of hypocrisy by all of the Canadian political parties.

Third, Harper IS in the driver's seat on this. He is now in a position to use the various 'exemptions' to NAFTA (by both nations I might add) in his favour, let alone throw his open support behind the West coast line without being saddled by the restrictions outlined in the existing 'agreements' (which aren't worth the paper they are written on.

Obama has sh*t the bed on this one. He fully knows that they will need Canadian crude to fuel their economy and in deferring the obligatory supply that would have been contracted by XL Keystone, he is only opening the door for competitive contracts by other nations.

Canada will benefit from the labour involved in the construction of both lines and the sooner that the West line gets in high gear, the sooner we will get the benefits... The South will also come on line, at which time the Canadian labour markets will benefit at that time.


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
You are infinitely better-off to play 2 'fickle' markets against each other.

Are you on glue?

First-off, we're talking about oil, not every pet peeve that you imagine.

Second, cut the partisan politics crap, it will only result in a myriad of examples of hypocrisy by all of the Canadian political parties.

Third, Harper IS in the driver's seat on this. He is now in a position to use the various 'exemptions' to NAFTA (by both nations I might add) in his favour, let alone throw his open support behind the West coast line without being saddled by the restrictions outlined in the existing 'agreements' (which aren't worth the paper they are written on.

Obama has sh*t the bed on this one. He fully knows that they will need Canadian crude to fuel their economy and in deferring the obligatory supply that would have been contracted by XL Keystone, he is only opening the door for competitive contracts by other nations.

Canada will benefit from the labour involved in the construction of both lines and the sooner that the West line gets in high gear, the sooner we will get the benefits... The South will also come on line, at which time the Canadian labour markets will benefit at that time.

Whoa! Before you go personal with the "sniffing glue" on what was intended as a political critique of MY conservative government performing like a trained seal for the U.S. Farming subsidies aren't a pet peeve of mine at all, but for you to lecture others over their playing politics with a pipeline decision then turn around and maintain the protectionists political point of farmers subsidies is kinda goofy, don't you think?

Read the rest of the thread to glean from my previous posts that my opinion is we're better off not having all our eggs in a red white and blue basket. You think the pipeline west will be approved overnight? NOT even close.

There is however a distinction between your surmisal our P.M is in the driver's seat and actual fact. He's got no more influence over this decision than that smiley face on the moon. He can submit this to whatever governing body he thinks might run to our aid but the end result will be the same as it was for softwood, beef or any other submission; YEARS go by.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Whoa! Before you go personal with the "sniffing glue" on what was intended as a political critique of MY conservative government performing like a trained seal for the U.S. Farming subsidies aren't a pet peeve of mine at all, but for you to lecture others over their playing politics with a pipeline decision then turn around and maintain the protectionists political point of farmers subsidies is kinda goofy, don't you think?

Read the rest of the thread to glean from my previous posts that my opinion is we're better off not having all our eggs in a red white and blue basket. You think the pipeline west will be approved overnight? NOT even close.

There is however a distinction between your surmisal our P.M is in the driver's seat and actual fact. He's got no more influence over this decision than that smiley face on the moon. He can submit this to whatever governing body he thinks might run to our aid but the end result will be the same as it was for softwood, beef or any other submission; YEARS go by.

This is all about politics and using that mechanism to get what you want. Fact is, Harper is doing the very same thing to the Chinese as Obama is doing to Harper.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If people really wanted a vehicle with longevity, be more efficient and have cheaper fuel they'd be running diesel in their hybrids.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
2 stroke diesel with fart gas assist burns super clean, is extremely powerful, last forever and blow gasoline out the water for efficiency.

Yes I know Bear. Very small, very expensive coated inside and out pipe at very slow velocities and lower pressures. If they were 36" pipe being punmped at high pressure and super high velocity and high volume (800,000bbl per day from Ft Crack to Pt. Arthur @ 500km/h) it would be something to jump up and down about.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yes I know Bear. Very small, very expensive coated inside and out pipe at very slow velocities and lower pressures. If they were 36" pipe being punmped at high pressure and super high velocity and high volume (800,000bbl per day from Ft Crack to Pt. Arthur @ 500km/h) it would be something to jump up and down about.
Not that I don't agree with that sentiment. It really isn't what you said in the post I quoted.

Just sayin'.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's all in the scale and volume cousin. Fuel pipelines have their limits and those limits are very very low.


House Member
May 18, 2010
If people really wanted a vehicle with longevity,
People don't want longevity in vehicles, they just want to talk about it.
5 to 7 yrs, max, then most want a newer vehicle, the're tired of the old one !!