AIG still owes you $51,000,000,000


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
So, they decided to go on a luxury retreat to forget about all of that

American International Group Inc. (AIG), the insurer majority owned by the U.S. after a 2008 bailout, is hosting an event at a California facility that advertises “the amenities of an ultra luxury hotel.”
The American General unit assembled about 65 people who distribute its products for a two-and-a-half-day stay this week at the Resort at Pelican Hill in Newport Beach, California, said Larry Mark, a spokesman for AIG’s life insurance division. Nine AIG managers were also sent to the resort to make presentations, Mark said in a e-mail. He declined to say the cost of the event for the insurer.


AIG Assembles Managers, Distributors at

Something to make capitalists, repubs, leebs, libertarians and anonymous all angry.

Bailout my ass.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I still don't understand these silly protests about Wall Street. Don't those protesters understand how AIG requires this use of government money? It's all for the good of the little people.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I still don't understand these silly protests about Wall Street. Don't those protesters understand how AIG requires this use of government money? It's all for the good of the little people.
How much $ do the little people have tied up in AIG investments? Even the unborn will spend their working lives stuck with the bill for this corrupt system. Just like I've spent my working life paying off the debts of those before me.


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
And they, GM, B of A and others are now hinting they need another loan. Why don't they just fill out a Public Assistance Request form and make it simple? It wouldn't involve a corrupt Congress.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Why don't they get a bailout from China or Russia where the built plants with the last money from the bailout?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh suuuure...AIG? They never skipped a beat. Right after their first bailout... and I mean RIGHT AFTER... AIG Execs were off to Palm Springs for a week of golf, massages, and relaxation.

Under HEAVY public pressure though and a public outcry... THEY STILL WENT!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Oh suuuure...AIG? They never skipped a beat. Right after their first bailout... and I mean RIGHT AFTER... AIG Execs were off to Palm Springs for a week of golf, massages, and relaxation.

Under HEAVY public pressure though and a public outcry... THEY STILL WENT!

And you wonder what the 'occupy wall st' stuff is about?

If you don't understand the issue, re read your post.

That's the kind of thing that people are upset about - the contempt for the rest of the nation that the wall st firms have.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And you wonder what the 'occupy wall st' stuff is about?

If you don't understand the issue, re read your post.

That's the kind of thing that people are upset about - the contempt for the rest of the nation that the wall st firms have.

Sadly it is not strictly about that. One need only to look into Occupy Wall St. to see. If that was ALL it is about then I'd be behind it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If any two would know where lala land was you two would be leading the way. Whats the matter with smashing something that was broken from the start?
From "Who Killed John O'Neil":
kroll associates "is like a private CIA" michael cherkasky CEO- william bratton john o'neil
1991 kroll hired by kuwait to investigate Saddam's finances 1992 kroll -advising enron-97-98 teamsters union elections- monitor LA terror-
FBI Director william seychelles now share holder kroll

MBNA 9-11 insider trading involvement

louis Freeh-DA NYC worked with guliiani and
jerome hauer-orders for cipro-headed NYC Fema-advisor to cfr-national institute health- bioterrorism expert- mging. director for kroll- wtc security-SAIC- hired john oneil-instructed nyc gulliani to build hq
Robert Tucker met with them night before 9-11

stephen hatfield -friend of jerome hauer headed Anthrax betchel SAIC

john miller
brian jenkins-aviation terrorism counter terrorism expert
robert mueller

robert tucker-
CTC international
choen group
securacom- marvin Bush- dulles and united airlines airport security contract

omar sheikh saheed
khalid shaikh
daniel pearl

pan am 103 crash

Timothy mcveigh ramzi yousef phillipines
loius freeh

panama invasion Bush I- Noreiga-BCCI

AIG 6th largest corporation -COral Taelvera head of AIG San Fran-
BCCI largest fraud in global history money laundering- Kerry Headed Senate BCCI investigation

Abu Dabi-Noreiga- Khalid Bin mahfouz investment in harken -20% BCCI- Saudi Bin Laden Financeer-
Barry Seal took over as captain of Civil Air Patrol, planes identified as former air america planes in vietnam-Mena Ak 1981 1986 5 billion dollar narc running- AK US Attorney Acea HUtchinson later heads DEA ignores Seal and later becomes undersecretary for Border transportation and security for homeland security--CIA Agent -New Orleans- Civil Air Patrol Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferry Civil Air Patrol captain -JFK Conspirator- Barry seal photographed with Sturgis- seal/ferry getaway pilot for kennedy assasins. Seal's sting and cooperation leaked to media, leak was admitted by oliver north- Seal has Bush's Personal Phone number- Sandanistas shoot down seal's former plane eugen hasselfus only survivor claims he was running druges for cia-
1991 Gov. clinton said "linkages to federal government and mentions Seal's link to CIA and Iran Contra
wackenhut corp. security company linked to CIA private prisons
Bank used to launder global drug money was BCCI
AIG fleet of 400 planes- 1987 AK Development Financial Agency "Coral Reinsurance" never filed with SEC - AIG FOunder CIA operative C V Starr- AIG director son of cia founder frank wiesner-
maurice greenburg nyse and FED almost head of cia chaired CFR- AIG Principal shareholder of Kroll
CFR principle contact is CIA-

E Howard Hunt- JFK conspirator
Felix Rodriguez
Ted Shackley
Richard Seacord

Start at about the 39:30 mark. Goes to show what happens when you don't clean up a place properly, lol.
Who Killed John O'Neil? - YouTube


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If any two would know where lala land was you two would be leading the way. Whats the matter with smashing something that was broken from the start?
From "Who Killed John O'Neil":
kroll associates "is like a private CIA" michael cherkasky CEO- william bratton john o'neil

Put it together and what've you got....Bippity Boppoty, Bippity Boppoty Boooo


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Put it together and what've you got....Bippity Boppoty, Bippity Boppoty Boooo
Catchy toon, is that from lala land?? Never mind, ...... did you find the end of the part that starts with Kroll @ 39:45, what time was it, just so I know you actually know.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Catchy toon, is that from lala land?? Never mind, ...... did you find the end of the part that starts with Kroll @ 39:45, what time was it, just so I know you actually know.

Oh that was my favorite part! lmao


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The tune you found in lala land was you favorite part of that trip? You really are easy to please. Bye now.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The tune you found in lala land was you favorite part of that trip? You really are easy to please. Bye now.

You can't even insult correctly. Geez.

Abu Dabi-Noreiga- Khalid Bin mahfouz investment in harken -20% BCCI- Saudi Bin Laden Financeer-
Barry Seal took over as captain of Civil Air Patrol, planes identified as former air america planes in vietnam-Mena Ak 1981 1986 5 billion dollar narc running- AK US Attorney Acea HUtchinson later heads DEA ignores Seal and later becomes undersecretary for Border transportation and security for homeland security--CIA Agent -New Orleans- Civil Air Patrol Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferry Civil Air Patrol captain -JFK Conspirator- Barry seal photographed with Sturgis- seal/ferry getaway pilot for kennedy assasins. Seal's sting and cooperation leaked to media, leak was admitted by oliver north- Seal has Bush's Personal Phone number- Sandanistas shoot down seal's former plane eugen hasselfus only survivor claims he was running druges for cia-
1991 Gov. clinton said "linkages to federal government and mentions Seal's link to CIA and Iran Contra
wackenhut corp. security company linked to CIA private prisons
Bank used to launder global drug money was BCCI
AIG fleet of 400 planes- 1987 AK Development Financial Agency "Coral Reinsurance" never filed with SEC - AIG FOunder CIA operative C V Starr- AIG director son of cia founder frank wiesner-
maurice greenburg nyse and FED almost head of cia chaired CFR- AIG Principal shareholder of Kroll
CFR principle contact is CIA-

Bippity Boppity Boo!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Do I need to explain the 'bye now' phrase.

Don't you immigrants read the 'new' rules?

"Please refrain from PERSONAL ATTACKS and keep this thread ON TOPIC!!
We don't want to moderate your post or ban you, but we might have to if you can't follow the forum rules!"


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Do I need to explain the 'bye now' phrase.

Sure... go ahead. :)

Don't you immigrants read the 'new' rules?

"Please refrain from PERSONAL ATTACKS and keep this thread ON TOPIC!!
We don't want to moderate your post or ban you, but we might have to if you can't follow the forum rules!"

If any two would know where lala land was you two would be leading the way.

You were saying?



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
AIG is just another in a long list of financial freeloaders living off the tax break system.
It needs to have its loans called and the Government to step in and plunge a dollar
sign threw its heart.
As for Tenpenny, if you don't understand the Wall Street protests you do not understand
the cycle of protest life. some time ago we all talked about the Environmental Movement
and their days coming to an end. Well they just ended. The new cause is now before the
people and Tenpenny you do not understand?
years ago it was, save the whales, the spotted owl, old growth forests, save the oceans,
demand only organic food, and now its get those Wall Street Greedy Bastar*s.

People once spent their days pining for organic food and preaching its blessings. As it
turned out the organic industry was just as bad as all the rest. The whole organic system
is based on paperwork and the honor system God knows how many are cheating and it is
rampant. Many of the organic crusaders left the movement and now they have attached
themselves to this new movement. Don't get me wrong here I even support some of it.

AIG is a symbol of what is wrong with the present system. High bonus structure bad
financial practices, over spending and enough greed to circle the earth a hundred times over.
If these companies were made to pay taxes without being allowed to pass the costs on to
customers buying products then there would be more money to pay the national bills.
Terrible idea, maybe but the government has no problem not allowing main street to deduct
all his living expenses so why should business be allowed the privilege?
That is what the Occupy Wall Street movement is about, make the playing field even for all
and the companies need to conform. In addition they need to be heavily regulated because
they misused their privileges and now it time AIG and its friends were introduced to a new
fact that the government governs and business tows the mark like everyone else.
Oh and AIG pay up or bring on the receiver or resell the company to people who are responsible.

end of rant