Are people just getting too selfish and Greedy?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Banks are comprised by people like you and me."! Certainly, I forgot, listen JLM, my LearJet needs a new carburator could you swing round next thursday and take me to your mansion, I,m sure a few flats of your very expensive beer can resolve our differences.

Of course we could make a huge list of the bad guys the real greed experts but I have discovered that behind every respectable scheming fraud mechanic there,s a private banker psycopath baby eating monster who will stop at nothing to slither to the top of the banking **** heap.
JLM wants to solve the worlds problems by beating the little guy further into the ground. How the hell will that help business?
If the money of an economy does not pass through the lowest households the economy fails, every time, every place no exceptions, so driving wages to the minimum is a recipe for economic suicide, and they knew that when they steered the boat toward those rocks. For a very long time the ruination of the west has made hand over fist profits for those same honourable leaders of our sick culture. They build and then they destroy and they profit from both directions. They actually shipped the manufacturing base of the west to the third world knowing that collapse would ensue. That was the plan and that was the only plan.

I have never advocated beating the little guy into the ground, so don't try to win arguments by printing lies. I just don't happen to think people earning $60,000- $120,000 a year need more money to survive.

Gimme beets for borscht over turnips any day.

You bet.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Is that why there are 50 year mortgages these days? Because people make too much?

I'd say rule #1 is if you have to go to a 50 year mortgage you really can't the house. We started out with a 12' X 52' trailer and then graduated to a 14' X 70' trailer and after several years could afford a 20% down payment on a modest house. I would never choose to be "owned" by a mortgage company. Of course in those days we were just a single income family. Nowadays a lot of people who are earning $60,000 also have a spouse earning another $30,000 or $40,000. :smile:

What are venture stocks all about then?

You'd have to go to a financial adviser about that stuff, I'm not cognizant about a lot of financial instruments, just a bit about mutual funds. (I know some of them are invested in banks and oil companies, so of course I hope they turn some profit for me.) :lol:


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Yeah, because you guys won't get educated nor cooperate anymore.

What would you do if civilization broke down?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
God, $70,000 maybe for a small one? My first one in 1972 was $8000, my second one in 1977 was $20,000.

Nope, you can get one from Investors Group.
$70K over 20 years is a $400 a month payment not including property taxes or insurance. What were you paying in 72 and what percentage of your income was your mortgage?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There are several sources. You never knew that? Banks, Credit Unions, Trust companies, Commingled funds, private loans etc. Where would you send someone? Just to a bank and no other options?


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
maybe i'm brain dead too, but could someone tell how the banks accumulate billions in profit, if they are
on the side of 'us'.?
They are not on our side Talloola. They squeeze every dime they can from us and then give us one last squeeze. It's take take take with the banks and with the oil companies. Anyone who doesn't get that better do some more studying.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Yeah, because you guys won't get educated nor cooperate anymore.

What would you do if civilization broke down?

I hate this part of actually telling, but one of the advantages of knowing you're going to die is knowing you have nothing to loose.

I mean... Imagine being in heaven where someone did something goofy, such that you as a witness had to keep something secret forever.

Not here.

I sense a purpose for grind humans through material life.

Personally, it feels like God trying to optimize his return.

Anyway, pretend you're a cell in a biological organization.

What evolved?

What evolved was some immune-system B and T cell bullies kicking the tar out of invaders, and what you have today is a pretty-much independent immune system, mostly ticked off at how you don't feed it right such that only Zurbinsky knows how to up your chance of survival from brain cancer from 5% to 23%, such that he's being shut down by American investors in radiation and chemotherapy (puke) such that it's sad to see Harper's Reform ilk not of the spirit to invite up Zurbinsky to make business and reduce the cost of cancer care. I didn't say cure. I said change recovery from 5% to 23% in order to vastly lower cost of (what do they call those hospitals a person dies in?)


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Those $billions in profits are the sum total of dividends, interest and growth paid to their investors. Would you have bank accounts, G.I.C.s etc. if there was no profit?
We would have a much greater return on those if the banks didn't take so much. The banks earn billions from us. Why do you think they are still standing? How many Canadian Banks have you seen go under? I can't believe you think that banks are being good to us. If they were, they would probably making millions instead of billions.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
$70K over 20 years is a $400 a month payment not including property taxes or insurance. What were you paying in 72 and what percentage of your income was your mortgage?

It was just a bank loan, can't remember what the payments were, I think I was earning about $800 a month gross and pad rent was $41 a month. :smile: