Teddy Bear Grief


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
NDP MP Thomas Mulcair ponders running to succeed Layton

MONTREAL - Outremont MP Thomas Mulcair says he is seriously considering entering the race to succeed Jack Layton as leader of the New Democratic Party and says he has received support not only in Quebec, but from across Canada.

Speaking to reporters for the first time since Layton died of cancer eight days ago, Mulcair acknowledged he is testing the waters to see if he can garner enough support to run a successful campaign. “It will be a pan-Canadian campaign and the support has to be there. We are trying to measure it,” Mulcair said Tuesday before a speech to law students at McGill University.
Mulcair said he will make his decision within a few weeks.

“It is too early to say anything except that I am thinking about it,” he said. “There is a lot of interest from colleagues who are encouraging me.” Mulcair is one of the party’s two deputy leaders, and is the NDP's Quebec lieutenant. He said the last week has been difficult and he is still grieving for his friend Layton, whom he described as a colleague and a mentor.

Brian Topp, the party’s president, has indicated he is also considering running for the leadership and would announce his decision in a few days. It is assumed Mulcair would have the support of many of the other 57 NDP members of Parliament from Quebec, who make up the majority of the party’s caucus.

In an letter to Canadians, released after his death, Layton urged the NDP to replace him during a convention to be held early next year.
Mulcair said he hopes the leadership race is a clean campaign full of ideas so the party can “move to the next step, which is to form an NDP government.”

NDP MP Thomas Mulcair ponders running to succeed Layton

*awaits Colpy cackling*


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Naw....I've moved on!!!

This one really moves me...lol

NDP MP urges old age benefits for new immigrants

NDP MP urges old age benefits for new immigrants | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

RIGHT!!! lol

Personally, I think they buried the NDP's chances with Jack.

Jack'll be a hard act to follow....



Heck! Why not take a page out of the Liberal book and import this guy as leader??

He is probably as sane as the rest of the pack.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
When Jack Layton returned from his first bout with cancer he looked pale and weak. I got the feeling that he knew
he was in the last round of this fight. I think he was a brave man to handle it like he did. I was not an NDP supporter
but I do support courage, whichever party it comes from.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
When Jack Layton returned from his first bout with cancer he looked pale and weak. I got the feeling that he knew
he was in the last round of this fight. I think he was a brave man to handle it like he did. I was not an NDP supporter
but I do support courage, whichever party it comes from.

I agree.......


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
When Jack Layton returned from his first bout with cancer he looked pale and weak. I got the feeling that he knew
he was in the last round of this fight. I think he was a brave man to handle it like he did. I was not an NDP supporter
but I do support courage, whichever party it comes from.

I agree.

And frankly, I like to see divergent viewpoints represented across the aisle in the House of Commons. Gives me a sense that truly all Canadians are represented. Maybe that's naive, but I like that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I agree.

And frankly, I like to see divergent viewpoints represented across the aisle in the House of Commons. Gives me a sense that truly all Canadians are represented. Maybe that's naive, but I like that.


We had an NDP MLA here in New Brunswick.....Elizabeth Weir......and although I wouldn't have voted for her if you put a gun to my head, I was happy every time she was elected, as she presented a view discernably different than the standard cut-out platform of the PC/Libs.

badly needed.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
What I just love, are the people giving Jack Kudos out of one side of their mouth while having called him things like "Taliban Jack" and even a "Traitor" out of the other side of their mouth.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What I just love, are the people giving Jack Kudos out of one side of their mouth while having called him things like "Taliban Jack" and even a "Traitor" out of the other side of their mouth.

He made silly statements like we should sit down with the Taliban. As well as make disparaging statements about the CF's.

Jack got my props for being human, when I found out he frequented rub-n-tugs. His goodbye letter was classy and heart felt.

Again, that ability to compartmentalize, comes in handy.

Good thing to eh. If I couldn't, being compared to someone like Olson might make me dislike someone for a long time.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
What I just love, are the people giving Jack Kudos out of one side of their mouth while having called him things like "Taliban Jack" and even a "Traitor" out of the other side of their mouth.

Well I'm glad that you love it. So I'll up the ante. While Jack pissed me off to no end I felt very bad that he was struck down and in fact did see him as very inspirational and brave in his fight against cancer.

Sometimes you piss me right off, your politics and comments about Americans are over the top, but I'd have a beer with you any day of the week. While our politics are vastly different I know that you are decent guy who loves his family and that is a stark contrast to your ideology. (which is screwed by the way:) )

This is something I can easily say about Jack. I'm sure he was a great husband and great dad and true to his friends.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

He made silly statements like we should sit down with the Taliban. As well as make disparaging statements about the CF's.

Jack got my props for being human, when I found out he frequented rub-n-tugs. His goodbye letter was classy and heart felt.

Again, that ability to compartmentalize, comes in handy.

Good thing to eh. If I couldn't, being compared to someone like Olson might make me dislike someone for a long time.

Well I'm glad that you love it. So I'll up the ante. While Jack pissed me off to no end I felt very bad that he was struck down and in fact did see him as very inspirational and brave in his fight against cancer.

Sometimes you piss me right off, your politics and comments about Americans are over the top, but I'd have a beer with you any day of the week. While our politics are vastly different I know that you are decent guy who loves his family and that is a stark contrast to your ideology. (which is screwed by the way:) )

This is something I can easily say about Jack. I'm sure he was a great husband and great dad and true to his friends.

ROFLMFAO....I just LOVE pulling you 2's chain..... it's just too damn easy sometimes.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry just went back through the posts..... Gerry is now plotting his revenge.