Clarifying the meaning of Left and Right


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The terms left and right are often used to spin a particular point of view rather than as simple descriptors. In modern political rhetoric, those on the Left typically emphasize their support for working people and accuse the Right of supporting the interests of the upper class, whereas those on the Right usually emphasize their support for individualism and accuse the Left of supporting collectivism. As a result, arguments about the way the words should be used often displace arguments about policy by raising emotional prejudice against a preconceived notion of what the terms mean.

Like when people shift the goal posts from the subject of the debate to the political leaning of their opponent. I know I've done that a few times, but on this board it seems to happen in every thread. It's easy to fall into that trap, but we should avoid that kind of fallacy, imo.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't know, is it anything like a liberal Conservative, or a conservative Liberal?

Recognize a proper noun when you see one.
Nouns name people, places, and things. Every noun can further be classified as common or proper. A proper noun has two distinctive features: 1) it will name a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] item, and 2) it will begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence.

Read the following sentences. Notice the difference between the common and proper nouns.
Tina offered Antonio one of her mother's homemade oatmeal cookies but only an Oreo would satisfy his sweet tooth.

cookies = common noun; Oreo = proper noun.

Charlie had wanted an easy teacher for his composition class, but he got Mrs. Hacket, whose short temper and unreasonable demands made the semester a torture.

teacher = common noun; Mrs. Hacket = proper noun.

Gloria wanted to try a new restaurant, so Richard took her to Tito's Taco Palace, where no one dips into the hot sauce until the drinks have arrived at the table.

restaurant = common noun; Tito's Taco Palace = proper noun.

Liberal-Conservative Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir John A McNugget was a Liberal Conservative....


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Clarifying the meaning of Left and Right".

Easy: Consider the antonyms Right and Left.
Now consider the correct synonym for each: Right and Wrong.

Enough said.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
I agree, you've said enough. Why do you hate left-handed people?

TenPenny, you are desperate enough in your hopeless task to prove my assessment wrong to use arguments that are not germane to the topic even in a most minimal way.

Just for the record, my wife and my daughter are both left-handed.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Anything Left Handed - Left-handed superstitions and beliefs

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]According to Dr. Christman, a growing body of neurological evidence shows that, while the left hemisphere of our brain maintains our current beliefs about the world, the right hemisphere is responsible for playing "Devil's Advocate": detecting anomalies with those left hemisphere beliefs and forcing an updating of beliefs when appropriate. In order for this belief updating to occur, the right hemisphere has to interact with the left, and strong right-handedness is associated with decreased interaction between the two sides of the brain (hence, the lesser degree of belief updating in strong righties).[/FONT]

How's your left Jack

"When NASA went searching for the kind of imaginative, super reliable, multi-talented people that they would need to explore the moon, one in four Apollo astronauts turned out to be left-handed - a figure 250% higher than the statistical probability."


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Cannuck, CDNBear is absolutely correct: You are a troll!

This thread is about the political Left and Right. My post was about the political Left and Right. My response to TenPenny made my position clear. I would put you on my IGNORE list, but idiots amuse me.

Left-handed people are NOT possessed. YOU ARE.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
TenPenny, you are desperate enough in your hopeless task to prove my assessment wrong to use arguments that are not germane to the topic even in a most minimal way.

Just for the record, my wife and my daughter are both left-handed.

Why would you claim that 'left' is a synonym for 'wrong'?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
It's simple really the right is what gets us into trouble. Like I have the right to take you're sh!t and you can just piss right up a rope about it. The trigger finger is the right finger. Al Capone's right hand man. See all examples of why the right is bad.

The left on the other hand is the other hand. Always helpful and preventing trouble in the first place.
Here is another example.

You're welcome. :smile:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Why would you claim that 'left' is a synonym for 'wrong'?

It is kind of similar to, and perhaps not entirely correct, just like the old adage: "The friend of my enemy is my enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Right is opposite of left.
Right is opposite of wrong.

Therefore, left equals wrong. Take that as it is and don't waste my time or your time with any more comments, unless you have the irresistible compulsion to have the last word.