Your honest assessment of the Canadian Alliance and Steven Harper


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Imo, any party that can not even get the most votes should not be governing. I heard iggy's version of the rules and they sound even more screwed than GWB.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Respect for the voters????
The ones that do not respect the voters are the ones that want to form a coalition!!!
Man, are you some dumbo or what ???

With your reference to 'coalition', I can only assume that you don't understand the concept of Parliament.
Feel free to keep using the 'dumbo' and 'stupid' terms, it makes you look, like, smart, eh?

What are you, 12? You don't understand politics, history, how Parliament works, or anything much at all.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Respect for the voters????
The ones that do not respect the voters are the ones that want to form a coalition!!!
Man, are you some dumbo or what ???

Why do coalitions disrespect the voters? They're used in Europe all the time, and they work!

If the Libs and NDP were to form a coalition, all it means is that both Liberal supporters *and* NDP supporters get representatives in Cabinet, so now you have a wider cross-section of the Canadian electorate being represented in Cabinet than if just one party populates Cabinet.

Imo, any party that can not even get the most votes should not be governing. I heard iggy's version of the rules and they sound even more screwed than GWB.

What did Iggy say?


House Member
May 18, 2010
Suck it up, Harper is going to form a Majority and all you losers can wollow in your tears for the next four years !!
Ha ha ha !!!


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Suck it up, Harper is going to form a Majority and all you losers can wollow in your tears for the next four years !!
Ha ha ha !!!

He could have formed a majority last time but duceppe is allowed to focus his attention on quebec, harper had to campaign all provinces. When ever harper was in quebec his ratings went up. Whenever he wasnt, duceppe was left unchecked to spread his poison. Unfortunately, the same thing will likely happen this time


House Member
May 18, 2010
He could have formed a majority last time but duceppe is allowed to focus his attention on quebec, harper had to campaign all provinces. When ever harper was in quebec his ratings went up. Whenever he wasnt, duceppe was left unchecked to spread his poison. Unfortunately, the same thing will likely happen this time

Well the NDP has gained some popularity in Quebec lately, so this means the Vote will be split and it will
allow the Cons to come up the middle.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Suck it up, Harper is going to form a Majority and all you losers can wollow in your tears for the next four years !!
Ha ha ha !!!

I think you made a typo. We'll all be wallowing in the debt that Harper will sink us into, on top of what he's already sunk us into. Ha ha ha!!! Tax cuts for multinational corporations that send all the profits overseas, more debt for Canadians! Yay!


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Suck it up, Harper is going to form a Majority and all you losers can wollow in your tears for the next four years !!
Ha ha ha !!!

So, you the minority are going to enjoy tyrannizing the majority with your unpopular policies?


Is it because you hate life and want everyone else to hate it too?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I think you made a typo. We'll all be wallowing in the debt that Harper will sink us into, on top of what he's already sunk us into. Ha ha ha!!! Tax cuts for multinational corporations that send all the profits overseas, more debt for Canadians! Yay!

It will be a bumpy ride, but it won't last long..



Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I think you made a typo. We'll all be wallowing in the debt that Harper will sink us into, on top of what he's already sunk us into. Ha ha ha!!! Tax cuts for multinational corporations that send all the profits overseas, more debt for Canadians! Yay!

I know, it doesn't make sense.

The multinationals are already sitting on *huge* piles of accumulated surplus cash, so they don't *need* tax cuts, yet Harpo is going to give them more.


It might be justified if the multinationals at least would trickle down some jobs, but they don't anymore, and haven't for almost 15 years.

All job creation these days is coming from small business, so if *any* commercial sector should get tax cuts, it's small business.

Crumb, if it was me, and if some small enterprise is labour intensive and hiring lots of workers, I'd asymptotically cut their taxes closer to zero the more people they hire.

But some big multinational doing most of its work with robotic computerized automation? Nope.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
I get what you are saying but technology has democratized. I dont need to be a big multinational corporation to produce a $300 rapid prototype on a SLA machine, and i dont need to be Sears to market myself to millions of homes. You need to stop crying about the chinese and get with the program


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Wont you be the minority?

No, and that's the problem.

Canada's first-past-the-post system enables parties with significant support to get *no* members in parliament, like the Greens, who would have 8-9 members in parliament if Canada did it the German way...

Plus it enables a party with something in the 30-40% support rate to get dictatorial authority if it's simply the biggest of a bunch of different parties.

It's wrong! It was a skewed system like that which enabled the Nazis to get control of Germany when the Nazis had only about 30% of the popular vote (and that 30% were all the mutton-heads of German society).

It's just dumb, and it would be more sad than scary if the negative possibilities of Canada's flawed system weren't threatening to happen.

I get what you are saying but technology has democratized. I dont need to be a big multinational corporation to produce a $300 rapid prototype on a SLA machine, and i dont need to be Sears to market myself to millions of homes. You need to stop crying about the chinese and get with the program


So you're telling me that you know how to operate as a small business, and that because of technology you can have a wider reach.

Fine, great, wonderful... that makes you the kind of small business that should get tax cuts because you're a real human producing a real product ... you just happen to have a wider reach for advertizing than your ancestors would have.

That is *not* the same as how the multinationals are doing things. You have no idea how automated they've become, and when they do need human labour, they go as dirt cheep to China or Indonesia or Bangladesh as they can. They don't need tax cuts.

Crumb, even the whole mechanism of the stock market has become robotized. I know a Yank who used to be a floor trader at the NYSE. He says it used to be he'd walk across the flood with a piece of paper to make a deal. They so automated the process of trading that now he's working in a flower shop, or something like that.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I get what you are saying but technology has democratized. I dont need to be a big multinational corporation to produce a $300 rapid prototype on a SLA machine, and i dont need to be Sears to market myself to millions of homes. You need to stop crying about the chinese and get with the program

Ah. So we don't mine nickel, or iron ore, or oil in this country, all we do is make rapid prototypes. Of what? Out of what? For whom?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It's wrong! It was a skewed system like that which enabled the Nazis to get control of Germany when the Nazis had only about 30% of the popular vote (and that 30% were all the mutton-heads of German society).

Shhhh... don't say the 'N' word...


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Ah. So we don't mine nickel, or iron ore, or oil in this country, all we do is make rapid prototypes. Of what? Out of what? For whom?
Mining jobs are canadian jobs. Im sure that they would ship all the mountains to mexico to be mined, but there isnt a technology or a multinational corp that has figured that out.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Mining jobs are canadian jobs. Im sure that they would ship all the mountains to mexico to be mined, but there isnt a technology or a multinational corp that has figured that out.

I didn't say they weren't Canadian jobs. I was referring to the offshore multinationals that do all the mining and reap all the profits, which our Mr Harper thinks they shouldn't pay any taxes on.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Well good, laugh away. That means it's triggering a reaction, one way or the other.

Besides, it's *supposed* to be funny... funny in the way where people can laugh at the reference while still getting the message, because... well, you know, when opening people's minds around an ugly truth, if you can't get them to laugh, they'll cry.

Truth is the key word there. Unfortunately for you, you seemed to have missed the target in your desire to spew propaganda.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Truth is the key word there. Unfortunately for you, you seemed to have missed the target in your desire to spew propaganda.

Where's the propaganda in finding a term that more accurately describes Harper's party than the title he gave it?

To call it the "Conservative" party is far more obfuscative and propagandist than to call it what it is, which is the Reform party after having swallowed up remnants of the Progressive Conservatives, i.e Reforma(nd-progressive)con(servative).