Wake up canada!


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
Religious Movement and the Steven Harper Government
The use of the term “The Harper Government “for the Government of Canada is undemocratic and people should be up in arms!
The infiltration of the right wing Evangelical Movement in Canada is dividing this Country and is a threat to our Democracy and Civil Rights. The American notion of Manifest Destiny is still prevalent today through Business and Religious Associations infiltrating Canadian Society with such groups as the National Citizens Coalition, Civitas, the Evangelical Association, and NRA. Steven Harper has systematically made his way quickly through the ranks and changed the political climate today by amalgamating the Reform Party and the Progressive Conservatives into the Harper Conservative Government.
The Steven Harper Government is riddled with MP affiliated with right wing theo-conserative beliefs. Religion should never be allowed to influence Politics and Government in a Democratic Society. We have freedom of religion due to the fact that we have a Democratic system and that freedom is manipulating our government through the Harper Conservatives.
The Harper Government has received huge monetary support from these organizations that want to change our civil rights under the Constitution and Canadian Charter of Rights. The fact that Steven Harper changed the law by limiting the amount of donations to political parties is a disgraceful way of limiting the growth of his political opponents while he is sitting on huge funds, which have never been disclosed, and receiving advertising support of right wing interest groups.
Never before have we seen such strong influence on our elections in paid advertizing and media by such groups as National Citizens Coalition, Civitas, NRA, and the Evangelical Movement, to control the vote toward a Theo-Conservative Government. The above groups have influenced their members to vote for Steven Harper who is eroding our Social Programs and Civil Rights with a Neo-Con /Theo-Con Conservative Government. The fact that support groups for women, native people, immigrants, family planning, safe drug injection sites have had their funding cut or taken away is evidence of the downturn of our cultural and social programs. The short sighted and narrow-minded views of these groups have support of a large amount of the population that are following religious doctrine like sheep, and by using such terms as Patriotism, Morality, Justice. The Harper Government has tried to reform our justice system, our civil rights, by stacking the Senate with Harper supporters, and delayed parliament through non-disclosure and by Contempt of Parliament have caused another election so they can have the desperately needed majority government.
Canada is in serious trouble with Steven Harper as Prime Minister with his use of the media and internet to control through fear and intimidation. His dismissal of anyone that he does not like or may influence people in free thought is a disgrace to his position, even though he can turn a blind eye to charges of Fraud for himself or anyone working on his behalf, such as Carson Fraud and Senators involved in the In and Out scheme.
This government has used a well organised plan of patriotism, non-discloser, delays, secretive meetings and agenda, Prorogue and Contempt of Parliament, influence and control of media, attack ads and voter fatigue to manipulate the outcome of elections in their favour. We have a media that is mocking this election and advertizing the fact that no one is interested ; but you better believe that the right wing interest groups are encouraging the Conservative vote, a growing number of likeminded people who do not think for themselves but vote because their family vote Conservative or believe Harper because he is the Prime Minister or because he is religious, or believe that being stoic and stubborn is a sign of Leadership (even if it erodes our Parliament and Democracy) or have a narrow minded view of civil rights in Canada. We have a whole demographic in our population that want to put us back 60 years to a time of discrimination.
The excuse of using the Media Consortium to exclude Elizabeth May from the Political Debates is a ploy by Steven Harper to eliminate a candidate that has the complete opposite view of this government and one who can ask the difficult questions and literally wiped the floor with Mr Harper in the last election debate. The Green Party is not shown anywhere on the election circuit and has been ignored by the media, even though the Green Party is a recognised Political Party choice in the Voters Compass on CBC News site and by Elections Canada; this should have Canadians waving a red flag about the manipulation of power and corruption of our democratic process and the negative influence of the Harper Government.
The use of the Conservative Party of the RCMP and Social Media for Security purposes is very disturbing. The fact that they are profiling certain persons and groups by denying entrance to Harper rallies is undemocratic. Harper has discriminated against Canadian youth ( the G8 and G20 summit is evidence of his fear of protest )and the free thinking University vote and so has not encouraged their interest in politics and voting. The Harper Conservative use of American Republican political ploys of discouraging voter turnout and attack ads is another method which is obviously working to anesthetize the Canadian population from taking a real interest in the Election and researching information on who these political leaders really are and how they will change our lives.
The internet espionage by the Conservatives of infiltrating other party e-mails and personal face-book sites is very worrisome and shows a degree of deceit by Steven Harper that is very much a reminder of the Nixon era misuse of power.
Canadian Sovereignty and Democracy is under attack by the Theo Conservative Harper movement.
Wake Up Canada! Vote and Take Harper Out!
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I remember a Martin government.
I remember a Chretien government.
I remember a Campbell government - well sort of....
I remember a Mulroney government.
I remember an itty-bitty Turner government.
I remember two Trudeau governments interspersed with a Clark government.
I remember a Pearson government.
I don't remember Dief's 'cuz I was kid enough and smart enough not to give a damn.

Only in propaganda - for his sake or ours - is the letter 'G' capitalized in Harper's government....


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
I remember a Martin government.
I remember a Chretien government.
I remember a Campbell government - well sort of....
I remember a Mulroney government.
I remember an itty-bitty Turner government.
I remember two Trudeau governments interspersed with a Clark government.
I remember a Pearson government.
I don't remember Dief's 'cuz I was kid enough and smart enough not to give a damn.

Only in propaganda - for his sake or ours - is the letter 'G' capitalized in Harper's government....
LOL! Glad you remember. So Vote!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Oh Goody! Another moron.......

Religious Movement and the Steven Harper Government
The use of the term “The Harper Government “for the Government of Canada is undemocratic and people should be up in arms!
The infiltration of the right wing Evangelical Movement in Canada is dividing this Country and is a threat to our Democracy and Civil Rights. The American notion of Manifest Destiny is still prevalent today through Business and Religious Associations infiltrating Canadian Society with such groups as the National Citizens Coalition, Civitas, the Evangelical Association, and NRA. Steven Harper has systematically made his way quickly through the ranks and changed the political climate today by amalgamating the Reform Party and the Progressive Conservatives into the Harper Conservative Government.
The Steven Harper Government is riddled with MP affiliated with right wing theo-conserative beliefs. Religion should never be allowed to influence Politics and Government in a Democratic Society. We have freedom of religion due to the fact that we have a Democratic system and that freedom is manipulating our government through the Harper Conservatives.
The Harper Government has received huge monetary support from these organizations that want to change our civil rights under the Constitution and Canadian Charter of Rights. The fact that Steven Harper changed the law by limiting the amount of donations to political parties is a disgraceful way of limiting the growth of his political opponents while he is sitting on huge funds, which have never been disclosed, and receiving advertising support of right wing interest groups.
Never before have we seen such strong influence on our elections in paid advertizing and media by such groups as National Citizens Coalition, Civitas, NRA, and the Evangelical Movement, to control the vote toward a Theo-Conservative Government. The above groups have influenced their members to vote for Steven Harper who is eroding our Social Programs and Civil Rights with a Neo-Con /Theo-Con Conservative Government. The fact that support groups for women, native people, immigrants, family planning, safe drug injection sites have had their funding cut or taken away is evidence of the downturn of our cultural and social programs. The short sighted and narrow-minded views of these groups have support of a large amount of the population that are following religious doctrine like sheep, and by using such terms as Patriotism, Morality, Justice. The Harper Government has tried to reform our justice system, our civil rights, by stacking the Senate with Harper supporters, and delayed parliament through non-disclosure and by Contempt of Parliament have caused another election so they can have the desperately needed majority government.
Canada is in serious trouble with Steven Harper as Prime Minister with his use of the media and internet to control through fear and intimidation. His dismissal of anyone that he does not like or may influence people in free thought is a disgrace to his position, even though he can turn a blind eye to charges of Fraud for himself or anyone working on his behalf, such as Carson Fraud and Senators involved in the In and Out scheme.
This government has used a well organised plan of patriotism, non-discloser, delays, secretive meetings and agenda, Prorogue and Contempt of Parliament, influence and control of media, attack ads and voter fatigue to manipulate the outcome of elections in their favour. We have a media that is mocking this election and advertizing the fact that no one is interested ; but you better believe that the right wing interest groups are encouraging the Conservative vote, a growing number of likeminded people who do not think for themselves but vote because their family vote Conservative or believe Harper because he is the Prime Minister or because he is religious, or believe that being stoic and stubborn is a sign of Leadership (even if it erodes our Parliament and Democracy) or have a narrow minded view of civil rights in Canada. We have a whole demographic in our population that want to put us back 60 years to a time of discrimination.
The excuse of using the Media Consortium to exclude Elizabeth May from the Political Debates is a ploy by Steven Harper to eliminate a candidate that has the complete opposite view of this government and one who can ask the difficult questions and literally wiped the floor with Mr Harper in the last election debate. The Green Party is not shown anywhere on the election circuit and has been ignored by the media, even though the Green Party is a recognised Political Party choice in the Voters Compass on CBC News site and by Elections Canada; this should have Canadians waving a red flag about the manipulation of power and corruption of our democratic process and the negative influence of the Harper Government.
The use of the Conservative Party of the RCMP and Social Media for Security purposes is very disturbing. The fact that they are profiling certain persons and groups by denying entrance to Harper rallies is undemocratic. Harper has discriminated against Canadian youth ( the G8 and G20 summit is evidence of his fear of protest )and the free thinking University vote and so has not encouraged their interest in politics and voting. The Harper Conservative use of American Republican political ploys of discouraging voter turnout and attack ads is another method which is obviously working to anesthetize the Canadian population from taking a real interest in the Election and researching information on who these political leaders really are and how they will change our lives.
The internet espionage by the Conservatives of infiltrating other party e-mails and personal face-book sites is very worrisome and shows a degree of deceit by Steven Harper that is very much a reminder of the Nixon era misuse of power.
Canadian Sovereignty and Democracy is under attack by the Theo Conservative Harper movement.
Wake Up Canada! Vote and Take Harper Out!

Ah...excuse me moron-boy (or girl).......... But donations to Canadian political parties are tightly controlled, and most by other than individuals are completely illegal, thanks to legislation passed in part by the Harper government.

If you have any serious allegations of wrong-doing, I suggest you notify the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

If you do not have any evidence other than the product of your fevered imagination, I suggest you STFU

As for the vocal support for the Conservatives voiced by individuals and certain groups........well, I know you are a lefty, and not too bright....but have you ever heard of the free exchange of ideas? Or free speech, for that matter?

I know, only the Coalition to Murder the Unborn, the CAW, and Al Gore should be allowed to voice their opinion, all others being dangerous....... (sarcasm alert)

Here's a bulletin: people have different views than you, and that is fully legitimate, as is their voicing those ideas.

And, as an aside, don't worry: as you grow up, your brain stem will become fully attached.

we hope.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
"Harper government" is more democratic than "Her Majesty's Government", which is what it's actually called.

Good advice though. Don't vote Conservative... unless you're a conservative but even then you shouldn't vote conservative because I'm not and I'm right and you're wrong. Glad it's all settled.