TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

Are you capable of actually having a disscussion or is your only desire to dissagree with everything that others say,
Yes I am, I tried to have a discussion with you. You made it quite clear you are here to preach, not discuss.

even if you have to LIE in order to dissagree?
I never lie, if you can prove I have, I'll apologize and leave you alone. But I can prove everything I've said about you. Although I'm sure you'll disagree with my facts, those that live in the real world, will see who the liar is.

It seems to me, that with you, I am not entitled to ANY sort of OPINION at all...
Not true at all.

You will just blatantly disagree, and the only evidence your offer is that it is your opinion that I am stupid...
No, I also offered undeniable fact that you simply dismissed. You proved you were stupid without my help.
or some other irrelevant meaningless word that is intended to de-value another in some way..
You simply devalue yourself.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

My intention is not to put you down for doing what you do..
Hey it's fun.. I know that, I could do the same and get a kind of sadistic satisfaction out it to...
In fact, I am getting exactly that right now..

But like I said, my intention is not to put you down for doing what you do..
We are all FREE to try and accomplish any objective that we CAN choose, by any means or method that we CAN realize..
But the point is, the consequence or result that you acquire is not up to you, what will happen will happen irrelevant of what you SAY or BELIVIE will happen..

You cannot PROVE things logically or emperically that are purely a matter of opinion..

Like the fact that I am stupid or that I am lying..

If I am lying you cannot prove this emperically..
If I am stupid that is a matter of perspective, and a matter of opinion, like morality..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

My intention is not to put you down for doing what you do..
It may not be your intent, but you insult peoples intelligence, when you dismiss fact.
Hey it's fun.. I know that, I could do the same and get a kind of sadistic satisfaction out it to...
What's fun? Spamming CC withyour gibberish?
In fact, I am getting exactly that right now..
Probably not as much as me.
But like I said, my intention is not to put you down for doing what you do..
And yet you have tried repeatedly.
We are all FREE to try and accomplish any objective that we CAN choose, by any means or method that we CAN realize..
I'm glad you agree.
But the point is, the consequence or result that you acquire is not up to you, what will happen will happen irrelevant of what you SAY or BELIVIE will happen..
I agree, but I don't believe what will happen, will happen. I know what will happen.

You'll continue to spam CC with your brand of pseudo intellectual BS, dismissing fact at every turn, to hold on tenuously to your version of reality.

You cannot PROVE things logically or emperically that are purely a matter of opinion..
|Yes you can. Especially with someone such as yourself, thta lives in an alternate reality.

Like the fact that I am stupid or that I am lying..
I didn't have to prove that, you posted and removed all doubt.

If I am lying you cannot prove this emperically..
Calling me a liar, without a shred of proof, is lying.

If I am stupid that is a matter of perspective, and a matter of opinion, like morality..
Not really. Morality is subject to perception, but stupid is as stupid does.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

We are all FREE to try and accomplish any objective that we CAN choose, by any means or method that we CAN realize..

This is TRUE..

You KNOW that it's TRUE for YOU..

And for any other being that is like you.. ALIVE and OBSERVANT and empowerd..

Please specify exactly what FACT I dismiss..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

The definition of faith is a matter of opinion, and a matter of perspective..

I can use that word to represent a specifc "concept" defined by me within a specifc context defined by me..

But not if you will not allow me to referr to other specifc "concepts" which you KNOW to be a part of the REALITY that you experience through your own awareness....

And NOT is you will not allow me to view things and explain things from with in a specifc context..or perspective..

It is you who dissmisses the definition of FAITH..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

The definition of faith is a matter of opinion, and a matter of perspective..
That has a specific meaning as defined by fact.

I can use that word to represent a specifc "concept" defined by me within a specifc context defined by me..
Ya, I can too, faith, hamsters and/or butterflies makes my truck run, but at the end of the day, it's still running on gas, air, and electricity.

But not if you will not allow me to referr to other specifc "concepts" which you KNOW to be a part of the REALITY that you experience through your own awareness....
My perceptions do not dictate the definition of words beyond their globally defined meanings, no matter how much I wish it were so.

And NOT is you will not allow me to view things and explain things from with in a specifc context..or perspective..
How have I stopped you from prattling on? Or is this how you throw yourself on a cross?

It is you who dissmisses the definition of FAITH..
You see, that's a lie. I don't dismiss the definition of faith, I dismiss your mangled definition of faith.

As any reasonably thinking person should.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Are you observant?

It is observably true, to this reasonable and logical observant, that you are intent on spamming this site with your brand of drivel, with no actual point or need for open and honest discussion.

As clearly indicated by your refusal to accept globally acknowledged and understood definitions. Along with your countless, pointless threads, in which you call every member that challenges your version of reality, names and ignore the opinions of others, no matter the strength of the data or facts they offer to support their position. Which of course is more then you do.

Look up TROLL on wiki and you will see that THIS POST that you just posted fits perfectly the definition of TROLL..

YOU sir, are an ASSHOLE..

You are unfair, unreasonable, opininated, arrogant, presumpous, sadistic, and unrealistic..

you are unwilling to even attempt to have a disscussion of any sort, except to TROLL ME..

This is self evidant in every single response that you have posted to me..

If that does not constitute the defination of an ASSHOLE, then nothing does.

If that does not justify me calling you an ASSHOLE, then nothing does..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

You don't even KNOW what I say FAITH is..

Yet you dismiss my mangled definition of it..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Are you observant?

Look up TROLL on wiki and you will see that THIS POST that you just posted fits perfectly the definition of TROLL..

The Cannibal Troll [VIDEO]

YOU sir, are an ASSHOLE..
Like I said before, I have a PhD in Assholology.

You are unfair, unreasonable, opininated, arrogant, presumpous, sadistic, and unrealistic..
And you're projecting.

you are unwilling to even attempt to have a disscussion of any sort, except to TROLL ME..
I tried the discussion route, you aren't here to discuss anything.

This is self evidant in every single response that you have posted to me..
True, after I proved you weren't here for open discussion.

If that does not constitute the defination of an ASSHOLE, then nothing does.
And of course "Cannibal Troll", which is what I majored in when I got my Doctorate in Assholology.
If that does not justify me calling you an ASSHOLE, then nothing does..
Except for me having a PhD in Assholology of course.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: You do not need to say anything crazy or presumptuous to be persecuted..

You don't even KNOW what I say FAITH is..
Yes I do...

I see no difference between FAITH and PRESUMPTUOUSNESS...

FAITH in a religious context is to simply ASSUME TO KNOW what is TRUE, when it is not reasonable or logical to assume it as TRUE at all...
Which is a presumptuous claim.

You were then presented with the definition of faith, and asked to show how you came to your conclusion. To which you then dismissed the globally accepted definition of "faith".

Yet you dismiss my mangled definition of it..
Of course.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Are you observant?

You have used this technique in every single post..
It's call a red herring..
You are simply changing the subject and misdirecting the discussion to be about my unworthiness or immorality or unethicalness or incapacity..
You simply will not be reasonable in any observable sense..

You are an ASSHOLE through and THROUGH..

And you only accomplish my disappointment and disparity, and harm..
This is clearly your intent, and clearly your accomplishment.
But no doubt you will LIE about you intent, and deny responsibility for the harm that you accomplished..

I suffer at your hands, I endure your persecution..
I except my suffering, as it is TRUE that it is not necessary that one NOT SUFFER..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Are you observant?

You have used this technique in every single post..
It's call a red herring..
No, it's called troll cannibalism.
You are simply changing the subject and misdirecting the discussion to be about my unworthiness or immorality or unethicalness or incapacity..
What else is there to discuss?
You simply will not be reasonable in any observable sense..
I'm only following your rules.

You are an ASSHOLE through and THROUGH..
Yes, I know, I hold a Doctorate in Assholology.

And you only accomplish my disappointment and disparity, and harm..
Isn't that what you are after?

This is clearly your intent, and clearly your accomplishment.
In your opinion. remember your own opinion on opinions now.

But no doubt you will LIE about you intent, and deny responsibility for the harm that you accomplished..
Not at all.Like I said before, I don't lie.

I suffer at your hands, I endure your persecution..
Hows the view from your cross?

I except my suffering, as it is TRUE that it is not necessary that one NOT SUFFER..
Are you going to start equating yourself to Jesus now?

That would be most entertaining.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Are you observant?

So in CHEERS to your success... and may you obtain your just reward for a job well done..


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Are you observant?

Everything you said is either FALSE or is LIE or is a result of your delusional state..
You are worthless, useless and insignificant..and you do not deserve to live..

I say these things NOT to hurt you, but because they are TRUE..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Are you observant?

Everything you said is either FALSE or is LIE or is a result of your delusional state..
I'm the one that has proven his position, you are the one that dismisses reality.

But I can understand why you would want to see it your way.

You are worthless, useless and insignificant..and you do not deserve to live..
How very human of you.

I hope you didn't cut your feet on the shards of your facade as it smashed upon the floor, when I helped you take it off.

It simply amazes me, what lies behind the masks of those that profess such enlightened spirituality.

sad, ugly little people, self deluded and lying only to themselves.

I say these things NOT to hurt you, but because they are TRUE..
Can you prove it though. Because, by your own posts, you've made quite the case for opinions being about perception.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Are you observant?

I dispare not because you insult me, but because you choose LIES and IGNORANCE over TRUTH..

Everything you said is either FALSE or is LIE or is a result of your delusional state..
You are worthless, useless and insignificant..and you do not deserve to live..

I say these things NOT to hurt you, but because they are TRUE..

If you are hurting I am glad.....



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Are you observant?

I dispare not because you insult me,
You insult yourself. The insults and wishing of harm upon others, are your manifestations. Not mine.

but because you choose LIES and IGNORANCE over TRUTH..
And yet I am the only one between the two of us, to use any fact to support their position.

Everything you said is either FALSE or is LIE or is a result of your delusional state..
You are worthless, useless and insignificant..and you do not deserve to live..

I say these things NOT to hurt you, but because they are TRUE..
Yes, you said that in the other thread, expoosing yourself as a sad, ugly little person.

If you are hurting I am glad.....
I'm sure you are.