Those were the words you eventually posted after ducking the issue umpteen times, but the message was clear: The greenie AGW theories are too flimsy and baseless to address a system as complex as the Earths climatic system.
Your "multiple baselines" is your way of saying that every so often, you are forced to re-gig the baseline in order for the results to fit your fantasy-theory... Ofcourse your "multiple-baselines BS works and is proven, you ensure that by engineering the proverbial yard-stick to fit the theory.
Let me ask you this: Do you apply the same, retarded scientific method to the research you do at your job? Form a theory, test it, and when the results prove negative - alter the results to fit the original theory?
... And you have the balls to call others ignorant... Add-in arrogant and narrow-minded and you have a good working description of yourself.
Your "multiple baselines" is your way of saying that every so often, you are forced to re-gig the baseline in order for the results to fit your fantasy-theory... Ofcourse your "multiple-baselines BS works and is proven, you ensure that by engineering the proverbial yard-stick to fit the theory.
Let me ask you this: Do you apply the same, retarded scientific method to the research you do at your job? Form a theory, test it, and when the results prove negative - alter the results to fit the original theory?
... And you have the balls to call others ignorant... Add-in arrogant and narrow-minded and you have a good working description of yourself.