Dattaswami's Various Religion Threads


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

You should donate after analyzing through proper knowledge

Earning the wealth is a great act. Saving the earned wealth by controlling unnecessary expenditure is greater act. Proper utilization of the saved wealth is greatest act. You can get the grace of God through proper utilization of the saved wealth in His name. When you spend your money in the name of God, God is pleased. But, you should spend it properly with sharp analysis. If the wealth is wasted or spent for un-deserving persons, God becomes furious. Therefore, expenditure or donation of money can bring the grace or anger of God and it is like a double edged knife.

Therefore, controlling the expenditure in un-necessary ways and also resisting the expenditure on un-deserving persons results in pacifying the anger of God. The un-necessary expenditure and expenditure on un-deserving persons result in sin and you will be punished in the hell. Therefore, your expenditure should be based on sharp analysis since your expenditure may result in the pleasure of God as well as in the anger of God. Veda says the same [Samvidaa deyam], which means that you should donate after analyzing through proper knowledge. You think that wasting money yields neither sin nor good fruit and the result is only zero. This is totally wrong. Your expenditure will never yield zero and it either yields good fruit or sin. Hence, you should be very careful in the expenditure or donation.

A farmer gave milk to a serpent, which is shivering in snow. After gaining sufficient heat from the nearby fire created by the farmer and after gaining sufficient energy through the milk, the serpent bit the farmer and went away. The serpent killed some more people outside also due to the gained energy. For that act, the farmer was punished in the hell also. The farmer was not only punished on the earth, but was also punished in the upper world after death. Such is the severe result of donation to un-deserving people.
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Donation of food is said to be greatest

The human race is the blessed category of the creation since the human being alone has the faculty of devotion to God. You must save the life of every human being if it is in need. Even if the human being is an atheist, you must save the life since the atheist has a chance of becoming a devotee in future. Therefore, donation of food is said to be greatest since it is the basis of life. But, you should donate it to the deserving people only. 'Deserving' means any human being suffering for food. The human being must work and earn the food without begging as far as possible. Otherwise, people become lazy without doing work.

Hence, while donating the food to a person capable of doing work, you should analyze the background carefully. Generally, poor children, poor old persons, poor disabled and poor patients can be accepted as deserving receivers of your donated food. A rich person should be always avoided as far as possible leaving rare emergent occasions. Do not have any analysis in the occasions of emergency demanding immediate service. Such donation is called as 'Apat-dharma'.

Who is the really deserving person to receive donation?
You should approach God and not the other human beings for your needs

Who is the really deserving person? Veda says that the person not expecting anything from anybody is the most deserving receiver of your donation [Akaamahatasya]. The deserving person must have full faith in God and should believe that God will give him all the required needs of the life. He should work and earn and if something is needed beyond the scope of the work, God is going to help him in the correct moment. He need not beg other human beings, who are beggars themselves, praying God to fulfill their desires.

A beggar should not beg another beggar and should go to the house, which donated food to the other beggar. Similarly, you should approach God and not the other human beings for your needs, which are not covered by your work. In fact, a true devotee should not beg even God because God is omniscient and will act at the right time. Therefore, if one is expecting something from you, he is not a deserving person since his faith in God is not complete.

People mistake God in human form as ordinary being

When God comes in the human form, that itself starts illusion in your mind. You will mistake the Lord as an ordinary co-human being since you are affected by the common properties of the external human medium. The birth, growth, illness, thirst, hunger, other qualities like worldly desires and final death confuse you to recognize the Lord. You must separate the inner permanent soul from the external human body since all the above mentioned properties do not touch the soul.

Therefore, the Lord started Gita with such separation in the second chapter, which is the beginning of Gita. If you are able to separate the soul and body, you will be easily separating the super soul or God from the body in the human incarnation. At the same time, you should separate the soul and God also so that you will not mistake the soul existing in every human body as God.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Re: Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

Hey. I just got a new computer. Intel i5, 8 gig RAM, 1 terabyte hard drive. oh boy a bunch of other unnecessary expenditures. I expect I'll get five or more years of service from this machine. Unnecessary as it is. lol


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Re: Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

eh1ehThere is a difference. Unnecessary expenditure means those expenditure which are not needed in reality. But certain things we need, which are not unnecessary...


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Creation of bad in this world apart from good

Creation of bad in this world apart from good

God is associated with both good and bad

The fundamental aspect of creation of this Universe by God is only entertainment

People often get the doubt about the creation of bad in this world apart from good. The bad is related to the qualities of Rajas and Tamas. The good is related to the quality of Sattvam. Since God is the Creator and Maintainer of both good and bad, He is associated with both good and bad. This is clear when we say that Vishnu is associated with Sattvam, Brahma is associated with Rajas and Shiva is associated with Tamas. The doubt is that God should have been always in the form of Vishnu only. In fact, there is a sect called Vaishnavas, who follow this point. They treat God as Vishnu or Narayana only. In such case, God should not be the Creator of the entire world since bad is also a part of the world. This will limit God to the partial capacity of Creation. Even if you say that bad is the creation of souls, since God is the Creator of all the souls, the indirect responsibility of bad appears to God.

Otherwise, God should have made bad to disappear as soon as it is created by the souls. The maintenance of bad should not have been possible without the will of God, since will of God is the reason of everything in the Creation. The fundamental aspect of creation of this Universe by God is only entertainment as said in the Veda (Ekakinaramate…) and in the Brahma Sutras (Lokavattu…). The entertainment in single phase of good is always boring. When you eat a sweet dish continuously, you require the hot pickle also now and then to give a break in eating the sweet. This break or change gives you the reinforcement of taste to eat sweet again. In eating the meals, both dishes of sweet and hot are always maintained.

You may say that this necessity of break belongs to the lower human beings but not to the highest God. In such case, the entertainment is also related to lower human beings but not to highest God. If that is true, the scripture should not have told the requirement of entertainment for God. You cannot contradict the Scripture since its Author is God and this is explained by the 3rd Brahma Sutra (Sastrayonitvat). In the subject of unimaginable God, the unimaginable God alone can be the authority.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Real & permanent transformation of mind can only cancel sins

Real & permanent transformation of mind can only cancel sins

Both right knowledge & your effort are necessary to achieve the goal

The sin, which is the source of all sufferings, cannot be cancelled through any extent of devotion and any extent of dearness and nearness to God. No way is competent to cancel the sin except one path. Such only one path is real and permanent transformation of the mind. Such transformation will avoid the doing of sin in future. Since the punishment given for the sin done in the past also aims at this transformation only, there is no meaning of punishing the soul further for the past sins after the transformation. Hence, the permanent and real transformation of the soul cancels all the past sins and the future possibility of doing any sin more. There is no other way than this because such unique way is the will of God.

If God cancels all your past sins, it means that you are really and permanently transformed and that you will never do sin in the future. Such permanent and real transformation of the soul can be achieved only by getting the true knowledge, which is the starting step of the correct treatment. After getting the true knowledge, you will try to travel in the right path and now your effort gains importance. Gradually, you will succeed in getting the real and permanent transformation through the right knowledge associated with your subsequent effort to implement the right knowledge in practice. Both right knowledge and your effort are necessary to achieve the goal.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Way to burn all the sins of past, present and future

Way to burn all the sins of past, present and future

Krishna told that the true knowledge giving the correct direction followed by the effort of soul in implementation will burn all the sins of past, present and future (Jnanaagnih…, Abhyasenatu…). Jesus propagated this concept telling that if you confess and do not repeat the sins through surrender to God, all the sins will be excused. The priests of the church crucified Him, since the propagation of such true knowledge will affect their interests. The sinners come and donate to get their sins cancelled. The priests play important role in this process and get highest respect from the public.

The propagation of this truth will affect their business and respectful positions in the society. The priests of all the religions in the world are doing huge business based on this false concept only. In fact, these priests can earn more and can get more respect if they are based on the truth and propagate the true knowledge.

When the truth is propagated, the souls will get real benefit. The priests will be rewarded more and hence, should not object the propagation of the true spiritual knowledge under the false impression that their livelihood gets spoiled by the true knowledge.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
When one does a miracle it is God who does it

When one does a miracle it is God who does it

Power of God is inseparable from Him

The other field is the unimaginable God with inherent unimaginable super powers called as Maya. This Super Power can never be isolated from God as said in Gita (Mayinamtu Maheswaram). This super power or Maya is the specific power of God used in His play of entertainment as said in Veda (Indro Mayaabhih….). When God gives a boon to any devotee, the devotee thinks that the super power of God entered him, which is being used by him. It is a false notion. God may give you a boon that you will create any thing by your will. You are thinking that the super power of God has entered you and that you are creating any thing using your super power. You will realize that this is absolutely wrong, if you realize the actual technique. When you wanted to create something, then that is created. No doubt! But what is exactly happening? When you wanted to create something, then the invisible God is creating that because He has given a boon to you to that effect.

Yourself and the other spectators are thinking that it is created by you with the help of the super power given to you by the God. It is only an illusion. Therefore, a real devotee having true knowledge will always say that God has done the miracle, even though the miracle was expressed by Him. Therefore, the Maya or super power can never be separated from God. If you are His true devotee, you can perform the miracles which are actually done by Him in invisible way. Therefore, you are getting the super power (in the sense of external world) through total surrender, devotion and selfless service to God in His Mission. You cannot achieve the super power through any amount of sharp intelligence or techniques or instruments or by any self effort. The basic reason is that you can never achieve the super power in real sense. The achievement of super powers mentioned in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is spoken in this external sense only. This is the field of unimaginable powers or Maya.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Re: Real & permanent transformation of mind can only cancel sins

No way is competent to cancel the sin except one path. Such only one path is real and permanent transformation of the mind.

Wrong again!! The precious BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and your REPENTANCE toward God is what washes away your sins.
"You were not redeemed with corruptible things like gold and silver, but with the precious BLOOD OF CHRIST" (1 Peter 1:18-19)

If there was any justice on this forum a mod would place your false teachings into the "Spiritual Discussion" section. You aren't boasting anything remotely Christian and yet want to "borrow" God and Christ, their good names and reputations, and use it to make YOURSELF seem wiser and smarter.

If you want to transform your mind, SET IT FREE, then first you need to accept the truth of Jesus Christ.
"Know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

Then you can transform your life by the constant RENEWING OF YOUR MIND.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND." (Romans 12:2)



Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Re: Real & permanent transformation of mind can only cancel sins

Wrong again!! The precious BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and your REPENTANCE toward God is what washes away your sins.
"You were not redeemed with corruptible things like gold and silver, but with the precious BLOOD OF CHRIST" (1 Peter 1:18-19)

If there was any justice on this forum a mod would place your false teachings into the "Spiritual Discussion" section. You aren't boasting anything remotely Christian and yet want to "borrow" God and Christ, their good names and reputations, and use it to make YOURSELF seem wiser and smarter.

If you want to transform your mind, SET IT FREE, then first you need to accept the truth of Jesus Christ.
"Know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

Then you can transform your life by the constant RENEWING OF YOUR MIND.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND." (Romans 12:2)


The way to cancel your sins

All the punishments are only for reformation of the soul and not for revenge. The hell is created by God not with vengeance against sinners but due to kindness to reform the souls. God is always kind to reform the souls, which are His children since the souls are created by Him.

The father will never have even a trace of vengeance towards his issues. Jesus always addressed God as father and He propagated this concept by saying that all your sins will be excused by God if you are reformed. Practical knowledge, the practical realization, which is the reformation, will cancel all your previous bad deeds or sins as told in Gita (Jnanaagnih….). Except this one way, there is no other way to cancel the sins and escape from all the present problems in the world and future torture in the hell.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Enjoy your life containing both +ve and –ve things.

Enjoy your life containing both +ve and –ve things.

….like God enjoying His creation containing both good and bad.

The essence of the entire message of Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, is to develop the highest state in which you can be in the state of continuous enjoyment and happiness through entertainment. If you can enjoy the problems also, such continuous state of happiness is possible. The human being has always the worst tendency to pick-up negative things only in the life and go on brooding over those things. Either you should avoid thinking about those negative things (dhyayato vishayaan …) or you should be able to enjoy those negative things also like the dish of chillies in meals.

Avoiding the thinking of negative things in the life is impossible since they touch and penetrate the mind in the practical life. Therefore, the only alternative way is to enjoy those things also and be happy in every minute of life. Such state is called as Brahmi sthiti (Eshaa brahmi sthitih …), which means that you should continuously enjoy your life containing both positive and negative things like God enjoying His creation containing both good and bad.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Re: Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

eh1ehThere is a difference. Unnecessary expenditure means those expenditure which are not needed in reality. But certain things we need, which are not unnecessary...

That's the kicker... What is a fair and reasonable determination of those things which are necessary and those things we which are unnecessary.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
One can become equal to God only in this aspect

One can become equal to God only in this aspect

You become equal to God in this state of enjoyment (Enjoying both +ve and –ve things in life) and this is the only possible monism (advaita). You are in the state of maintained creation and you are enjoying the creation like God (if you enjoy both good and bad in the life). You are not in the state before creation, in which you cannot be equal to God since He is creating everything and you cannot create anything.

You are not in the state of final dissolution of the world in which He is destroying everything and you cannot destroy anything. You are in the best state of maintenance of creation in which you cannot be differentiated from God since you are enjoying the creation like God. There is no trace of difference as long as the aspect of enjoyment of the world-cinema containing both scenes of happiness and tragedy is concerned. Even the extreme tragedy, the death, is not an exception to such entertainment (sthitvaasyaamantakalepi …).
Moderator's Edit: Link removed

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
Last edited by a moderator:


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God really enjoied +ves and –ves things in the world.

God really enjoied +ves and –ves things in the world.

Krishna followed this (continuously enjoying life containing both positive and negative things) in His life and His preaching, the Gita, was perfectly implemented in His practice. He was enjoying His own death while the foot was bleeding, hit by the hunter. He consoled the hunter and removed his tension over the incident. He enjoyed the genocide of His family members as a spectator in the end.

He enjoyed the defeat in the hands of the enemies like Jarasandha, who flew away to construct a new city in the island present in the ocean. He enjoyed while Shishupala was repeatedly scolding Him and was never subjected to any tension. He enjoyed while He was called as the thief of butter in other houses. Except entertainment and enjoyment, even a trace of tension could not touch Him in His entire life.

You may say that God is enjoying the world-cinema since He is away from it. You may differentiate from God by this, stating that you are participating in the cinema. This cannot be accepted since God also entered the world-cinema as Krishna and participated in it like you. The only difference is that He is acting in the role, where as you are living in the role by completely identifying yourself with it. Such divine knowledge applies to you also and Shankara preached this.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Re: Un-necessary expenditure of wealth result in sin

That's the kicker... What is a fair and reasonable determination of those things which are necessary and those things we which are unnecessary.

Over enjoyment(Bhoga) should be left

The word Bhoga by its root meaning is taken as the meaning for even the basic enjoyment like eating food. If you do not eat food how can you serve the God? Veda says that such basic enjoyment should be done (Bhunjeedhah…..). This is the Yogic meaning (meaning obtained from the word) of the word Bhoga. But in Rudhi (general usage), the word Bhoga means the over enjoyment of worldly pleasures, which leads to Roga (illness). This is proved by medical science also. If you become ill how can you serve God and please Him? Such Bhoga should be left. Tyaga (leaving) of such Bhoga will make you healthy and enable you to please God (Yoga).

Veda refers to such leaving of over enjoyment (Tena Tyaktena …..). Bhoga is based on the concept of intensive love on a co-human being or a worldly item. The process of such intensive love is good because God will be also pleased by such intensive love (Moha) only. The object of such Moha should be replaced by God. A person is running very fast in the opposite direction. Only the direction has to be changed but the fast running is appreciable. By such fast running only he will reach the goal quickly. Therefore, the basis of Bhoga, which is Moha should be retained and by the spiritual knowledge the object only should be changed. Thus, the essence of Bhoga, which is Moha will certainly lead to Yoga or attainment of grace of God.

Bilhana was going in a forest immersed in the memory of his darling. He touched a sage by his foot by mistake. The sage was meditating upon God. The sage became angry to curse him. But Bilhana asked, “I am thinking about my darling and I did not know that my foot touched you. But, you are immersed in the memory of God like me and how you are aware of the touch?” The sage realized and directed Bilhana to God. The sage learnt the Moha from Bilhana. Thus both were blessed by God.

The attraction to the worldly bond can be directly transformed into attraction to God. There is no need of achieving the detachment from the worldly attraction. The detached soul cannot have the attachment again because the soul is habituated to the continuous detachment only. Suppose a student is reading novels and not the class books. The reading-habit is good. You have to replace the novels by class books. This can be achieved by proper and talented counseling.

Suppose you give sleeping tablets to him so that he will stop reading the novels. By this the student is not reading novels because he is always sleeping. Now after this stage if you ask him to read the textbooks, he will refuse, because he is habituated to sleep only without reading. Similarly, if you bring the soul to complete detachment form the worldly bonds, it is very difficult to develop attachment to God. In Advaita philosophy such detachment is achieved by which the soul becomes inert like the tree or a stone. The devotion cannot be generated in such rock.

The attraction to the world can be taken as the training of development of the very process of attraction. But the worldly attraction should take a turning point on one day and should be transformed into divine attraction. If the training is continuous for the whole life, there is no meaning of such training because the re-human birth is very rare and it means almost impossible. Moreover, the attraction to the world is accumulated form millions of births and it is very difficult to bring down the attraction to zero. Instead of this, it will be easy to replace the world by God. Any way, even after bringing the attraction to zero you have to again raise it to the sky. Therefore, conversion of the worldly attraction to God is easy and also desirable.

If you ask the mother to cut her bond with her child, it is impossible. It is easy to replace her child by Krishna. In fact, the Moha etc are created only to help you in spiritual path. You have diverted it to the world and misused it. Now you say that Moha is a bad quality. Moha in its original aim of creation is a good quality. You have made it bad by giving wrong direction to it. Shri Ramanuja says that the relationship between God and a real devotee is “Bhogya-Bhoktru Sambandha”, which means that God is the enjoyable item (Bhogya) and the devotee is enjoyer (Bhokta). The enjoyment of God is the real Bhoga.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Re: Way to burn all the sins of past, present and future

Why are you quoting Krishna in CHRISTIAN DISCUSSION?

Sins don't get "burned" they get forgiven. This is FALSE TEACHING.:angry5:
You have to take the essence of preaching. If you do not repeat sins again pratically then all yours sins are burned off by God.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Re: Real & permanent transformation of mind can only cancel sins

The way to cancel your sins

All the punishments are only for reformation of the soul and not for revenge. The hell is created by God not with vengeance against sinners but due to kindness to reform the souls. God is always kind to reform the souls, which are His children since the souls are created by Him.

The father will never have even a trace of vengeance towards his issues. Jesus always addressed God as father and He propagated this concept by saying that all your sins will be excused by God if you are reformed. Practical knowledge, the practical realization, which is the reformation, will cancel all your previous bad deeds or sins as told in Gita (Jnanaagnih….). Except this one way, there is no other way to cancel the sins and escape from all the present problems in the world and future torture in the hell.

Gita (Jnanaagnih) is not the word of God. What proof do you have?


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Re: Real & permanent transformation of mind can only cancel sins

Gita (Jnanaagnih) is not the word of God. What proof do you have?
God comes in human form in every human generation to preach and uplift the human beings. He preaches knowledge known as divine knowledge. The quality and the explanation of the knoweldge is the proof that it is from God. This you yourself can experience by your own inner conciousness. You are the one who decides whether it is true or false.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Re: Way to burn all the sins of past, present and future

You have to take the essence of preaching. If you do not repeat sins again pratically then all yours sins are burned off by God.

Your eastern philosophy makes no sense. It's FALSE, A LIE, AND VERY DECEPTIVE. I alwayz hated religions and philosophies such as yours. It tries desperately to mix Christianity with garbage. Garbage that sends people on a path to hell.