BTW, Jones hasn't lost his job, he stepped down on a temp basis until an inquiry exonerates him.
You mean IF he is exonorated... That is if he will be invited back.
BTW, Jones hasn't lost his job, he stepped down on a temp basis until an inquiry exonerates him.
You are right: the word "little" was never used... I was being generous - the actual term was no statistical significance (meaning an absolute absence) was the term.
While you intepret his position as still supportive, I see it as waning and in question. It was not to long ago that there was no question and that the debate was over. Considering al of the recent events, this commentary by Jones is nothing short of waffling on their position.
In answer to your questions, you are upset thatg the media is finally treating the pro side the same way that they've treated teh anti GW side... To bad - get used to it. The fact is that the pro-GW have ow worn out all of their credibility and are relegated to being paraphrased by the media as they cannot justify wasting the space in a magazine/newspaper on folks whose credibility is fading fast.
You mean IF he is exonorated... That is if he will be invited back.
Nope, this is what he said:"The positive trend is quite close to the significance level"
Really, this is what he said in another interview: But I stand 100% behind the science. I did not manipulate or fabricate any data, and I look forward to proving that to the Sir Muir Russell inquiry."
Unless you have a different meaning of wanning this isn't it.
You didn't answer the question.
He will be.
See, even you just tried to manipulate the facts like all the other deniers do.:lol:
If only it was that's not.
Much more complex....actually extremely complex.
Talking points don't cover it at all.
Bloody mastadons and their methane farts causing global warming.
Temperature rises have always lead carbon dioxide rises, so man can't be changing the climate.
Another one goes right over your head.
I duck a lot.Should we tally all the volleys that have sailed over yours?
You sure an interesting case. It seems that you prefer to a highly selective perspective that serves to suit a very narrow view.
As far as Monbiot being older than the IPCC.. I have old hockey jerseys older than the IPCC - What's your point?
Point 2
I provided evidence of the debunked science on 2 occassions, the last being a partial list of transgressions, admissions or investigations that brought to light the faulty/fraudulent practices being perpetuated by the pro-global warming folks out there.
On that note, we haven't even addressed the "lost" original climate data at East Anglia or that NASA is deliberately witholding the availability of raw data despite being compelled by the freedom of information act.
These are the actions of people that do not want the light of day to shine on their lies.
Lastly, the references and links to ice age related sites was intended to get you to think about the notion that these systems have existed throughout history regardless of man's carbon foot print. I find it particularly interesting that you were unable to recognize that relationship.
Point 3
In response to my suggestion that a solid explanation with real proof will be forwarded, you stated that it already exists... Well, lets have it.
I duck a lot.
No, I prefer accurate statements, and relevant references. If that makes me selective then I would suggest that you ought to try narrowing your view a bit.
Point 1
My point is the IPCC is a synthesis of the body of climate knowledge. I think it's far more likely that Monbiot had begun to make his own interpretations and impressions before the IPCC came along. Still, this is all conjecture. You talk very confidently about something you have no valid reason to be confident about.
That's my point. You're just the next fellow on the soapbox with no substance.
I asked you for references, and you gave me links to amateur web sites probably made in someones basement. Maybe you're confusing me with someone else, but I don't tend to follow all the conversations in these threads. Just the ones made by those who try to sell their wares with the highest confidence that they have the best grip on reality.
People like you. If an impressionable youngster happens to find this thread, at least they'll know that this fellow is full of $hit.
OK, lets address it. How many forms of data storage do you think have been used since 1850? I don't happen to think it's reasonable that they should have to store forms of data that are no longer used.
As long as it's recorded. It is recorded, they just don't have the originals.
NASA's data is all public. Go here to get it.
No, you're just parroting something you thought was clever that you read on the internet. The data is available. You can also go to the national meteorological services in most countries and download the data for yourself.
Have at er. Slim chance that you or those peddling said stories will do so. It doesn't sell well amongst their sheeple.
I find it particularly interesting that you think I need such a thought experiment. It hasn't yet occurred to you that I indeed know that there are multiple ways to perturb our climate.
I find it even more interesting that you think the young age of man- compared to Earth's history- and our influence is actually relevant. It's not.
My theory is that you don't want to understand. You just want to come on here and spew crap about emails, supposed frauds, and errors. Well, none of that will dissolve the explanation above that I gave you. This can all be verified with public data, if you are competent enough to find it.
Now, until you or anyone else can come up with a consistent explanation for why the Earth climate is behaving the way it is, one which satisfies the above conditions, and explains why radiative physics is all wrong
So? Here's a different opinion, also backed up by data:Pacific Ocean - sea levels falling
Pacific Ocean - Sea levels falling See Dec 2009 update below
4 Jul 05 - The tiny country of Tuvalu is not cooperating with global warming models. In the early 1990s, scientists warned that the Pacific coral atoll of nine islands - only 12 feet above sea level at their highest point - would vanish within decades, swamped by rising seas. Sea levels were supposedly rising at the rate of 1.5 inches per year.Understandably, the residents of Tuvalu were concerned, so Tuvalu's official meteorological agency began measuring sea levels.
Ten years later they were shocked to discover that sea levels had fallen 2.5 inches during that time. Similar sea-level declines have been recorded in Nauru and the Solomon Islands. (London Telegraph, 6 Aug 2000)
Tuvalu somehow “lost” those record, and has started the measurement process again.
Tuvalu sea levels STILL falling
[/FONT] [FONT="] 4 Dec 09 - All this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story, says Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. [/FONT][FONT="]When running the International Commission on Sea Level Change, Mörner launched a special project on the Maldives, whose leaders have for 20 years been calling for vast sums of international aid to stave off disaster. Six times he and his expert team visited the islands, to confirm that the sea has not risen for half a century. Before announcing his findings, he offered to show the inhabitants a film explaining why they had nothing to worry about. The government refused to let it be shown.[/FONT][FONT="]Similarly in Tuvalu, where local leaders have been calling for the inhabitants to be evacuated for 20 years, the sea has if anything dropped in recent decades. (italics added)Sea levels are also falling in the Maldives! (in the Indian Ocean)
[/FONT] If there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner. His findings are based on "going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the real world".
See Rising sea levels 'the greatest lie ever told'
See Sea levels are falling!
Sea levels are also falling in the Arctic Ocean
See Arctic Sea Level Falling
Are you blaming the data storage systems then? In my view, the data existed just fine right up to the point where scientisits that held opposing views requested the raw data wherein it was magically lost.
Willful ignorance.And yet, there are no models nor any feasible explanation that can isolate humanity as "the cause" AND explain the past occurances.
The data was lost before Phil Jones was the Director. That was back in the 1980's...before FOI requests.
Willful ignorance.
For your education:
The Biggest Control Knob- Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Climate History
My point is the IPCC is a synthesis of the body of climate knowledge.
When the data was lost is irrelevant. Seeing how East Anglia officials are clearly not fit to manage the data, certainly it is unfathomable to expect those same incompetents to develop any complex theories or models.
Thanks for the link from Richard Alley.. I won't bother to watch it as I've heard enough BS from the IPCC related groups. I'm certain that his is simply more of the same redundant whitewash we've come to expect from the IPCC supporting groups.
I notice that you have nothing to say regarding NASA, Monbiot or feasible explanations/modeling.
This is what was submitted in your post:
"Prof Jones: Yes, but only just. I also calculated the trend for the period 1995-2009. This trend (0.12 per decade) is positive, but not significant at the 95% significance level."
As far as the comment being "quite close" - what exactly does that mean? Could that also (indirectly) suggest that the the is (quite close) significance in their NOT being any anthropogenic global warming? Is it "quite close" at the 80% level? I'd imagine that it is entirely accurate at the 50% level too.
That's the beauty of stats, eh? You can make them say whatever you wish.
Fabrication of data is not the issue. Jones, in his (own) emails condemned himself via his admittance (of him or his peers) in terms of the data he deliberately omitted or the tricks that were purposefully engineered into the models to specifically alter the results.
Jones may be able to truthfully declare that he did not fabricate data, but his actions had an equally, if not greater, negative impact.
He will not rejoin East Anglia in his former capacity nor will he represent the IPCC/UN ever again.
I did answer the question (about media treatment of pro-GW coverage). That faction has lost all credibility and they are be relegated to having their views paraphrased.
In terms of the waning support - take a look around. There is less support and much more critical analysis of global warming theory, let alone more and more allegations and investigations of fraud, misrepresentations, etc as every week passes.
The writing id on the wall. It's up to you to read it.