Al-Qaeda Wannabe Kept ‘Bomb’ on His Lap


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
*Much ado about nothing?*:roll:

By Jason Ditz December 26, 2009

Details continue to trickle in about 23 year old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s would-be attack on a Detroit-bound airplane, Northwest Flight 253 from Amsterdam.
Abdulmutallab apparently kept the small explosive device on his lap, and detonated it from there while sitting in his seat. Passengers say “it sounded like a firecracker in a pillowcase,” and yesterday officials said Abdulmutallab’s injuries were consistent with a firecracker size explosion. Officials now say the device may have been a condom containing a small amount of PETN.
The attacker appeared to believe that the powdered explosive was much more powerful, capable of destroying the plane. He also claimed to be affiliated with al-Qaeda, though officials now say they doubt that and he appears to have acted alone.
Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, Abdulmutallab’s father, says he is shocked his son was even allowed to fly to the US, and says he contacted the US months ago to warn them of his son’s “extreme religious views.” The US says they knew of him for “two years” and he was on a list of potential terrorists.
Still, Abdulmutallab was not on a no-fly list, and his trivial explosive charge, which managed to only burn his own lap and the hands of a passenger who tackled him, was somehow not detected when he boarded the plane.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
PETN is the explosive we used to use in our det cord or shock tube(primacord) to set off the caps and then boosters when blasting and is very explosive.
A single 22 calibre primer is all we used to set it off.
Stretching live plastic primacord untill it breaks will also set off the PETN which is like a fine talcum powder inside the tube.
Nasty stuff all in all.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I can't see why the US didn't react sooner to nab him.

Britain refused to offer him a student visa when he tried to get into Britain to study at a bogus university.

And I also can't see why the US persists in limiting passengers to one item of hand luggage - in Abdulmutallab's case it would have been a useless measure. Abdulmutallab had his explosives strapped around his leg and nobody thought of checking there. If other terrorists do the same and the US just keeps limiting passengers to one item of hand luggage then next time they might succeed in blowing up the plane.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
However trivial the device used, it apparently doesn`t take much to `terrorize` the US population. No doubt thier government controlled media are playing a large roll in this scare-mongering so one could say the incident did result a success.

Heck it`s even got our gov. officials running around in circles in a panic and media outlets all excited and frothing at the lips!
Reports now indicate we are once again bowing to our American masters with pressure on our airports ie longer waits, more intrusive searches before boarding flights, and funniest of all, passengers must sit still for one whole hour before the plane lands....on America soil, I presume. :lol:

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
It doesn't take a very big hole to bring down a very big airplane - but his guy's gotta be way out there if Al Quaida reject him and even his own dad thinks he's nutty....


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
However trivial the device used, it apparently doesn`t take much to `terrorize` the US population. No doubt thier government controlled media are playing a large roll in this scare-mongering so one could say the incident did result a success.

Heck it`s even got our gov. officials running around in circles in a panic and media outlets all excited and frothing at the lips!
Reports now indicate we are once again bowing to our American masters with pressure on our airports ie longer waits, more intrusive searches before boarding flights, and funniest of all, passengers must sit still for one whole hour before the plane lands....on America soil, I presume. :lol:
Well maybe you bow to them but I dont,it's called national security.
Nice anti American rant though,like a one trick pony.:roll:
Same ol same ol


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
However trivial the device used, it apparently doesn`t take much to `terrorize` the US population. No doubt thier government controlled media are playing a large roll in this scare-mongering so one could say the incident did result a success.

Heck it`s even got our gov. officials running around in circles in a panic and media outlets all excited and frothing at the lips!
Reports now indicate we are once again bowing to our American masters with pressure on our airports ie longer waits, more intrusive searches before boarding flights, and funniest of all, passengers must sit still for one whole hour before the plane lands....on America soil, I presume. :lol:

You could allways move to Nigeria if you dont like the way the west is run,I hear they have lots of freedoms there.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
You train well young man. So long as you believe what you`re told by our media, all is well.

Well maybe you bow to them but I dont,it's called national security.
Nice anti American rant though,like a one trick pony.:roll:
Same ol same ol


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
I just might do that...and while there collect on the promised cut of 528 million (US)dollars I`ve inherited from the life-savings of one, Dr. Majuka Saleem, deceased husband of Najeeba Saleem. :smile:

You could allways move to Nigeria if you dont like the way the west is run,I hear they have lots of freedoms there.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I just might do that...and while there collect on the promised cut of 528 million (US)dollars I`ve inherited from the life-savings of one, Dr. Majuka Saleem, deceased husband of Najeeba Saleem. :smile:

I'm sure your hatred would be welcome.

Now I have a question or two for you about your topic header.
1) You say wannabe Al Qaeda,how do you know he wasnt with them?
2) You put bomb in quotation marks,are you trying to imply that petn couldnt make a bomb?

Your trying to lure peeps to your topic with false and misleading information as far as I can see so it warrants clarification.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I'm sure your hatred would be welcome.

Now I have a question or two for you about your topic header.
1) You say wannabe Al Qaeda,how do you know he wasnt with them?
2) You put bomb in quotation marks,are you trying to imply that petn couldnt make a bomb?

Your trying to lure peeps to your topic with false and misleading information as far as I can see so it warrants clarification.

The americans have already stated that he had no connection with AQ........ also, they have stated that it was a "small" amount of petn, possibly in a condom. It did what it did because he did not use enough and did not "manufacture" it properly. He was a wannabe.

Now, the question to be asked is, why was he not on a no fly list since he HAD been tagged by the americans? Did they, once again, not take the warnings seriously, or did they see him as a minimal threat to actually carry out any kind of serious attack but his incompetance could be used to their advantage in keeping the general public fearfull.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
The americans have already stated that he had no connection with AQ........ also, they have stated that it was a "small" amount of petn, possibly in a condom. It did what it did because he did not use enough and did not "manufacture" it properly. He was a wannabe.

Now, the question to be asked is, why was he not on a no fly list since he HAD been tagged by the americans? Did they, once again, not take the warnings seriously, or did they see him as a minimal threat to actually carry out any kind of serious attack but his incompetance could be used to their advantage in keeping the general public fearfull.
Yes,he should never have been allowed on that plane so heads should roll.

A small amount of petn can be very deadly,its stabler then regular explosive and requires a shock to set it off,thats why its used in the first 3 steps of a blast as an initiator that requires 4 different explosives.

A petn detonater about the size of a firecracker when smashed on a railway track with the back of an ax killed my brother in law,his brother and 2 other kids,it blinded my other BIL and another kid lost one eye.
Thats about 4 grams of powder.
Next marathon you see in Calgary Ger you will see him running with his dog.
He also works at the C.N.I.B in Calgary,you could ask him how big the explosion was.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
as I said, he was a wannabe, he didn't build the bomb properly and the petn just flared instead of exploding.....OR.... it wasn't petn at all. Either way, I have answered the 2 questions you posed to JBee. The answeres to both were readily available to you in the latest article about the "bombing" attempt.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
as I said, he was a wannabe, he didn't build the bomb properly and the petn just flared instead of exploding.....OR.... it wasn't petn at all. Either way, I have answered the 2 questions you posed to JBee. The answeres to both were readily available to you in the latest article about the "bombing" attempt.

They may be available now but none of his links said that and that's why I asked him.
So it's a misleading topic header.


May 24, 2006
I can't see why the US didn't react sooner to nab him.

Britain refused to offer him a student visa when he tried to get into Britain to study at a bogus university.

And I also can't see why the US persists in limiting passengers to one item of hand luggage - in Abdulmutallab's case it would have been a useless measure. Abdulmutallab had his explosives strapped around his leg and nobody thought of checking there. If other terrorists do the same and the US just keeps limiting passengers to one item of hand luggage then next time they might succeed in blowing up the plane.

Do you actually expect the yankees to react to something in a timely fashion? They usually wait until its too late. 9-11 is one example.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
no, it isn't misleading at all and his links do state what I posted. You actually had to read threm though to find it.