Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Well you are right they were noticed.
You're claiming the explosives were put in place years before the event, on exactly the floors the planes flew into? And that the explosives and wiring survived the fires for an hour without either detonating or being burned off? And you're still claiming the collapse looked exactly like a controlled demolition? :roll: That's just dumb. Structural failure started at the point where the aircraft struck the buildings. No floors above or below the impact point move until that failure begins. There are no other failures while the structures collapse, all lower floors remained intact until they were hit by the collapse from above. Every photographic and video record confirms that, it's beyond dispute. It could not possibly have been a controlled demolition.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
WTC7 was not impacted by any aircraft nor were her fires anything close to 'raging'. Why was the penthouse the first sign of structural failure, it should have been a pancake at the floor with the fire.

Even in WTC 1 & 2 the core columns could be accessed via the elevator shafts without any disturbance to any walls. This same area held the stairs so it was the strongest part of the entire structure. A huge portion of it should have been left standing, as it was only a tiny portion of one outside wall survived, and some of it turned to dust LOL.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Building 7 was heavily impacted by debris falling from the north tower. It took major damage to its southwest corner from the ground up to a little below its middle floors, and the south face was also heavily damaged, though it's hard to get a good look at it because of obscuring smoke and dust. There was an intense fire involving several lower floors, visible from all four sides of the building, that was left to burn for over six hours because the rescue crews were focusing on finding survivors and minimal fire fighting equipment was available. Major structural damage from thousands of tons of debris falling directly onto the building from hundreds of feet above, plus an uncontrolled 6+ hour fire, adequately explains Building 7's collapse.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
The Ultimate Con The Ultimate Con is a 9/11 based documentary with no narration, no script, no conjecture. There are no “theories” put forth in this documentary, only facts, eyewitness testimony, news reports, interviews, and various other clips that are combined together to tell a story. The Ultimate Con is 100% free. It is not for sale in any retail outlet or book store anywhere. It is more important to get the word out to every single person possible while we still have the chance. This documentary is the very best documentary for people who are unfamiliar with the controversy surrounding 9/11, or people teetering on the edge of finding out the truth. The documentary was designed specially for those who still believe the “Official” story, to best wake them up using various media and news clips.
I created The Ultimate Con documentary to help wake up fellow Americans and people from around the globe to the lies that we have been told about that fateful day. I created The Ultimate Con for the victims, the victim’s families, the soldiers, and the various other innocent people who have become the victims of the wrath set forth by America’s military industrial complex. (Excerpt from


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The Ultimate Con The Ultimate Con is a 9/11 based documentary with no narration, no script, no conjecture. There are no “theories” put forth in this documentary, only facts, eyewitness testimony, news reports, interviews, and various other clips that are combined together to tell a story. The Ultimate Con is 100% free. It is not for sale in any retail outlet or book store anywhere. It is more important to get the word out to every single person possible while we still have the chance. This documentary is the very best documentary for people who are unfamiliar with the controversy surrounding 9/11, or people teetering on the edge of finding out the truth. The documentary was designed specially for those who still believe the “Official” story, to best wake them up using various media and news clips.
I created The Ultimate Con documentary to help wake up fellow Americans and people from around the globe to the lies that we have been told about that fateful day. I created The Ultimate Con for the victims, the victim’s families, the soldiers, and the various other innocent people who have become the victims of the wrath set forth by America’s military industrial complex. (Excerpt from

Well, I got to 6 minutes before i choked on the bs.

No evidence, just innuendo around things that do not in any way indicate any conspiracy to anyone with normal powers of deductive reasoning and an IQ over 90.

Sorry, I couldn't take more of the same.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Well i feel sorry for you you must live in a very nice GLASS HOUSE or youre incredibly STUPID i will go with the latter IDIOT

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
OH look it COLPY

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Building 7 was heavily impacted by debris falling from the north tower. It took major damage to its southwest corner from the ground up to a little below its middle floors, and the south face was also heavily damaged, though it's hard to get a good look at it because of obscuring smoke and dust. There was an intense fire involving several lower floors, visible from all four sides of the building, that was left to burn for over six hours because the rescue crews were focusing on finding survivors and minimal fire fighting equipment was available. Major structural damage from thousands of tons of debris falling directly onto the building from hundreds of feet above, plus an uncontrolled 6+ hour fire, adequately explains Building 7's collapse.

utter rot
intense fire
they were small fires.
Building 7 was heavily impacted by debris falling from the north tower
no it was not you are as folish as colpy


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Ask yourselves. Were the buildings demolished? Did you see them pulverized right before your eyes and then crash to the ground in ten seconds? Did you see those things? Now look at any video of a professional demolition of a large building and you see the exact same action. I don't. That's the point the conspiracy nutters can't seem to grasp. Repeating over and over again that they look the same doesn't mean they look the same. As Dexter pointed out, controlled demolitions collapse from the bottom up.

There is absolutely no reason whatever to suspect anything other than professional purposeful demolition and all the normal steps that would have to be taken.

I was going to say that there is absolutely no reason whatever to suspect a professional purposeful demolition but then it occurred to me that there was the insanity angle as well as the stupidity angle. It's quite clear that those that buy into the controlled demolition are either incredibly simple or incredibly unstable.

As I've said in the past, I'm a very open minded person and am willing to entertain the idea that there was a conspiracy. All I ask is for some credible evidence. Showing demolition videos that look nothing like the WTC and claiming this as proof is just beyond laughable.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
18 I don't. That's the point the conspiracy nutters can't seem to grasp. Repeating over and over again that they look the same doesn't mean they look the same. As Dexter pointed out, controlled demolitions collapse from the bottom up.

I was going to say that there is absolutely no reason whatever to suspect a professional purposeful demolition but then it occurred to me that there was the insanity angle as well as the stupidity angle. It's quite clear that those that buy into the controlled demolition are either incredibly simple or incredibly unstable.

As I've said in the past, I'm a very open minded person and am willing to entertain the idea that there was a conspiracy. All I ask is for some credible evidence. Showing demolition videos that look nothing like the WTC and claiming this as proof is just beyond laughable.

look Cannuck you protest you are open minded i doubt it seeing as there is much proof to the contrary also the very fact that when the pentagon was hit WHY were all the video tapes confiscated this would of proved without doubt that a plane hit the pentagon yet the footage was NEVER released was it. ever wonder WHY Mr open minded.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Ah yes, eye witness testimony. The only thing more confusing than the intellectual rubbish spewed by the CT crowd is the eyewitness accounts.

If brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow you're nose Cannuck whats up try watch it before condemning it as rubbish you're all the same you got you're opinion and nothing will change you're mind ,has there to this day been a independent review of 9/11 No have any of the real issues been mentioned NO

Its like trying to educate a sausage


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
...rambling.... when the pentagon was hit WHY were all the video tapes confiscated

No idea...maybe because it was considered a crime scene and confiscating stuff as evidence is what usually happens. Since I wasn't in the room when the decision was made, I can't really say for sure.

this would of proved without doubt that a plane hit the pentagon yet the footage was NEVER released was it.

I don't think it would have proven anything to you and the rest of the CT nutters. You will believe what you want to believe. After all, there was footage of planes hitting the twin towers and that isn't sufficient enough for you. In my particular instance, the significant amount of aircraft wreckage at the pentagon is evidence enough for me that it was hit by a least until somebody can provide evidence to the contrary.

ever wonder WHY Mr open minded.

No, not really.

Free your mind

Electoral Member
Apr 14, 2009
Ahh ... same ol' Quandary 121. How did you glean negative from my post? I may be one of the top CTs ... and you're fired!

You're the second person too call me Quandary 121 they must of been quite some person for you all to show such animosity towards them I'm starting to admire this Quandary 121,and for you to say that i have posted the same ole same ole shows how very backwards you must be


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
you're all the same you got you're opinion and nothing will change you're mind

Don't blame me for your shortcomings. If you can give me something credible that says the towers were brought down by a controlled demolition, I'll accept it and take up the CT torch.

has there to this day been a independent review of 9/11 No have any of the real issues been mentioned NO

Why should there be? I don't like to beat a dead horse but until the CT nutters can come up with something....anything plausible to contradict the official version, I just can't see the point.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
You're the second person too call me Quandary 121 they must of been quite some person for you all to show such animosity towards them I'm starting to admire this Quandary 121,and for you to say that i have posted the same ole same ole shows how very backwards you must be

Naw ... it was probably me then too. The signature never changes. You can only hide it for a little while and some has already seen light. New server? IP? Someone else's comp?
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Here we go when you cant answer the question civilly resort to calling them a CT nutter that always works
OMG what a sad moron you are look if it was a crime scene as you say who were all the guys walking around picking up debris,and do you remember that big box covered in a blue tarp being carried away .?
I wonder what was under that and who were they certainly did not look like cops to me they looked like pentagon staff ,i know its all a bit too much for your week mind to take in don't worry im sure if you up you're meds nothing will ever bother you again

Here are some punctuation marks. Please use them.


Do you actually have any evidence? I mean real evidence.