Are we about to repeat WWI?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Where do the profits from the lumber and beef go? Good honest Canadian Companies like Georgia Pacific and Tyson?
April 7, 2009
OTTAWA — The United States will impose a 10 per cent customs duty on some of Canada's softwood-lumber imports, as the two countries renew their long and litigious dispute over forest products.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
U.S. crackdown targets Canada's wheat exports

Article Abstract:
The Canadian Wheat Board is under investigation by the United States for alleged predatory pricing on exports to the U.S.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
There are multiple revenue streams spread across numerous companies... On the beef side of things, when the ban on Canadian beef into the USA was in full force, there were many (quite a few) feed lots and meat packers through the American prairies, Montana, Idaho, etc. that were severely impacted.

In fact, one of the Canadian companies that competed with the aforementioned was able to buy an entire meat packing plant (essentially new) from one of these distressed US companies for pennies on the dollar. The Canadian concern physically moved it North of the border and sold their product right back into the States.

My point is that the harm from silly, politically motivated gvt actions affects a broad spectrum of people. The goals of any of these people are no different, regardless of which side of a border that one resides in.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You won't get much of an argument from me there Petros
So what is stopping from putting all you assets into the "Captain Morgan Foundation" thus freeing yourself of the tax burder of working as an agent of the Corporation of Canada subjecting yourself to the laws and rules of said corporate entity?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
April 7, 2009
OTTAWA — The United States will impose a 10 per cent customs duty on some of Canada's softwood-lumber imports, as the two countries renew their long and litigious dispute over forest products.

Canada's response to this issue has been woefully pathetic. If the US feds do not want, nor need Canadian softwood, then the Canadian feds should work to develop other foreign markets rather than beat this dead horse.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There are multiple revenue streams spread across numerous companies... On the beef side of things, when the ban on Canadian beef into the USA was in full force, there were many (quite a few) feed lots and meat packers through the American prairies, Montana, Idaho, etc. that were severely impacted.

In fact, one of the Canadian companies that competed with the aforementioned was able to buy an entire meat packing plant (essentially new) from one of these distressed US companies for pennies on the dollar. The Canadian concern physically moved it North of the border and sold their product right back into the States.

My point is that the harm from silly, politically motivated gvt actions affects a broad spectrum of people. The goals of any of these people are no different, regardless of which side of a border that one resides in.
Is the playing feild level? How about product quality? We've been turned into a warehouse for for global industry. All these jobs you talk about are low skilled low tech jobs essentially as "order pickers". What's worse is 86% of the profits from our resources go offshore right along with the product. You can cheer all you want that a coil of so called Canadian steel is exported but how many manufacturing jobs producing everything from bicycles, apppliances, auto, pipe, etc etc etc were exported along with that coil?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So what is stopping from putting all you assets into the "Captain Morgan Foundation" thus freeing yourself of the tax burder of working as an agent of the Corporation of Canada subjecting yourself to the laws and rules of said corporate entity?

There's nothing stopping me or anyone from forming and funding an NPO. The problem is retrieving the monies for non-organizational use - something for my personal benefit.

The Buffet's and the Gate's of the world have a massive surplus of cash to accommodate all of their wants... I do not.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There's nothing stopping me or anyone from forming and funding an NPO. The problem is retrieving the monies for non-organizational use - something for my personal benefit.

The Buffet's and the Gate's of the world have a massive surplus of cash to accommodate all of their wants... I do not.
So your problem is you are caught between your wants and your actual needs? Why is that such a hard problem to solve? You need to get better at diguising your wants as your needs then maybe you'd get ahead.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
A ban on corn based sweetners and food additives would destroy the entire mid west ag industry.

Do it. As you know we have no corn here in the US. None at all. :roll:

Oh the weapons you have at your disposal!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do it. As you know we have no corn here in the US. None at all. :roll:
So how are exports of that heavily subsidized corn doing these days? No massive ethanol projects tanked out lately? Beef is more afforadable than ever and flying out of the supermarkets? EU, Mexico, China, India and Russia lifted their bans? Wow. Things look great for the food belt don't they? I'm sure another rejection from a major market would really help things along.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So how are exports of that heavily subsidized corn doing these days? No massive ethanol projects tanked out lately? Beef is more afforadable than ever and flying out of the supermarkets? EU, Mexico, China, India and Russia lifted their bans? Wow. Things look great for the food belt don't they? I'm sure another rejection from a major market would really help things along.

Yes things are fine to be honest. Plenty of corn based sweetners and food additives. Food additives abound! Supermarket shelves are stocked with beef.

But gosh...if you ban corn sweetners...oh what will we do!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
German Court Upholds Ban on Monsanto’s Corn

10:02 AM EDT | June 15, 2009 | REBECCA COONS
A German court has upheld an earlier court ruling that supports a ban on Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn. The action relates to Monsanto’s appeal April 6 for an emergency suspension of the country’s ban...

Greece extends ban on genetically modified corn

Last Updated: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 | 1:51 PM ET Comments62Recommend30

CBC News

Greece has extended a ban on a strain of genetically modified corn produced by U.S. agriculture biotechnology company Monsanto for another two years.

Ban on use of corn for ethanol lauded

By Le Tian (China Daily)
Updated: 2007-06-22 09:19

China's policy not to use basic food crops, especially corn, to make biofuel as a substitute for petroleum is a "sound decision", a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) official said yesterday. "Such a decision by such an important world player as China is likely to accelerate the second-generation technology for production of ethanol fuel from non-food crops - through conversion of biomass," Abdolreza Abbassian, Commodity Analyst and Secretary of FAO's Intergovernmental Group for Grains, told China Daily.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
German Court Upholds Ban on Monsanto’s Corn

10:02 AM EDT | June 15, 2009 | REBECCA COONS
A German court has upheld an earlier court ruling that supports a ban on Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn. The action relates to Monsanto’s appeal April 6 for an emergency suspension of the country’s ban...

Greece extends ban on genetically modified corn

Last Updated: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 | 1:51 PM ET Comments62Recommend30

CBC News

Greece has extended a ban on a strain of genetically modified corn produced by U.S. agriculture biotechnology company Monsanto for another two years.

Ban on use of corn for ethanol lauded

By Le Tian (China Daily)
Updated: 2007-06-22 09:19

China's policy not to use basic food crops, especially corn, to make biofuel as a substitute for petroleum is a "sound decision", a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) official said yesterday. "Such a decision by such an important world player as China is likely to accelerate the second-generation technology for production of ethanol fuel from non-food crops - through conversion of biomass," Abdolreza Abbassian, Commodity Analyst and Secretary of FAO's Intergovernmental Group for Grains, told China Daily.
You'll find out "what you'll do" this winter. Too bad you can't eat that corn.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
By the way...beef is fed corn if the beef has corn in it's chemical structure then it too is banned. Check prices of corn. Everytime the price drops that much more is spent by a broke govt to float an already crippled ag industry. Like I said befor: "you aren't very bright". Big mouth but just not bright.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So your problem is you are caught between your wants and your actual needs? Why is that such a hard problem to solve? You need to get better at diguising your wants as your needs then maybe you'd get ahead.

You are mistaken. I am not caught between wants and needs.. Where you have made an incorrect assumption is in the notion that I desire or interest in being an NPO.