Ezra Levant Makes Sense


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
It's people like that who make me lean towards anarchism. Not necessarily because it's the best system, but because what we have is worse. What's the point of democracy when we are enslaved by a government formed by a votership that votes for a particular political party because their grandpapa voted for same party?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Colpie, don't give up on him so fast. Remember, he's a voter. It's in all our best interests to change his blind devotion to what we might call the new ideology of 'mainstreamism', exhibiting a fear of any new idea, not wanting to rock the boat, etc.

Are you serious, Machjo? My fan club is going to persuade me to vote Conservative? Not a chance. I may consider voting for a red Tory, a centre right conservative, such as Joe Clark, John Charest etc. (or John Tory, the former Conservative leader here in Ontario).

But as I have said before, Harper is a blue Tory, a right wing politician, who is governing like a red Tory, because he wants to win elections. If ever he gets a majority, his claws will come out and he will start governing like a true right winger(remember his loudly proclaimed resolve to build a firewall around Alberta to keep gay marriage out)? So no way anybody can persuade me to vote for the Messiah.

Besides, while I don’t read the posts of my fan club, no doubt they are full of personal abuse, personal insults towards me (small, pathetic minds can feel good about themselves only when they are insulting, putting down others). If you think personal abuse, personal insults is going to convince anybody to change their opinion, you have a totally wrong impression of human nature (or were you thinking something along the lines of the Stockholm Syndrome?).

My fans persuading me about anything has about as much chance as a poodle who is yapping at an elephant has of persuading the elephant to do anything. The elephant doesn’t even notice the barking, yapping poodle.

Anyway, I like you sense of humour, you gave me my laugh for the day. Thanks for that.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I've been absent from this thread since I bid adieu to SirJosephPorter in my post #47, on April 18th.

Needless to say, I am delighted to see that I was ahead of my time. I am delighted to see all the inevitable developments since. I am delighted that I am not the only one (by definition, on the extreme fringe) who finally managed to see thru a pompous peacock.

He will get the silent treatment from me from now on.

How about you?

Are you surprised at this Yukon Jack? You know I have this knack of getting under the skin of the conservatives (including you), I can reduce them to gibbering idiots who can do nothing but spout personal insults, personal abuse, filth (though I haven't seen you do that, yet). I did have a few fans in the Canada.com forum if you remember. I used to skip their posts without reading as well.

As to your silent treatment, I have seen none of that yet, you seem to respond to my posts same as before. But if you give me silent treatment, I will reciprocate in kind. But actions speak louder than words, let me see some action first.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Does my being a social conservative in any way make me less of a foreing polichy progressive?

It may make you foreign policy progressive (if you say so), but overall it still makes you a conservative.

The way it works is whether you are an economic conservative (opposed to minimum wage, opposed to any kind of tax increases, tolerant of huge budget deficits etc.), social conservative (anti-abortion, pro death penalty, anti-gay rights etc.) or a foreign policy conservative (supporting of Iraq war, supporting of Saudi Arabian Sharia government, supporting of American embargo against Cuba etc.), it makes you a conservative.

At least all of them (economic, social and foreign policy conservatives) call themselves conservative. Thus, anybody who supports Iraq war will consider himself conservative. Or anybody who is opposed to tax increases under any circumstance, will call himself conservative.

So conservatism in any of the areas is enough for somebody to be a conservative. A liberal on the other hand, usually is a liberal in all these areas. Definition of a liberal is more restrictive than that of a conservative.

Still, surprisingly conservatives don’t outnumber liberals by a huge margin. Ontario tends to be predominantly liberal (even many of our conservatives are red Tories, Mike Harris notwithstanding).


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
More narcissistic crap, funny how sjp can't even prove his claims against moi...the poodle that made sjp go silent.


If I made sjp go silent, then isn't it I that made the poodle jump through the silent hoop?

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May 24, 2006
Are you serious, Machjo? My fan club is going to persuade me to vote Conservative? Not a chance. I may consider voting for a red Tory, a centre right conservative, such as Joe Clark, John Charest etc. (or John Tory, the former Conservative leader here in Ontario).

But as I have said before, Harper is a blue Tory, a right wing politician, who is governing like a red Tory, because he wants to win elections. If ever he gets a majority, his claws will come out and he will start governing like a true right winger(remember his loudly proclaimed resolve to build a firewall around Alberta to keep gay marriage out)? So no way anybody can persuade me to vote for the Messiah.

Besides, while I don’t read the posts of my fan club, no doubt they are full of personal abuse, personal insults towards me (small, pathetic minds can feel good about themselves only when they are insulting, putting down others). If you think personal abuse, personal insults is going to convince anybody to change their opinion, you have a totally wrong impression of human nature (or were you thinking something along the lines of the Stockholm Syndrome?).

My fans persuading me about anything has about as much chance as a poodle who is yapping at an elephant has of persuading the elephant to do anything. The elephant doesn’t even notice the barking, yapping poodle.

Anyway, I like you sense of humour, you gave me my laugh for the day. Thanks for that.

You have only 1 member in your fan club and it is you. And I can understand that you don't read the posts of your fan club because what you just posted doesn't make any sense....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You have only 1 member in your fan club and it is you. And I can understand that you don't read the posts of your fan club because what you just posted doesn't make any sense....

I'm shocked, lol, humourously I might add.

Here you are someone I have come to see as lighthearted and fun, seeing the worst in someone?

Well I guess seeing as you love a good joke, you would find that in sjp's posts...:lol:

Good call btw...two thumbs up.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Are you surprised at this Yukon Jack? You know I have this knack of getting under the skin of the conservatives (including you), I can reduce them to gibbering idiots who can do nothing but spout personal insults, personal abuse, filth (though I haven't seen you do that, yet). I did have a few fans in the Canada.com forum if you remember. I used to skip their posts without reading as well.

As to your silent treatment, I have seen none of that yet, you seem to respond to my posts same as before. But if you give me silent treatment, I will reciprocate in kind. But actions speak louder than words, let me see some action first.

SJP: You have a knack for annoying people. It's easy to see why you practice your foul manners and know-it-all buffoonery on a forums full of anonymous people because in public would earn you a punch in the mouth.

We have conversed several times on this matter and the most important thing to you has always been your rightness. It is very obvious that you are so full of yourself that anything other than your own bloated sense of self worth couldn't find room to take root anyhow.

Little yap dogs like you should be seen and not heard.
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New Member
Apr 26, 2009
ARGGGHHHHH!!!! I just discovered this site and was interested in this topic, and I just waded through 9 pages of utter ****e. Thanks SJP, for making me one of your 'fans'. Being new here, is there a way to block certain users (multiple pun intended) and the people who needlessly respond to them?

Anyways, I think it's terrible in Canada that we have a tribunal that puts so much onus on the defendant. Let the so-called HRC decide if there is a basis for complaint, and then put it to a regular court where the defendant has recourse against spurious charges. Kudos to Ezra Levant for writing his book (being in China, I haven't read it yet.)

As a side note, I remember Ezra Levant from my university days. He was often at the soap box at Mac Hall in the early nineties, and every time I saw him he was standing up against a mostly antagonistic crowd. I didn't listen to a word he was saying. He was too slick, too polished for me back in my utopian era. I didn't like him then but I have to admit I was impressed how he could stand up to a crowd.

Glad he's still doing it.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
MarkMcreary, Ezra Levant has a small but determined following (as is the case for many extremists).

I assume their followers keep extremists like Ezra Levant (or Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh etc.) in Champaign and caviar (the followers buy his books, pay him fat appearance fees as a speaker etc.). But the following is not large enough to wield any political influence (not in his case anyway, Rush Limbaugh now, he is the de facto leader of the Republican Party).


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
MarkMcreary, Ezra Levant has a small but determined following (as is the case for many extremists).

I assume their followers keep extremists like Ezra Levant (or Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh etc.) in Champaign and caviar (the followers buy his books, pay him fat appearance fees as a speaker etc.). But the following is not large enough to wield any political influence (not in his case anyway, Rush Limbaugh now, he is the de facto leader of the Republican Party).
Again you paint people with a wide and ignorantly informed brush.

Though many support Levant, the bulk support Levant's position on free speech, not his opinions in general.

Not that I would expect you to understand this, you don't read the opposition, it hinders your typical self supported view.

To be truly educated and informed you have to read and be exposed to all sides of the equation. Something you have claimed you refuse to do.

You make yourself willfully and woefully misinformed and uneducated.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Are you serious, Machjo? My fan club is going to persuade me to vote Conservative? Not a chance. I may consider voting for a red Tory, a centre right conservative, such as Joe Clark, John Charest etc. (or John Tory, the former Conservative leader here in Ontario).

But as I have said before, Harper is a blue Tory, a right wing politician, who is governing like a red Tory, because he wants to win elections. If ever he gets a majority, his claws will come out and he will start governing like a true right winger(remember his loudly proclaimed resolve to build a firewall around Alberta to keep gay marriage out)? So no way anybody can persuade me to vote for the Messiah.

Besides, while I don’t read the posts of my fan club, no doubt they are full of personal abuse, personal insults towards me (small, pathetic minds can feel good about themselves only when they are insulting, putting down others). If you think personal abuse, personal insults is going to convince anybody to change their opinion, you have a totally wrong impression of human nature (or were you thinking something along the lines of the Stockholm Syndrome?).

My fans persuading me about anything has about as much chance as a poodle who is yapping at an elephant has of persuading the elephant to do anything. The elephant doesn’t even notice the barking, yapping poodle.

Anyway, I like you sense of humour, you gave me my laugh for the day. Thanks for that.

OK, my humour was inappropriate and at your expense. Sorry for that, couldn't help it. I'll try to restrain myself from now on.

As you have likely guessed already, there is no current party that truly fits my views. But I don't vote Conservaive myself. I find it too nationalistic and militaristic, and even a tad imperialistic. I'd considered voting for the local Green candidate last election (more internationalist outlook, and with a more reasonable military policy). In the end, I'd put in a blank ballot 'cause I still disagreed with many of his policies. Now that I think about it, I should have voted for him. The others were all a bunch of idiots except for the NDP candidate who hadn't provided any internet contact information to find out more, so I guess it didn't make her too bright either. The local Conservative and Liberal candidates were really party hacks, so you could pretty much know what they stood for just by reading the party platform. Both the Liberals and the Conservatives were too nationalistic, militaristic, and dare I say imperialistic for my taste. There was no Libertarian candidate (though even if there were, that would not have been a guaranteed vote, but woth considering). The NDP candidate had left no e-mail online, so I could learn nothing from her. I won't vote for a candidate I don't know. Now assuming she was a party hack herself, then she'd likely have been excesively socialistic and nationalistic for my taste, the main saving grace being that she'd be less nationalistic than the Liberals or Conservatives, and less militaristic too (though I might find the NDP excessively pacifist, the Greens seeming to have found a more decent balance of remaining committed to using military force beyond Canadas' borders if UN-led, which I think is more reasonable). Those are things that could get me to plug my nose and vote NDP anyway.

Besides that, I liked the Green Party's commitment to the UN, international law, openness to free trade (though I preferred the Conservative candidate on that front, as the Greens were less open than the Conservatives there), open to achieving objectives through the free market (the Green shift was such an idea, whereby strategic taxation would naturally curb gas consumption. The NDP platform of a cap would certainly have been more effective, and so we could say that the NDP was greener than the Greens, but it was too extreme and would have involved much government reulation, etc. The Green shift would have regulated itself through the free market).

If I were to vote for a right wing party, I'd be looking at Libertarian. Very free-market oriented, but opposes corporate welfare, is not so militaristic, and many libertarians believe in open immigration, free trade, open to free movement oflabour, etc. Very little about them is nationalistic or militaristic or imperialistic, if at all, with perhaps some exceptional members among more conservaive libertarians.

The Conservatives are too militristic, nationalistic and imperialistic, and the Christian Heritage Party is not very tolerant of religious freedom, and the Progressive Canadian Party is really just a tad better than the Conservative Party.

So in the end, I'm not such as simplistic Conservative Party hack and you might think. I do give parties a run for their vote.

My main objection was at your rejecting Levant's ideas based on who he was. Now I'm not likely to read his book either just cause I've got plenty of other books on my list right now, but I would't reject it for who he is, that really is silly.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
It may make you foreign policy progressive (if you say so), but overall it still makes you a conservative.

The way it works is whether you are an economic conservative (opposed to minimum wage, opposed to any kind of tax increases, tolerant of huge budget deficits etc.), social conservative (anti-abortion, pro death penalty, anti-gay rights etc.) or a foreign policy conservative (supporting of Iraq war, supporting of Saudi Arabian Sharia government, supporting of American embargo against Cuba etc.), it makes you a conservative.

At least all of them (economic, social and foreign policy conservatives) call themselves conservative. Thus, anybody who supports Iraq war will consider himself conservative. Or anybody who is opposed to tax increases under any circumstance, will call himself conservative.

So conservatism in any of the areas is enough for somebody to be a conservative. A liberal on the other hand, usually is a liberal in all these areas. Definition of a liberal is more restrictive than that of a conservative.

Still, surprisingly conservatives don’t outnumber liberals by a huge margin. Ontario tends to be predominantly liberal (even many of our conservatives are red Tories, Mike Harris notwithstanding).

So how do you explain then that I'd be more likely to vote Green or NDP than Conservative? Both the Greens and the NDP conflict with my views on personal morality. The NDP especially conflicts with my views on big government. So why would I lean more in their direction than that of the Conservatives even though I do indeed have so much in common with the Conservatives? Now that should throw you into a tailspin.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
And even if I am to vote right-wing, I'd likely vote Libertarian before Conservative even though I'd be more in agreement with the Conservatives on issues of personal morality. How would you explain that if I'm a conservative? Unless you're going to say that the Conservatives are'nt as conservative as the NDP, the Greens, and the Libertarians?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
By the way, from what I do know about Human Rights commissions, I still don't like them much, even though I also know that left-leaning parties generally support them. So I suppose unless a Libertarian Party candidate is in the riding, I'm pretty much had by the nuts.


New Member
Apr 26, 2009
So what, SJP? For me the issue is whether he is right or wrong on THIS issue. Every post you have made in this thread has been an ad hominem argument that is completely irrelevant. Just so you know, the majority of people think ad hominem arguments are a logical fallacy. Can we get back on thread now?

I would genuinely like to know more about the HRC. I don't want to debate the character of Ann Coulter, which is as irrelevant as that of Ezra Levant, believe it or not.

Honestly, having an arm of the government with this much power and with so little oversight doesn't bother you?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So what, SJP? For me the issue is whether he is right or wrong on THIS issue. Every post you have made in this thread has been an ad hominem argument that is completely irrelevant. Just so you know, the majority of people think ad hominem arguments are a logical fallacy. Can we get back on thread now?

I would genuinely like to know more about the HRC. I don't want to debate the character of Ann Coulter, which is as irrelevant as that of Ezra Levant, believe it or not.

Honestly, having an arm of the government with this much power and with so little oversight doesn't bother you?
You're asking sjp to have a reasoned and logical debate?

You do realise by now that what you ask is an impossibility right?

I do hate to be one of those that you see as not contributing, but you are barking up the wrong tree here.


New Member
Apr 26, 2009
You are right CDNBear, I realised that already. My last question was more for the other readers. I just think it is such a bad system in place. I would expect its overhaul soon, but in Canada you never know.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You are right CDNBear, I realised that already. My last question was more for the other readers. I just think it is such a bad system in place. I would expect its overhaul soon, but in Canada you never know.
I hear that...

Anyone that would support this type of an organisation has issues. Serious ones at that.

There is far to much apathy in Canada.