Not surprising since we are all on the far right.
Yeah, and now I'm being accused by a machine to be authoritarian!:lol:
Not surprising since we are all on the far right.
I wouldn't consider it very accurate. I would identify myself more as moderate libertarian left on the scale presented above, though there are right-leaning and authoritarian sides to me.
I think one reason for the inaccruary is that many of the statements were open to interpretation, thus making it possible to agree and disagree at the same time to the same question depending on the interpretation chosen.
Many of the statements were thus not wel worded.
I'm starting to feel bad for Sir Joseph. It seems we're all ganging up on him.
I'm starting to feel bad for Sir Joseph. It seems we're all ganging up on him.
I'm inclined to think he wouldn't have it any other way....
Wow, I'd generally consider myself moderate left. But like I said, I could see too many possible interpretations to many of the questions and so could ahve just as easily agreed as disagreed. Did you find the same problem with some fo the quesions being too simplistic? Or was it just me?
[FONT="]Bingo, lone Wolf. That is what we are here in these forums for[/FONT]
Sorry, wrong one. This is mine:
So I am Libertarian after all, but right?!
Sorry, Machjo, but we established that in a separate thread, you are not a true Libertarian, somebody who thinks that government must stay out of peoples’ business in every issue. As i told you, there are very few true libertarians around.
Didn’t you say this before? Is it a repeat of one of your earlier posts? It sounds awfully familiar.
The Reform Party was certainly a right-wing party, even by self-definition, and it certainly attracted members from the far-right.
Colpy, so even you agree that Reform (and Alliance, which had pretty much similar policies) was a right wing party, and not centre right party. At least That is something.
Sorry, Machjo, but we established ...
Sorry, Sir, but you brought it up.
Machjo, I brought it up (Senate Reform) simply as one of the several issue son which I consider Reform Party to be right wing, I did not bring it up as an issue for discussion. It belong sin a separate thread.