Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
captain morgan

.......which acccording to your post includes the 4 RCMP murderers, bravo.
Try to remember in your vendetta China that one man held the taser and one man gave him his orders. Not four. They may have killed a man but they did not murder him. I don't think a Polish-Canadian living in China is exactly an un-biased person.
They need reprimands for their lies and in my opinion, they should be dis-missed from their duties - but - just those two. Maybe even just the officer who gave the orders because he had no justification for giving the orders. It's blantantly obvious he should not be in charge of anyone. Because he gave the order to shoot the taser and the in-experienced younger officer complied, doesn't mean the young officer should lose his job. Ultimately, by using the taser he is responsible for the death but he was ordered to use the taser and he was supposed to follow orders. We all heard him say he had never used it before. I bet he never will again if he gets to keep his job. Do all ranting you want but this is already before the courts and they will do what they do.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Have they no ****ing respect for the dead?

That is why some lawyers have earned the name scum bags, because they would attempted to bring the dead into the courtroom and get them convicted for something that has nothing to do with the fact that the Airport and the cops caused a death that could have been prevented.
If the lawyer defending the cops ever lost a loved one under the same circumstance as the poor immigrant faced death by 4 men who understand nothing about human communication, this lawyer would be screaming murder because there is no money at the other end, he would be defending his own with out a big pay day to look forward too. The 4 cops lied, the video proves it, the rest is all smelly horse sh!t.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The 4 cops lied, the video proves it, the rest is all smelly horse sh!t.
Just imagine the how much more BS there would have been had this not all been video recorded. This isn't just a single case of dishonesty and ass covering but just one of probably hundreds of incidents that day where citizens were screwed over by police whether RCMP or municipal.

How many people a year suffer from authority abuse in Canada? I bet it would shock the **** out of even the most bolt up right persons who believe these people can do no wrong. But because there is no way of proving these incidents they wil continue to happen everyday in every region of the nation.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Just imagine the how much more BS there would have been had this not all been video recorded. This isn't just a single case of dishonesty and ass covering but just one of probably hundreds of incidents that day where citizens were screwed over by police whether RCMP or municipal.

How many people a year suffer from authority abuse in Canada? I bet it would shock the **** out of even the most bolt up right persons who believe these people can do no wrong. But because there is no way of proving these incidents they wil continue to happen everyday in every region of the nation.

The incident of the Air Port has put the Cops on notice, YOU BETTER TELL THE TRUTH BECAUSE YOU DON T KNOW WHO IS MAKKING A MOUVIE OF YOU.
To bad the poor immigrant died to expose the liars who call them self's peace brokers, when in fact they are acting like thugs with out any human communication skills.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I wouldn't be so pissed (sorry) about it if they'd have manned up with facts about airports and communications foul-ups and holy 911 batman as to just go "you-lie-and-I'll-swear-to-it". That virtually calls people stupid in front of a camera that says something completely different.

Lawyers? The only difference between a dead lawyer on the side of a road and a dead dog on the side of a road is pattern of the skid marks....


Electoral Member
Mar 4, 2009
Kelowna BC
The slimy lawyers are even trying to bring up that he may have bin in reform school as a kid........... like that would make any different s...... they are just trying so hard to find any piece of dirt on him , to make his death seem OK.........


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
The slimy lawyers are even trying to bring up that he may have bin in reform school as a kid........... like that would make any different s...... they are just trying so hard to find any piece of dirt on him , to make his death seem OK.........
It doesn't matter what the lawyers dig up. It doesn't matter to anyone if he was in reform school as a kid and I don't think he was. His death will never be okay. I think we all know that now. All we can do is await the outcome now.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
RCMP loosens Taser restrictions on officers

Lyle Fisher VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) 2009-03-26 08:05

A Taser X26 (Photo courtesy RCMP)

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - The RCMP has loosened a restriction on giving multiple shocks from Tasers. This comes as a new study on Taser use shows that multiple shots from a stun gun increases a person's chance of dying.

The new analysis comes from Montreal biomedical engineer Pierre Savard.
Canadian Press reporter Terry Pedwell says the study looked at RCMP Taser incidents from the year 2002 to 2007. “Pierre Savards' study found that nine people died in Canada after being Tasered by the RCMP in a six year period. In most of the 3,200 incidents involving the Mounties, the Taser was only fired once. But in at least seven of the nine deaths, the person was jolted multiple times.”
Meanwhile Liberal M.P. Ujjal Dosanjh says the RCMP has effectively lifted its ban on officers Tasering suspects more than once. He calls it a major step backwards for the Mounties.
Robert Dziekanski received five shocks from a Taser at YVR in October of 2007 before he died.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

What did Dziekanski do besides dying ?

In your travels, have you noticed that the customs areas aren't exactly park-like settings. Have you not noticed that, in many cases, there are armed guards present?.. Ever wonder why?

Dziekanski wasn't pre-occupied in reading a newspaper or sitting around day-dreaming.

The RC's responded for a reason and that reason was compelling enough that they approached en mass with the explicit understanding that they were to deal with an agressive person.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
In your travels, have you noticed that the customs areas aren't exactly park-like settings. Have you not noticed that, in many cases, there are armed guards present?.. Ever wonder why?
Nope ,Everything that moves is a fair game , especially in the air ports , right?


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada

Taser victim was 'demonized' by RCMP, lawyer says

Robert Dziekanski is seen in this video, taken on Oct. 14, holding a small table moments before his is shot with a taser at the Vancouver Airport. Dziekanski died minutes later.

Petti Fong

VANCOUVER – Investigations into Robert Dziekanski's life before his fateful encounter with RCMP officers at Vancouver International Airport are irrelevant, said lawyers for his family and the Polish government yesterday.
Don Rosenbloom, who is representing the Polish government at a public inquiry into Dziekanski's death, said yesterday that Poland is "troubled" by a motion made by one of the RCMP officer's lawyers for copies of Dziekanski's criminal records and any complaints against him reported to police.
"What has that got to do with the investigation of the police and their conduct?"
Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer for Dziekanski's mother Zofia Cisowski, said the strategy by the police has been to deflect their actions to focus on the victim, who died after he was Tasered by RCMP officers at the airport.
"They've demonized Mr. Dziekanski and made him responsible for what happened to him at an international airport where we're supposed to have facilities to welcome people from around the world," said Kosteckyj.
For a second day, the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death heard video link testimony from friends who knew him in Gliwice, Poland.
Magda Czelwinska said Dziekanski was excited about coming to Canada, a place he considered "the land of milk and honey," and had long prepared for the journey to join his mother by collecting books and magazines about the country.
"His only concern was how was he going to pack all his books about Canada," said Czelwinska.
Czelwinska said she was surprised to see the video shot by a bystander of the moments before Dziekanski was hit five times with a Taser gun because she had never seen him in that state of agitation before. Just before arriving in Canada, Czelwinska said, Dziekanski quit smoking as a surprise to his mother.
Lawyers for the four RCMP officers have questioned whether Dziekanski was an alcoholic. But Ryszard Krasinski, another friend of the Polish man and his chess partner and fellow gardener, said he had never seen Dziekanski drunk to the point of being unable to walk.
David Butcher, lawyer for Constable Bill Bentley, one of the officers involved in the Tasering, asked Krasinski whether he ever witnessed his friend getting angry or throwing furniture around.
"I was in his company on several different occasions and it never happened, anything like this," said Krasinksi through an interpreter.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
I saw this story on The National last night, and all I could think is that our legal system is just heaping shovel loads of further embarrassment upon Canada's shame with the way the RCMP is handling an abuse perpetrated by one it's own... Keep in mind that it's not just a single lawyer that's behaving so despicably... that's an entire team of lawyers that is being paid and acting at the behest of the RCMP. Still, it's a scummy way to practice law, and with the eyes of the world upon us for this one, it's a smear on our reputation at an international level.

For Christ's sake. Man up and take some responsibility, and take note of where things are broken so they can get fixed.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
2 things are seriously broken, #1 the Airport is ill equipped for international ability to translate English into the nationalities who visit our country, and #2 the RCMP have completely forgotten the meaning human communication.

They have failed miserably to demonstrate to the world that this force is capable of communicating with people who may be faced with mental illness, severe depression which can cause a person to do unthinkable things, and last but not least the RCMP should understand while they are a group who will lie in order to protect their own they are on record by the secret video lying and getting caught, They must understand to steal or trample upon A CITIZENS CIVIL LIBERTIES AND LIE UNDER OATH IS A SERIOUS CRIME,
they must stop camouflaging the truth for pure self interest while lying under oath,
only then Canada can proudly say they have a good National police force . Anything else is pure smelly garbage.

One thing that stands out ssooooooooooooooooo bad is the drunken cop who killed a motorcyclist lied about what happened WITH REGARDS TO HOW MUCH HE HAD DRANK, while having on his record 2 people dead and still looking for vindication.

He also had the nerve to ask for his drivers’ license back and was denied. There is something seriously wrong here, that is a dysfunctional society and in this case a cop has set the stage.
Last edited:

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
....One thing that stands out ssooooooooooooooooo bad is the drunken cop who killed a motorcyclist lied about what happened WITH REGARDS TO HOW MUCH HE HAD DRANK, while having on his record 2 people dead and still looking for vindication.

He also had the nerve to ask for his drivers’ license back and was denied. There is something seriously wrong here, that is a dysfunctional society and in this case a cop has set the stage.

Sock, it's just as unfair to keep bringing the motorcycle vs drunk cop into it as it is for RCMP lawyers to bring up Dziekanski's juvenile record.
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Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Sock, it's just as unfair to keep bringing the motorcycle vs drunk cop into it as it is for RCMP lawyers to bring up Dziekanski's juvenile record.

Good day LW, I know, this is what makes this whole thing stink. They are not gods and yet they are acting as if they are better then the people they serve. Shame on these 4 thugs, and the force for protecting injustice.