khadr did identify a fellow canadian terrorist which was found innocent in this country that's why he should stay in gitmo
Are you even reading what you post?
Someone claimed he identified a Canadian citizen in Afghanistan (after being tortured and threatened with more torture) at a terrorist camp.... in loon's above report, that has been proven false, therefore he was telling them what they wanted to hear.... not exactly the truth.
(Which is to be expected from anybody being tortured)
And there is this thing called Innocent until proven guilty..... and for anybody who still believes in this process of law, Arar isn't a fellow Canadian Terrorist, since he has already been proven to have no relations with any terrorist groups..... and nothing has yet been proven about Omar's situation to "Prove" his guilt of being a terrorists as well.
And simply being in cuba, surrounded by other known terrorists, doesn't default you to being a terrorist...... Once again, innocent until proven guilty.
Oh yeah, and did anybody else catch when that little tid bit of information of Omar identifying Arar came about?
It was released right around the same time Arar filed legal action against the US government for what they did to him..... which was a poor attempt to kill two birds with one stone, but casting doubt on both Arar and Omar's innocence...... but yet again, the US has been proven to have lied yet again.
There is so much reasonable doubt in Omar's case, that it's practically impossible to proceed with any decent legal action against him to find any guilt.
If he was thrown through a normal legal proceeding and was found guilty, sure, them the breaks and I would hope he get's the proper treatment for a child soldier..... however the US royally screwed up their golden example they wanted to make and FUBAR'd it so badly with this farce of a court system, that there is no real chance of getting a solid guilty to stick.
I'm sure many would like to see real justice happen in this case and if he's guilty, be punished accordingly.... and if he was guilty, I'd like to see it too...... but as far as I can see it, it can't happen now.
And if he was guilty, whatever his punishment could be for a child soldier, has had that time spent well away through the number of years he has been held in Cuba thus far.
Keeping a 15 year old kid locked away in one of the world's worst known prisons until well into his 20s', for possibly killing one soldier in the heat of a battle should have been punishment enough.
What people want to accomplish by keeping him locked away for the rest of his life for something I believe most everybody else would do if put in the same situation where they needed to defend themselves, is beyond me.
Sure I can see it differently if it was an adult, whom is legally capable of making their own decisions, but we're talking about a kid who was dragged over there by his father..... a decision that he probably never had a chance to have a say in, and even if he did, he was still a minor and therefore the same situation applies.
His father should be charged for the crimes Omar is being charged with, because he was the responsible parent in this situation and brought him over there.......
...... but he's dead now, so it's a witch hunt to put his son in the spotlight to make an example out of him, regardless of the truth or how old he was at the time.