Question for Christians: your thughts on Christian anarchism?


Electoral Member
Oct 9, 2007
I was raised in the United Church of Canada and never equated Christianity with fear. I stopped attending because there was no one around in my age group, the only feeling I have about it from time to time is that I miss it a bit.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Garbledee-gook. That makes as much sense as the claptrap spewed by televangelists. There are over 35,000 Christian denominations so to say "Christianity = Fear" is to say that all these differing views are the same. That is beyond ridiculous. The stupidity of it is mind numbing. You really need to remove yourself from any serious discussions about religion or spirituality.


That was an observation of what most people have told me their perception of christianity is. If you don't like it, it is no skin off my balls, but you have a lot of nerve telling me what I shouldn't comment on.:angryfire:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't profess the Christian Faith myself, but would be curious to know what self-professed Christians in this forum think of Christian anarchism:

Christian anarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not sure that my thoughts are good about ANY kind of ararchism, and my ideas of Christianity are pretty simple and straight forward to follow- Obey the Golden Rule and leave it at that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I have absolutely no problem with "Christianity"- just what "Christians" try to make it out to be.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
CHRISTIANITY = FEAR: That is the general consensus of many non-christians and most who have left religion. It becomes so obvious once one frees themselves of those chains. You should try it sometime. You would be surprised what a relief it is. Like a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Of course, if you don't know how to swim, you might sink.

"Belief is holding to a rock, Faith is learning how to swim in the stream of life." - Allan Watts.

I can partially understand your sentiment. I was raised Christian but never adopted the Faith myself. I was quite turned off by its history of imperialism in the last few centuries, along with its sectarianism (Does anyone know how many branches of the Christian Faith there are today?). But over time, I came to realize that we cannot blame Jesus for the doings of his followers. We must judge Jesus by his own words and actions. So the doings of his followers forced me to re-examine my beliefs, and in the end I've since turned to other beliefs. And Ironically enough, my adoption of an alternative religion is what kindled my truest respect for Jesus for the first time, and to actually read the Gospel. So I can understand the disgust with the imperialism of Chrit's followers over the last few centuries, but we cannot blame Jesus for that.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Hardly. Perhaps you should take some time to learn about issues like this before you make silly statements that only serve to make you look foolish.

right.. Anytime I can teach you some common sense and a little higher education, I've fulfilled my duty for the day


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Garbledee-gook. That makes as much sense as the claptrap spewed by televangelists. There are over 35,000 Christian denominations so to say "Christianity = Fear" is to say that all these differing views are the same. That is beyond ridiculous. The stupidity of it is mind numbing. You really need to remove yourself from any serious discussions about religion or spirituality.

Is not "Christianity" the offal derived from the "bible". The bible (although fiction) propgates fear and mistrust. Good basis for religion.

Maybe you should take a "non christian" theology course to try and understand the basics of Christianity. It's pretty obvious you know very little except what is spewed from the pulpit


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The bible (although fiction) propgates fear and mistrust. Good basis for religion.

No, the Bible "can" propagate fear and can the Quran. So can politics. So can science Race and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

It's pretty obvious you know very little except what is spewed from the pulpit

It's interesting you feel that way considering I haven't been to church in 30 years. Oh, and BTW, what pulpit are you referring to... the pulpit in a Russian Catholic Church, an Episcopal Church, an Estonian Apolostolic Orthodox Church, an Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church,a Free Church of England, a Waldensians, a Remonstrant Brotherhood, an Evangelical Free Church, a United Church of Canada, the Aaronic Order....

BTW, to call the Bible "fiction" in some juvenile attempt to dismiss it shows a complete lack of understanding as to the vastly different views within the Christian world as to what the Bible actually is. Just as there are some that believe it is the infalible and inherrant word of God there are those, like myself, that see it as a collection of parables where the message is far more important than any concern as to whether or not the stories actually occured.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Is not "Christianity" the offal derived from the "bible". The bible (although fiction) propgates fear and mistrust. Good basis for religion.

Maybe you should take a "non christian" theology course to try and understand the basics of Christianity. It's pretty obvious you know very little except what is spewed from the pulpit

I've found "Non-Christian" theologists tend to come at a culture from the view of the outsider, and fail horribley. Often quoting edicts or philosophical views that aren't really the driving force of the religion, which (like islam) is a religion that is driven by the masses.

Non-Christian theologists also only tend to look at the matter in terms of a culture that spreads (Even if they fail at the root causes), and not as a "Science" so to speak. Which is to say it ignores smaller cults, simply because they are small even if they are (theologically) "right".

Perhaps if one delves deeper and deeper into different courses one will hear more and more opinions.

But then, with it all being opinion anyways? Why not just go on an internet forum and get the same experience for free?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
No, the Bible "can" propagate fear and can the Quran. So can politics. So can science Race and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

It's interesting you feel that way considering I haven't been to church in 30 years. Oh, and BTW, what pulpit are you referring to... the pulpit in a Russian Catholic Church, an Episcopal Church, an Estonian Apolostolic Orthodox Church, an Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church,a Free Church of England, a Waldensians, a Remonstrant Brotherhood, an Evangelical Free Church, a United Church of Canada, the Aaronic Order....

BTW, to call the Bible "fiction" in some juvenile attempt to dismiss it shows a complete lack of understanding as to the vastly different views within the Christian world as to what the Bible actually is. Just as there are some that believe it is the infalible and inherrant word of God there are those, like myself, that see it as a collection of parables where the message is far more important than any concern as to whether or not the stories actually occured.

to call the Bible "fiction" in some juvenile attempt to dismiss it shows a complete lack of understanding as to the vastly different views within the Christian world as to what the Bible actually is.

I guess fear would cause people to use the "bible and or religion as a crutch to somehow explain what they can't cope with themselves.

As the basis for "fiction", I'm a scientiost, so I insist on proof, not conjecture


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
to call the Bible "fiction" in some juvenile attempt to dismiss it shows a complete lack of understanding as to the vastly different views within the Christian world as to what the Bible actually is.

I guess fear would cause people to use the "bible and or religion as a crutch to somehow explain what they can't cope with themselves.

As the basis for "fiction", I'm a scientiost, so I insist on proof, not conjecture

Nothing to do with the Bible, but people who like to twist things around to contrive stuff that was never there in the first place.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Nothing to do with the Bible, but people who like to twist things around to contrive stuff that was never there in the first place.

That's very true. It's like quoting Nostrodamus' predictions to pinpoint events that have happened. The interpretation of the text is (at times), wildly different than the actual words.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I guess fear would cause people to use the "bible and or religion as a crutch to somehow explain what they can't cope with themselves.

I guess fear would cause people to use science as a crutch to somehow explain what they can't cope with themselves.

As the basis for "fiction", I'm a scientiost, so I insist on proof, not conjecture

Good for you. I guess that means you won't be continuing with this theological/philosophical discussion as proof is impossible. Goodbye and thank you for your input.
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Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
I guess fear would cause people to use science as a crutch to somehow explain what they can't cope with themselves.

Good for you. I guess that means you won't be continuing with this theological/philosophical discussion as proof is impossible. Goodbye and thank you for your input.

I guess you have trouble seperating fact from fantasy. No problem, not everyone iis logical

The discussion is about anarchism, not theology. Get it... are are you off to look that up


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Good for you. I guess that means you won't be continuing with this theological/philosophical discussion as proof is impossible. Goodbye and thank you for your input.

There you go, dismissing people who you don't agree with.
By the way, where did you get that avatar -


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
There you go, dismissing people who you don't agree with.
By the way, where did you get that avatar -

Don't sweat it Cliff. Only a true "bible thumper" waiting for the rapture wouldn't know the difference. But for the kids benefit (and hopeful better understanding)

Christian anarchists believe that freedom is justified spiritually through the teachings of Jesus. This has caused them to be critical of government and Church authority. Some believe all individuals can directly communicate with God, which negates the need for a system of clergy.