Question for Christians: your thughts on Christian anarchism?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I find the Wikipedia discussion simplistic and misleading. It attempts to lump disparate groups together. Tolstoy's vision of God as a human construct and Catholic orthodoxy are at opposte ends of a "Christian" spectrum. See works by Aylmer Maude.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
You ask what "Christians" think of "anarchism." You must have an construct of what a Christian is. What does the word "Christian" mean to you?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Thanks all.

Sorry for the typos; I seldom proofreed for forums.

As what I'd like to know, nothing in particular. I'd come across the article and just wanted to throw it out there to see how people react to it, see what I could learn from it. For example, I never knew we had a self-professed Christian anarchist among us in this very forum. As for the meaning of 'self-professed', that's just what I meant. If you call yourself that, then I won't judge whether you are or not.

No question in particular. I was just curious to know what people might think of it. And Cannuck. Please feel free to share any ideas you have on this. Though I don't agree with everything Tolstoy had written in his 'The Kingdom of God is within you', I still respect the purity of heart he exhibits through this essay. Have you read it? If not, it might be worth a read. It was quite interesting.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
You ask what "Christians" think of "anarchism." You must have an construct of what a Christian is. What does the word "Christian" mean to you?

To me, a Christian simply means a follower of the Christ. Beyond that, I don't judge because I don't profess the Christian Faith myself. I have read the Bible, and though I beleive that some of its social laws are outdated (no offense intended to any Christian in this forum; just my beliefs), its spiritual teachings are identical to those of all other major world religions, and those I beleive still apply.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
And Cannuck. Please feel free to share any ideas you have on this.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - Tolstoy.

I believe we have the ability to create our own reality by thought, word and deed. Jesus understood this and practiced it. I do not believe that Jesus is/was the son of God anymore than I am or am not. Jesus just understood greater truths than the people around him and therefore had the appearance of being "God-like"

I have been told by many "Christians" that since I don't believe Jesus was THE son of God, I can't be a Christian.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
To me, a Christian simply means a follower of the Christ. Beyond that, I don't judge because I don't profess the Christian Faith myself. I have read the Bible, and though I beleive that some of its social laws are outdated (no offense intended to any Christian in this forum; just my beliefs), its spiritual teachings are identical to those of all other major world religions, and those I beleive still apply.

To me the label "Christian" is so amorphous that it is meaningless. If you mean a person, atheist or theist, that believes mankind would be better off through pacifism, brotherhood, charity to the poor, forgiveness, being nonjudgemental, and so on, then we would have a starting place for conversation.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - Tolstoy.

I have been told by many "Christians" that since I don't believe Jesus was THE son of God, I can't be a Christian.

To those who say you cannot be Christian if you do not believe Jesus was God, most honest thinkers would say, "Nonsense!"


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yes. They have long outlived their usefulness in that regard. In fact, in any regard.
There are newer forms of religion engineered with the times in mind almost in an ad-hoc manner. Consumerism, TWOTists (the war on terrorism) Obamists , Bigbangists, the priests have caught up with the times, you can spot them by thier collection plates.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
To me the label "Christian" is so amorphous that it is meaningless. If you mean a person, atheist or theist, that believes mankind would be better off through pacifism, brotherhood, charity to the poor, forgiveness, being nonjudgemental, and so on, then we would have a starting place for conversation.

That's pretty much as it "should be..." Unfortunately, the evangelists have "hi-jacked" christianity to a certain extent. It nows seems to represent the need to proselytize over religions. Todays "christian" seems determined to show the 80% of the "non-christian" world the dire errors of their ways. To convert them to the "true and only real faith" and by doing so, saving their sould from damnation.

That is possibly whey people are so dismissive of the christian faith to the point of abhoring anything to do with "todays christian" as it invokes images of Falwell, Haggard, et al


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Letter to Haggard

Pastor Tim Ralph
New Covenant Fellowship
77 Perry Park Ave.
Larkspur, CO 80118

Dear Pastor Ralph,

It’s a miracle! You cured Ted Haggard!

How did you make him "completely heterosexual" in just three weeks? Did you show him movies? Did you hire “professionals”? Did you force him to stay awake every night and look at naked pictures of Rodney Dangerfield?

I’m not asking just because I’m curious. I think I’ve got a problem, and before I say any more, you have to know I’m not telling you this man to man--I’m telling you sinner to pastor, so you can’t tell anybody! Not even my wife, Viola. Especially not Viola!

This is really hard to talk about, but you’re the only one who can help me. I’ll give you a hint: When I said, “I’m not telling you this man to man,” I pictured your steely blue eyes and your white hair, and I had thoughts.

Hint #2: Remember the movie, “Eyes Wide Shut”? Remember the love scene between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman? When I watched that movie, I had thoughts.

Hint #3: They weren’t about Nicole Kidman.

I have a question: Do you read Playboy magazine? Remember that interview of Jimmy Carter? He said sometimes he lusted in his heart, and that was as bad as actually doing it.

But I bet Jimmy Carter never lusted after Tom Cruise!

Hint #4: Sometimes when Viola’s not home, I play my old Village People albums.

Pastor Ralph, my thoughts torment me day and night! Once I almost went to see Jimmy Swaggart. I thought if anybody could help me, it would be him. But then he said:

“If a man ever looks at me like that, I'm going to kill him and tell God he died."

I was afraid that while I was confessing to Brother Swaggart, I might look at him “like that,” and then he’d kill me and tell God I died. So I stuffed my thoughts back in my pocket.

Do you believe in synchronicity? Here’s why I ask: Just one day before Brother Haggard got outed by that male prostitute, I was planning to meet him. (Brother Haggard, not the male prostitute.) It’s a good thing I didn’t! Don’t get me wrong--I don’t think Brother Haggard would have killed me if I had looked at him “like that.” But he might have looked at me “like that,” and then he might have ripped off that manly flannel shirt he wears in his promo pictures, and then he’d tear off my butcher’s apron, and then . . . .

Uh oh. There I go again! You see? Pastor Ralph, you have to help me banish these thoughts from my mind before I do something I regret! Make me “completely heterosexual” like you made Ted Haggard!

You cured Brother Haggard in three weeks, but you said, “It was the acting- out situations where things took place.” I never actually acted out--I only have thoughts, so it shouldn’t take me as long. I have a free day next week, but I could squeeze in two days if you think we need more.

Whatever you do, don’t tell my wife, Viola. She’d kill me! Don’t tell Jimmy Swaggart, either. He’d kill me, too.

A Sheep in the Wilderness,
Carl Estrada

P.S. I didn’t mean “sheep” that way!

P.P.S. I heard Brother Haggard is going to get an on-line degree in psychology. If he can get his degree in three weeks, I’ll go to him instead.

P.P.P.S. Do you think you could send a photo of yourself? Don’t worry--it’s not for me. It’s for my grandson, Lester. You’re his favorite healer. He likes you even better than Benny Hinh!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Hardly. Perhaps you should take some time to learn about issues like this before you make silly statements that only serve to make you look foolish.

CHRISTIANITY = FEAR: That is the general consensus of many non-christians and most who have left religion. It becomes so obvious once one frees themselves of those chains. You should try it sometime. You would be surprised what a relief it is. Like a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Of course, if you don't know how to swim, you might sink.

"Belief is holding to a rock, Faith is learning how to swim in the stream of life." - Allan Watts.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You should try it sometime. You would be surprised what a relief it is. Like a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Of course, if you don't know how to swim, you might sink.

"Belief is holding to a rock, Faith is learning how to swim in the stream of life." - Allan Watts.

Garbledee-gook. That makes as much sense as the claptrap spewed by televangelists. There are over 35,000 Christian denominations so to say "Christianity = Fear" is to say that all these differing views are the same. That is beyond ridiculous. The stupidity of it is mind numbing. You really need to remove yourself from any serious discussions about religion or spirituality.
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