Don't get offended when Posting In Forums !!


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
I have noticed the increased tension in this as well as other Forums lately with the departute of Avro and many of the regulars feeling unwelcomed lately..

Maybe this will help you come back as we miss you all..

As some of us know Forum Posting can be very impersonable.. So please keep in mind what I write might not be what you read and each of us is entitled to our opinion..

Here are a few Forums rules I found that maybe of interest to some of you..

How to Effectively Post in Online Forums

Just like every other social venue in the world, internet forums have their own set of etiquette rules. If you want to make the most of your time online in an internet forum, find answers to your questions, or strike up interesting conversations, following the tips in this article can help you.

Rule #1: Read First, Type Later

One of the most irritating things for a seasoned member of a forum is to have a newbie come into the forums and start typing before they know anyone or have read any of the threads. Read first and you will learn the feel and flow of the forum before you post a message.

Rule #2: Respond Before You Start a New Thread

If you want to follow good forum posting etiquette, try responding to some existing conversations before you launch your own thread. Learn what everyone else is talking about, get a feel for the tone and conversations at hand, and find something with which you agree and can relate.

Rule #3: Look For It, Don't Ask For It

Chances are, any simple questions you may have are already addressed somewhere in the forum. Good forum posting etiquette means you should use the search feature available to you or manually scan the topics before you ask a question. One sure-fired way to get the seasoned posters on your bad side is to ask a question that has already been answered.

Rule #4: Don't Just Talk, Respond Too

Forum posting etiquette dictates that you should respond to at least twice as many threads as you start. If you want people to respond to your threads, it's always best to respond to theirs too.

Rule #5: Use the Title and Subject Fields Wisely

If you are in an informational, technical or help forum, there are many seasoned and experienced subscribers in that forum who are likely willing to help you, but these folks scan the subjects for things they know the answers to and avoid threads that they may not be able to answer.

Rule #6: Be Courteous

In person at social situations, you may say or do something out of character or perhaps lash out or hurt someone's feelings, but that incident can be quickly forgotten or only remembered by those who see it.

In an online forum, that type of an incident is there forever, and anyone can see it, or worse, stumble upon it weeks or months later and dredge it up again. Ask yourself before posting whether what you are about to say is something you will want read a month from now. If it's not, don't type it, no matter how tempting it may be at the time. Remember, everything you put out on the internet can come back to haunt you.

Rule #7: Don't Use Internet Shorthand

It's one thing to be casual in a forum and not worry too much about perfect grammar or spelling, but be sure to write out all your words and avoid most internet shorthand. An occasional BTW, LOL, or the like is perfectly acceptable, but avoid using IM short speak.

Rule #8: Stay on Topic

While it's okay to make a casual comment, share an experience, or make a joke, try to keep the comments you make in a thread on-topic with the conversation. Forum posting etiquette says there is little more frustrating than to scan a thread title about one subject only to find 60 posts about something entirely different and you had to read them all to see if the question was ever answered.

Rule #9: Don't Spam or Promote

This probably should have been listed in the first position for forum posting etiquette. It's usually acceptable to have one link in your posting signature, but it is never acceptable unless the forum is for that specific purpose to post affiliate links, promotional content, or advertising. Nothing will get you blacklisted or kicked off a forum faster than spamming.

Rule #10: Help as Much as You Are Helped

If you come into the forums to ask questions, post a thread, and then disappear and never respond to anyone else's threads, questions or comments, chances are the forum members will be less likely or willing to help you in the future. You don't have to personally thank everyone who responds, but you
can definitely respond with thanks to all who answered and make an effort to help others if you can answer their questions too.

Rule #11: Use Socially Acceptable Language

You wouldn't come into a stranger's house and start cussing, telling off colored jokes, or using inflammatory language and you shouldn't do this in a forum either. Until you are absolutely certain of the rules and atmosphere of any given online forum, it's best to always keep your language PG-13 or cleaner.

Rule #12: Read the Forum Guidelines and Follow Them

If the forum has guidelines, it's good forum posting etiquette to read those guidelines and follow them to the letter. When in doubt, refer back to the guidelines.

Rule #13: Respect the Moderator

If there is a moderator in your forum, and that moderator tells you not to do something, whether you agree with them or not, don't do it! Forum posting etiquette says you are coming into someone else's forum, you play by someone else's rules. If you don't like it, you're welcome to find another forum with different rules. Remember, the moderator usually has the power to suspend your posting privileges or ban you from the forum.

Rule #14: Post in the Proper Forum or Thread

Internet forum posting etiquette says to place your post in the appropriate forum or thread. It doesn't matter if one forum thread is more active than another, you should always use the appropriate forum or thread for your content.

Rule #15: Quote or Use Names When Responding

Some forums allow members to receive email updates. A post in a forum that has continuity is one thing, but an email that says only, "I agree" will not be of much value unless the member goes back to the forum, finds the thread, and retraces the conversation. If you have the ability to quote someone, do so. If not, use the name of the person to whom you are responding and use part of the original question in your response. Also, when threads in a forum become long, it's difficult without quoting or directing your response to someone to know who or what you are responding to.

Lastly, let's look at some quick forum posting etiquette rules to follow:

  • Never use all caps
  • Don't toggle between CaPitAl aNd LoWeRcAsE LetTeRs
  • Use normal punctuation and grammar
  • Keep it short and simple whenever possible
  • Be careful sharing private information
  • Provide enough information to answer any questions you ask
  • Use minimal outbound links, and only when absolutely necessary
  • Don't be a troll and don't feed the trolls (*see below)
  • Follow all posted rules of the forum at all times

If you follow these simple etiquette tips you will find your time in an online posting forum productive and fun. Happy posting!

Forum Posting Etiquette - Associated Content


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Rule #18 - Thank posters for posting forum etiquette guidelines. Thanks SF.


Electoral Member
Nov 26, 2008
SouthWestern Ontario
WOW - 18 rules on how not to get offended? - People must choose whether they are offended - it is like being happy - a personal choice - no one can influence how you feel unless you let them.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I guess we'll all have to tread more carefully!


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
I must have totally missed a bunch. I thought people had moved past this 'regulars' and 'newbs' nonsense.

Now karrie, not nice of you to twist my words like that.. These were Avro last words and what I meant..

Seems I'm getting complaints from whiners and cowards so instead of the inevitable ban I bid you all farewell.

Bye and have a good life.:cool:

Avro out........


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I have noticed the increased tension in this as well as other Forums lately with the departute of Avro and many of the regulars feeling unwelcomed lately..

Maybe this will help you come back as we miss you all..

The departute of Avro was Avros bussiness, a victim of his own hot kitchen none were unjust toward him. A regular a double double or a black everyone is welcome here, I guess.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

I miss old Walt. He was a social commentator ahead of his time. Didn't he get black balled for that bit?

Seems to me that if a person is going to come to a forum to post their opinions on human affairs they should be ready to take a little criticism. That to me is the spice of life. It would be excruciatingly dull if we all agreed. CanCom is not so adversarial as although tempers can run high at times. It's kinda like real life only quieter.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Thank you, Sir Francis! That is a very helpful post. Somewhere buried in those rules probably lies the explanation for my demise!:-(

A happy New Year to you.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Of course the forum will have disagreements and debates, but I have heard enough of, 'thanks to everyone who disagrees with me, or, agreement becomes
boring. I enjoy chatting with others who have something in common with me,
and our conversation is congenial and friendly, and it is never boring.
Agreement and congeniality and sharing information without arguement should
be the majority I would assume, or maybe there are some who don't want to
share conversation with anyone who agrees with them, maybe there are some who
don't know how to converse without 'grit' and 'disagreement', they have never been
taught how, well give it a try sometime, it feels good.
I am certainly not going to consider myself or anyone else boring or 'not helpful' in my life because they don't 'ruffle my feathers.'


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

I miss old Walt. He was a social commentator ahead of his time. Didn't he get black balled for that bit?

Seems to me that if a person is going to come to a forum to post their opinions on human affairs they should be ready to take a little criticism. That to me is the spice of life. It would be excruciatingly dull if we all agreed. CanCom is not so adversarial as although tempers can run high at times. It's kinda like real life only quieter.

Who the hell was old Walt?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Of course the forum will have disagreements and debates, but I have heard enough of, 'thanks to everyone who disagrees with me, or, agreement becomes
boring. I enjoy chatting with others who have something in common with me,
and our conversation is congenial and friendly, and it is never boring.
Agreement and congeniality and sharing information without arguement should
be the majority I would assume, or maybe there are some who don't want to
share conversation with anyone who agrees with them, maybe there are some who
don't know how to converse without 'grit' and 'disagreement', they have never been
taught how, well give it a try sometime, it feels good.
I am certainly not going to consider myself or anyone else boring or 'not helpful' in my life because they don't 'ruffle my feathers.'

I bet you look sweet in feathers.