World War II: The Holocaust


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Can you compare the two?

I don't think the full realization of all the ramifications let alone locations of the camp happened until very near the end of the war. I read a damn good book about Aushwitz and Birkenau back in the 60s, don't recall the name of it, but it sure showed where the "bear **** in the buckwheat".

The Allies had proof I believe in 42 or earlier


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Command and higher up may have known. People on those bombers couldn't. I always figured that's why the survivors went to Israel - so the Arabs could finish the deed.

The command structure at first denied their existence due to the fact that such horror stories of atrocities were used in WW1 –
By the early 40’s the facts were in. One reason stated for not bombing was due to the amount of causalities. I kid you not.
The Nazis went to the gas chambers & furnaces due to a number of reasons –
Mass Slaughters such Shooting as at Babi Yar = Troops were going off the deep end – No doubt –
Babi Yar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vans were used but used to much fuel
Inefficient – Tied up to many troops
Then they came across Zyklon B –
And that is why I refer to the Holocaust as the first Genocide on an Industrial Scale never before seen.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So why wasn't IG Farben bombed? It doesn't take a team of geniuses to distinguish between a factory and a labour camp.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
So why wasn't IG Farben bombed? It doesn't a team of geniuses to distinguish between a factory and a labour camp.

I agree

One little known fact:
During the War Allied Bombing of the industrial heartland of Germany increased from 42 onwards - German production still increased.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
These awful pictures are bad enough, but I visited Buchenwald and Dachau, two of the camps in Germany
and somehow the empty camps were worse than the pictures. There is a stench, real or imagined, that
washing and cleaning just won't mask or remove.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
But Stalin was on the good side,so it was ok for the Russians to rape and murder thousands of German civilians,and the millions he had killed didn't count,because they weren't jews.

The Germans shouldn't have been too shocked after raping, pillaging, and murdering 23 MILLION on their way across the Soviet Union.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The Germans shouldn't have been too shocked after raping, pillaging, and murdering 23 MILLION on their way across the Soviet Union.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and other UPA graves in the Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound Brook, New Jersey


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
So why wasn't IG Farben bombed? It doesn't take a team of geniuses to distinguish between a factory and a labour camp.

There were a lot of targets like IG Farben that weren't bombed. Some say it was to prevent Gemany from being a complete
dependant after the war. As it was, Germany was in great financial state just a few years after the war. The strongest economy in Europe.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Let's not forget the Slavs, Gypsies, communists, homosexuals and disabled. Holocaust seems to me to be religious grandiosing of an epic human tragedy expressed in terms of propaganda when applied to just one victimized people


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Today I saw on television, it was this morning. on either CBC or CNN that the rules
have changed, the German Government has announced that those still alive and
that worked in a death camp, are criminals also and should be prosecuted. That
means SS Camp Guards as they were there for one purpose, or the women prison
guards of those institutions. Long overdue in my opinion.........

We have sent criminals back to Africa and to some other areas of Europe. There
should be no place for them to hide and there should be a public accounting of their
crimes. This world has a lot of unfinished business to take care of and that includes
a lot of Russian Communists who participated in the murder of another thirty million
people before, during and after the second world war.

There is a lot of injustice in the world and a lot of people should pay for their crimes,
but this is the corner stone of business left undone and it should not have taken this
long. Many are dead true, but their names and their positions in the camp should be
made public and those still alive should be hauled before the courts like a prejudgment
day as it were.
If nothing else this should be a good discussion,
Here is a good place to start, not too hard to check who was employed during the war and how just magically appeared after the war. You won't even get a discussion saying these 4,000 (or so) should be hunted down.