Where should the money be spent?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How do you get meds daily for something you don't have? Have you ever tried to get something you don't need? Do you think Drs don't know a junkie when they see one? To get an Rx for narcotics you need to see a specialist. If it takes six months to see one how does one do this daily?

It wouldn't surprise me that a doctor could misdiagnose an illness and keep filling the prescription- I don't think it would be impossible for a hypochondriac to be able to convince himself he's in pain or it could be a "ghost" pain. I know fibro myalgia used to be a tricky one to confirm. In medicine as in most other things there's probably exceptions to the rules.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That is why there is a three tiered monitoring system.

If the doc is being screwed the pharmacists won't fill the Rx and files a report with both the Dr and the College of Physicians and Surgeons who sends out a warning to the all the physicians that this person is an addict.

It is very very strict.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
You use the word like it is inherently a bad thing, perhaps it is, but that argument needs to be made. Social engineering allows me to go to university. Prohibition of murder is social engineering. Society as you grew up in, and as I know it today owe to social engineering.

Unless you're an anarchist or a nihilist, I would think most people see value in law and order. Most people see value in promoting health, and at the same time cutting costs to present and future tax payers.

Then you don't understand the insidiousness of social engineering. It is directing society by way of coersion either through reward or penalty to an end by those who think their way is best, whether it is right or not. They are those who percieve themselves to be enlightened and drive the zeitgeist. Their followers believe them too, and enact laws follow to enforce their will.

Yes, it is a bad thing, all we need is to be free to do all that is not prohibited by law, not laws that allow us to do only that which is approved by an elite group of the enlightened. We ought to be free to make our own choices and either reap the rewards or suffer the consequenses under the most basic of laws. Being coddled is akin to bondage, doing so willfully is the greatest crime you can commit against yourself and society.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Being coddled is akin to bondage, doing so willfully is the greatest crime you can commit against yourself and society.

So what's your excuse? You have a choice. You can choose to be coerced, or you can choose not to. Simply disagreeing with it but relenting is still willfully doing so.

How do you resolve your existential crisis?


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
How do you get meds daily for something you don't have? Have you ever tried to get something you don't need? Do you think Drs don't know a junkie when they see one? To get an Rx for narcotics you need to see a specialist. If it takes six months to see one how does one do this daily?

It doesn't have to be junkies, my wife, (who retired from the profession) has seen doctors prescribe antibiotics to mothers with kids sick with colds just to get them out of the clinic on hundreds of occasions. Doctors see a patient for 15 minutes at the most, they are over worked and tired, and yes, narcotics are prescribed as well. As I said, unless you are a serial clinic patient, or employee, you won't witness this.

We only hear about bed shortages, ER closures, surgical procedures being delayed, and such, but the sheer volume of nonsense cases coming into the clinics and ER's really chokes the system, and the majority belonging to a certain demographic.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Being coddled is akin to bondage, doing so willfully is the greatest crime you can commit against yourself and society.
I hear ya. The system we have takes the onus off the individual to be responsible for their health due to lifestyle choice.

I'd like to see cash incentives or tax credits for those who take responsibility.

A tax credit for gym fees or sports equipment for kids would be a nice and logical start.

It isn't classes but sub-cultures you are thinking of. The non-smokers against smokers. Planned parenthood and those who wing it. Religious against non-religious. Tio call those classes isn't right.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
So what's your excuse? You have a choice. You can choose to be coerced, or you can choose not to. Simply disagreeing with it but relenting is still willfully doing so.

How do you resolve your existential crisis?

That wasn't what you quoted, it was whether one chooses to be coddled, and many do. Hell, I would too if I didn't know there were strings attatched. But there always are. As for being coerced to obey bad legislation, there are always options, what looks like relenting may only be biding time to get ducks in a row.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It doesn't have to be junkies, my wife, (who retired from the profession) has seen doctors prescribe antibiotics to mothers with kids sick with colds just to get them out of the clinic on hundreds of occasions. Doctors see a patient for 15 minutes at the most, they are over worked and tired, and yes, narcotics are prescribed as well. As I said, unless you are a serial clinic patient, or employee, you won't witness this.

We only hear about bed shortages, ER closures, surgical procedures being delayed, and such, but the sheer volume of nonsense cases coming into the clinics and ER's really chokes the system, and the majority belonging to a certain demographic.

Years ago I took a first aid course that was given by a nurse at a small hospital on Vancouver Island and at lunch time we got to talking about her job at the E.R. in the Chemainus Hospital- she said the abuse was terrible mainly by people they called "their regulars".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"I'd like to see cash incentives or tax credits for those who take responsibility.

A tax credit for gym fees or sports equipment for kids would be a nice and logical start."

Makes good sense to me.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It doesn't have to be junkies, my wife, (who retired from the profession) has seen doctors prescribe antibiotics to mothers with kids sick with colds just to get them out of the clinic on hundreds of occasions.
Is the problem the Dr or the patient who thinks they are seeing a quack if they don't walk out with an Rx?

Who created that mindset?

The patient?

The doctor?

The drug companies who make profuse profits whether the patient lives or dies?

How many TV commercials do you see per day that say good health comes from a pill?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Fat, salt, sugar, tar/nicotene, and sedentary lifestyles are the slow killers of people and the health care system.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Is the problem the Dr or the patient who thinks they are seeing a quack if they don't walk out with an Rx?

Who created that mindset?

The patient?

The doctor?

The drug companies who make profuse profits whether the patient lives or dies?

How many TV commercials do you see per day that say good health comes from a pill?

People from all walks of life who have been brained washed into thinking throwing money at problems fixes them.