Two brewing scandals that could help unseat the liberals.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The theory that a liberal scandal results in conservative votes is laughable.

Canadians are not going to vote for conservatives until conservatives give them a reason to.

I think most Canadians are like me and are simply laughing their asses off at a conservative trying to tut-tut the liberals over doing something that is right up their own alley in spades.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It's a serious issue for us when a small but powerful rump of ultra-right Yahoos and Libertarians see Trump as a great man and what will REALLY fix us is if we'reJUST LIKE REPUBLICAN AMERICA. I have faith that few Canadians will buy that guff East of Regina or West of Field but that, unfortunately leads to another Liberal term unless Scheer gets a lot smarter and more measured and shuts out the Yahoos that try to hijack his agenda. Harper got pretty good at that and kept in power by marginalizing the Yahoos.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
A big shoe dropped with the resignation letter, also setting her up for a leadership run after the tar and feathers are cleaned up.
It sounds to me as if she's conducted herself honourably but, unfortunately she isn't telling her part of the story because of her professionalism.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

He was elected to parliament in 1963 and served there until his retirement.
Actually he took four years off and magically became a millionaire . Not bad work for a little guy for Quebec .


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
So........watching trudeau address questions in Winnipeg which are basically all about Raybould-Wilson and SNC Lavalin. He has stated several times now that he is disappointed by R-W. He is now saying that it was her responsibility to come forward and inform him if there was any hint of interference. She didn't. In response to the fact that she is indigenous, he basically said there are many worthy indigenous people in government.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
So........watching trudeau address questions in Winnipeg which are basically all about Raybould-Wilson and SNC Lavalin. He has stated several times now that he is disappointed by R-W. He is now saying that it was her responsibility to come forward and inform him if there was any hint of interference. She didn't. In response to the fact that she is indigenous, he basically said there are many worthy indigenous people in government.

Nine subtle (and not-so) signals in Jody Wilson-Raybould’s resignation letter

Jody Wilson-Raybould’s resignation letter make public on Tuesday offers a masterclass in how to communicate volumes between the lines.
1. Its undermining timing: The former Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence submitted her resignation to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday night, hours after he spoke publicly for his cabinet minister, who was not present, in Vancouver. “In our system of government, her presence in cabinet should actually speak for itself,” Trudeau boasted then. Now, Wilson-Raybould’s resignation from cabinet is doing the talking.
2. Who is thanked: “[A]ll Canadians, and in particular the residents of Vancouver-Granville, who put their trust in me and supported me,” along with officials and her staff.
3. Who is not thanked: The Prime Minister.
4. Who is honoured: Canadian veterans and their families. Wilson-Raybould has “the deepest admiration and respect” for them, she writes, adding that her decision to resign from the portfolio she was moved to in January has nothing to do with them: “I only wish that I could have served you longer,” she said, a line recognizing the importance of the ministry and suggesting she is stepping down due to circumstances beyond her control.
5. Omission destined to spark speculation: No reason is given for her resignation, not even the cliched: “To spend more time with my family.”
6. Covert slam of Real Change™
: “When I sought federal elected office, it was with the goal of implementing a positive and progressive vision of change on behalf of all Canadians and a different way of doing politics,” Wilson-Raybould writes. Her commitment to “fundamental change” hasn’t changed: “This work must and will carry on.” (Left unsaid: But not in the Trudeau cabinet.)
7. She knows a heavy-hitter lawyer is needed, and has retained one: The former Crown prosecutor named her counsel, the Honorable Thomas Albert Cromwell, CC, a former Puisne Justice on the Supreme Court of Canada. Like her, he’s Vancouver-Ottawa-based. In a nice irony, he’s also a “mentor” at the Trudeau Foundation.
8. Homage paid to her Indigenous roots, a reminder of the central role she formerly played within the government: Wilson-Raybould also signed the letter “Puglaas,” her name in Kwak’wala, the language of the First Nations who live at the north end of Vancouver Island, as well as her Twitter handle. It translates: “woman born of noble people.” Wilson-Raybould’s appointment as Justice Minister heralded great hope of change; she was at the forefront of the government’s promise to rebuild relationships with Indigenous peoples. Then she was demoted, and now, it appears, had no choice but to leave cabinet for still unknown reasons.
9. Wilson-Raybould’s unifying rallying cry for the future intimates one is needed: “Regardless of background, geography, or party affiliation, we must stand together for the values that Canada is built on, and which are the foundation for our future,” she wrote. Left unsaid, but very clear, is the impression that Jody Wilson-Raybould has every intention of helping to build that foundation.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I'm sure that the Liberal Party machine has convinced themselves that Jody Wilson-Raybould isn't a team player because she wasn't happy to be a trained seal and therefore is now a non-person.

That's the same Liberal Party that I've known over my lifetime.