Trudeau's Alleged Groping Incident Won't Go away


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Oh right...they eat it.

And here I thought you had nothing relevant to offer, but look at you go.


IF ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet you could sell tickets so people could watch Wynne-bag and Our idiot Boy take big steaming mouthfuls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Still... Trudeau's groping incident has not gone away.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Harry Kissinger , hey he must have coined the term , Cannon Fodder .


Its "HENRY" Kissinger you fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And no- the Kokanee Grope is still being worn like a hair shirt by Our idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you look closely you will see a little sign on his back that says:

CARBON TAX LIAR on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is anybody talking about the groping incident anymore? Looks like it went away.


The groping SHAME has simply been eclipsed by WORSE DEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A lot of Cdns are quite willing to believe that if Our idiot Boy Justin is willing to so blatantly LIE

about his feminist values and his shameless ass grab..............
then he would probably be only to happy to LIE ABOUT LAVALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And lets face it- the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax is a GRAND SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral carbon scam is nothing but a HUGE GRAVY GRAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prime minister Pinnochio no longer has ANY CREDIBILITY LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the grotesque bias of our civil service union Hogs! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Time for Michael Wernick to walk away with cushy pension

By Andre Marin

Published: March 2, 2019, Updated: March 2, 2019 12:11 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: The fallout from Lavscam has begun
BONOKOSKI: Scandal aside, no love lost in Alberta for either Trudeau
GOLDSTEIN: Justin Trudeau just wasn’t ready
LILLEY: Conservatives say it's time to call in the cops

On the same day former lawyer Michael Cohen was testifying before the U.S. Congress that he was the U.S. President’s fixer, having to act as a mender but doing so on what he described as “mob-style code language,” rather than direct orders or instructions, we had our former Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould testifying about being bombarded right, left and centre on “finding a solution” to SNC-Lavallin from the most powerful people in government.

(With that phrase “find a solution” clearly being mob style code language meaning “make our Lavalin problem go away discreetly without major legal action or resulting political damage”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(With allegedly politically “neutral” Privy Council Clerk Wernick making statements PRIOR to Wilson-Raybould that were a direct contradiction of what she later said! Our civil service has for too long been bought and paid for by LIE-berals in that unholy alliance of mutual greed and support at election time!)

That meant, in code language, of course, interfering politically, as disgraced former senior Liberal operative and Prime Minister’s BFF, Gerald Butts told Wilson-Raybold. It amounted to, “finding a solution” to use Butts’ words.

(LIE-berals haver set this mess up in exactly the same way as Don Corleone would make an offer “that could not be refused”!! LIE-berals have ganged together against one individual who is in their way! The similarity with organized crime methods and alibies is striking!!!!!!!!!!)

Cohen’s role was to be “the fixer.” He was to deny Russian collusion in the U.S. election and pay off Trump’s porn stars non-disclosure agreements.

(And just like a MOB RAT- apparently Cohen rolled over when things got tough! But Cohen -already convicted of perjury - has said nasty things of Trump - WITHOUT OFFERING ANY HARD EVIDENCE!! This is in sharp contrast to LIE-berals and Lavalin!!!!!!!)

Back in Canada, we had an assortment of “fixers” from the Prime Minister on down, including an assortment of political hoodlums working for the Prime Minister bullying our former AG to “find a solution” to save SNC-Lavallin from prosecution.

“Finding a solution” was code word used over and over by Trudeau and his fixers to overturn the prosecution of SNC-Lavallin.

(With hypocrite Wernick admitting THERE WAS PRESSURE put on her- but it was NOT -so he said- of an “inappropriate kind”! In light of the fact that the Quebec provincial Charbonneau Inquiry into Lavalin heard testimony that MULTIPLE engineering firms were involved in election fraud and bribery but ONLY Lavalin was ever investigated - cynical tax payers may freely assume the worst- that only part of this dirty deal has yet been exposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

We expect a certain amount of “sleaze factor” with politicians and their sidekicks. After all, politics is a blood sport. It is not for the faint of heart. The sleaze factor here was in overdrive.

So, who is expected, in our parliamentary democracy, to steer key politicians and their aides from overstepping their boundaries? Step forward Michael Wernick, the top civil servant who is also deputy minister to Trudeau, Clerk of the Privy Council and head of the public service.

And Wernick failed spectacularly in that job. He let himself be co-opted by powerful Liberals. Wernick allowed partisan politics to seep into the public service. He testified a few weeks back before the Justice Committee.

(Wernick is an all too typical civil servant- entirely aware that his pay and perks will be MUCH BETTER under LIE-berals who are always notorious for their generous nature- with OTHER PEOPLES MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

After entertaining us with all types of non sequiturs about an apocalyptical future society involving people getting shot during an election and praising a Liberal government minister, which had nothing to do with SNC-Lavallin, Wernick actually confirmed that pressure was exerted by the Prime Minister’s staff and him for months after being told by Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould that she would not back down from the prosecution.

(Sadly, Wernick is probably right about the potential for violence! If LIE-berals continue down this road of bigotry and special privilege and disdain for balanced budgets then there WILL COME a breaking point for Canada -just as there has for other countries! Just as there has been for every other bankrupt socialist third world pest hole! Cdns are not immune to Venezuela style socialism and chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wilson-Raybould filled the narrative this past week.

LILLEY: Wilson-Raybould drops a bomb on Trudeau
BONOKOSKI: Trudeau spins space fantasy orbiting SNC-Lavalin scandal
SNOBELEN: Wilson-Raybould’s strength of character provides Canadians hope in troubling time

(There are those who have asked why she did not resign? And go where? And do what? She WAS a crown prosecutor before going into politics! Does anybody want to suggest that the eleven senior LIE-berals who are alleged to have BROKEN MULTIPLE LAWS while pressuring her to “find a solution to Lavalin” would not be just as willing to blight her post govt career? Nothing like a nasty whisper campaign to turn our LIE-beral dominated legal system AGAINST her and prevent her re-hire!!!!!!!!!!!)

She said she had several detailed meetings and conversations with Wernick, including one on Sept. 17 on an unrelated issue where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately brought up the SNC-Lavallin case pressuring her to go for a deferred prosecution agreement. She added: “Then, to my surprise, the Clerk started to make the case for the need to have a DPA.”

(And thus Clerk Wernick immediately burns any claim to neutrality by speaking on behalf of illegal govt action! As mentioned- even allowing for the LIE-beral Law re-write- Lavlin STILL DID NOT meet the legal threshold for that easy way out “plea deal”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Trudeau said there was a provincial election in Quebec and that’s where he had his seat. Wilson-Raybould pushed back asking whether he was interfering politically with her role as Attorney General.

Trudeau’s code language: “No, no, no, we just need to find a solution.

(Yes- LIE-berals are focused on saving their skins from an ANGRY ELECTORATE! Time is running out for LIE-berals to clean their muddled and dirty images!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things are so bad that much of Canada blames LIE-berls for forcing Alberta towards bankruptcy!! And virtually all of Canada regards the LIE-beral arbon crap and trade tax as a dirty gravy grab that will do nothing for the environment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Months later, on Dec. 19, Wernick was at it again trying to “find a solution” calling Wilson-Raybould to inform her that Trudeau was “quite determined, quite firm.”

“He said: ‘I think he is gonna find a way to get it done one way or another,’” she said.

To add injury to insult, on Jan. 7 Trudeau informed Wilson-Raybould that she was toast and to pack her bags for the Veterans Affairs portfolio.

How is Wernick’s role in all of this any different from the ten other politicians and their staffers who met, emailed and texted Wilson-Raybould to change her course of action over several months? The use of code language allowed for plausible deniability. Now the bunch of eleven can say they didn’t use undue pressure, they were only trying to “find a solution” to a problem and save jobs.

Cohen is headed to jail for three years for being Trump’s “fixer.”

Wernick should have been the adult in the room. He aided and abetted the PMO in intimidating Wilson-Raybould to change her mind. Time to retire or be retired.

(This is the UGLY reality of Canada- civil servants and LIE-berals on one side- fighting frantically to save their wonderful govt gravy train! And ordinary people on the other side trying not to go broke while paying for that COSTLY gravy train that they will NEVER be allowed to ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

At least with 38 years of public service, he’ll have a nice cushy pension and won’t have to worry about sleeping on a cold prison cot.

(Aint that a shame!! The whole LIE-beral rat pack ought to be in jail merely for how deep in debt they have buried us for no good reason except to BUY VOTES so they can cling to power at any price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
He's sittin' pretty, made-in-the-shade as a Supreme Court Justice until the Congress gets around to impeaching his whiny, little ass for perjury.
Which isn't going to happen until they manage to manufacture the required proof. Changing 50 years worth of records takes time.