Trudeau Begs the U.S to Tighten it's Immigration Laws

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
"Tighten your immigration laws and stop giving visas to Nigerians because they're coming to Canada and we do not want them here."

It doesn't get anymore Xenophobic than that and Trudeau and the Liberals are doing exactly that.

I wonder if tater tot was duped by a Nigerian Prince needing his help.


Canada needs to build a wall.

Let's be different, I say we dig a big ditch.

We can flood it and skate on it in the winter!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
"Tighten your immigration laws and stop giving visas to Nigerians because they're coming to Canada and we do not want them here."

It doesn't get anymore Xenophobic than that and Trudeau and the Liberals are doing exactly that.

Is he only expecting the Nigerian Princes to come that keep e-mailing him?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Let's be different, I say we dig a big ditch.

We can flood it and skate on it in the winter!

What a novel and wonderful idea, Cap..........I like it..........though am a bit concerned about all the mountains we have out here standing in the way. Hey maybe we can just change the border a bit.........dip into the states where the going is easier. Can't see them complaining as they don't want any migrants hanging about their communities. ;-):lol:

For native tobacco smugglers.

And coming soon to a reserve near you - if the natives get their way - legal dope dealers! :roll:

I guess you are admitting that Canada has never really been welcoming, it's immigration laws are much more harsher than the U.S. immigration laws, and that Canadian criticism of US immigration policies was pure hypocrisy.

I've been saying this for years.

Well done CuriousCdn.

Yes, well.............since the sock-puppet got in power he's been doing everything he can to undo our once stellar immigration laws which are there for good reasons. Remember, this is the dolt who calls ISIS fighters 'travelers' and who would like nothing better than to see the poor souls come to our country where he will I'm sure welcome them with open arms.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes, well.............since the sock-puppet got in power he's been doing everything he can to undo our once stellar immigration laws which are there for good reasons. .

So true. Canada has always had very strict immigration laws, far more stringent than U.S Immigration Laws. With the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic on 3 borders and the huge sponge of the US to the south they have never had to worry about illegal immigration. They could have their tough laws and still maintain the illusion of being welcoming to all.

Never did they expect this crisis.

As one Canadian agent put it... "This is not going to end itself."

He's 100% correct.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
They're going to have to do something.

Begging is just so unbecoming of a Prime Minister... yet it does seem fitting for Justin.

Maybe Justin could dress up like a Sasquatch and go roaming around the illegal border crossings and scare them all away.

Or he could manhandle and elbow them back across the border as is his preferred method of compelling people to move to a location of his command.

Or he could just hold a news conference and cry.

Or we could all just accept the fact that we have a postmodern, virtue signalling man-child in power who actually wants a massive illegal refugee surge into the country, because in his mind it's actually healthy for a "post national state" like Canada...and it's good for his party, and will be even better when he allows non-citizens to vote.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
JT would do well to dress up as a Syrian or Nigerian and roam the borders telling these new arrivals of how bad Canada is and to turn back.

He loves playing dress up, so maybe this will work out well for all involved


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016

"All Canadian laws are and will continue to be enforced, and all our international obligations are and will continue to be honoured," Goodale said Monday in Montreal.

'International obligations?' Why would he throw that little nugget in at the end of his reassuring sentence? Sounds like a Liberal talking point alright...for some reason, I'm not feeling very reassured.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
"All Canadian laws are and will continue to be enforced, and all our international obligations are and will continue to be honoured," Goodale said Monday in Montreal.

'International obligations?' Why would he throw that little nugget in at the end of his reassuring sentence? Sounds like a Liberal talking point alright...for some reason, I'm not feeling very reassured.

Would you feel better if the Trudeubama government specifically repudiated all of Canada's international agreements?


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Would you feel better if the Trudeubama government specifically repudiated all of Canada's international agreements?

I would feel better if they called this sham what it is, a loophole in border security. CBSA was found to have been monitoring the Quebec crossing last week, which would now make this an official border crossing. These "refugees" need to be processed accordingly instead of being ushered into the country ahead of thousands of refugees and immigrants following the rules and trying to get in through the proper legal means.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
They'll just find another point to cross. There are plenty of Roxham Roads along the border.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
They'll just find another point to cross. There are plenty of Roxham Roads along the border.

It's a band aid, but a good first start.

Ultimately, it's time to amend the Safe Third Country Agreement to recognize both official, and illegal border crossings.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They'll just find another point to cross. There are plenty of Roxham Roads along the border.

I hope they are packing deet.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Federal immigration minister warns seeking asylum in Canada is ‘no free ticket’

There has been a flux of Nigerian refugees with U.S. visitor visas crossing the border to seek asylum in Canada. Officials are pushing to amend refugee and asylum policies.

So Very Welcoming this Liberal Government is eh?

Is it because they are from Africa that Trudeau pulled back the Welcome Mat?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
A total of 28,000 "irregular" refugees crossed into Canada in the past year.
A total of 243 have been removed.
A total of 173 million dollars spent.

At least the Liberals have a plan...
Liberals Setting Up Refugee Camp At Quebec Border

Some plan eh, Dec...........set up another Calais at the Canadian border......then sit back and wait till the fireworks start. Good frickin' grief.