Time To Fire Don Cherry Off CBC


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Dump, you do realize that you can watch Hockey on channels other than the CBC?

I'm beginning to think you might have some sort of an obsessive disorder.

Do you find yourself glued to the Monarchy channel as well?;-)


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I used to really like DC when he had less political things to say and was a big proponent of old-school, 'rock em sock em' hockey. Now he seems to be a lap-dog for Ron Mclean's and Gary Bettman's new softer NHL and spends half his time on non-hockey stuff. I have to say his time is done and his fan base is falling faster than the US dollar. We should axe his big contract (and Mclean's too) and get some people who want to talk Canadian hockey on HNIC.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Dump, you do realize that you can watch Hockey on channels other than the CBC?

I'm beginning to think you might have some sort of an obsessive disorder.

Do you find yourself glued to the Monarchy channel as well?;-)

Point two might be correct. I watch all hockey all the time if I can. I hate unnecessary distractions. DC can put his monarchy stuff on his website.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Okay, back to firing DC. I gave him a chance, he's blown it, he's gone. Good?

No it's not good! Now you've flip-flopped back to your original position of firing him!

Let's be realistic here, DC spends what, 98% of his air time talking about hockey? He takes some time to talk about a soldier who gave his life, what his name was, and who their family was. It's actually refreshing to see somebody do that considering most of the time the network media won't take that extra minute to describe his family or the type of person he was.

And then how many times has he actually talked about politics? In all the years I've been watching hockey, I've heard his opinion on politics(war in Iraq) once.

The only other times you hear DC talking politics is usually outside of Hockey Night in Canada.

Again, you're just attacking the man because his political stripe is different than yours, and that is less than honorable.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Point two might be correct. I watch all hockey all the time if I can. I hate unnecessary distractions. DC can put his monarchy stuff on his website.

Or on his tv show. Like I said it's his tv show. You remind me a bit of someone who shoots their tv because they don't like what they see on it, only to complain that they now don't have a tv.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Ok ok.... whoa now..... everybody just calm down and relax a bit here for a second shall we? *breaths in*

*looks around puzzled*

It's Don Cherry people.... why do people make such a big deal out of him? HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THIS GUY RECENTLY?

^ He's a nut job!

You don't have to listen to the words that he spews out of his mouth to know he's lost his marbles, all you have to do is look at the guy.

Seriously.... LOOK AT HIM:

^ I mean, hello? Years from now, people around the world won't think of mounties or lumberjacks when they think of Canada.... they'll just see people like this guy.

Dresses all retarded-like, has a big loud mouth & an opinion on everything, he always knows what's right and what's wrong, he knows exactly what people should have did, shouldn't have done, what they should do next, what they shouldn't do next, never lets the other guys have a chance to express his opinion....

..... Wait, let me finish!

gee, ok....

..... He acts like he's the perfect person & the perfect way to be a Canadian.

Oh wait.... that describes most of the people on these forums, including myself.

Ok, my point being is that sure he has his couple of minutes on TV to rant and rave about everything under the sun. Mostly he rants about hockey, but sometimes he'll venture off on something un-related to hockey.

Big deal

He dresses like a fruity old clown and if anybody thinks he's a role model to anybody worthwhile or that his opinions actually have any drastic effect on anybody's life..... you need to give your head a shake.

He's entertainment. People watch him simply because they want to see what stupid outfit he'll wear next, see him rip the man-hood out of Ron MacLean and rant off like the crazy old man you see chasing people for change down Queen St.

Get over it, geez.

I'm putting together a petition to have Don Cherry awarded the Order of Canada. Him and Peter Worthington.

Two people who have done more for, and in the name of Canada, than the likes of Valerie Pringle.

Oh did she invent Pringles?

Those chips are awesome.

I don't know who made her logo though, that thing that looks like a mustache makes her look like a man. or is that her pulling her shirt over her head.... man, I didn't even know what the 1980's Canucks hockey logo was until I was 20.

Seriously, how was I supposed to see a dolphin in that??


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Remember when they fired him before? He said some stuff about Quebec and they turfed him for it.

Then they went to Quebec to get the reaction of "the man on the street" to Cherry, what he'd said, and on the firing.

Number one response-"Who's Don Cherry?"

Kinda says it all really.


New Member
Mar 20, 2011
Cherry has become somewhat tiring.

I do like how he makes the poli correcto's at the CBC cringe.
I thoroughly dislike how he makes like he is the poster child for supporting our selfless heroic troops, while all he is really doing is enabling more innocent choice life's to be wasted just to feed an immoral poli corp manufactured war.

One to many pucks to his head, I reckon.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Anyone voluntarily subjecting themselves to the dual punishment of watching NHL hockey and Don Cherry, are only themselves to blame. Especially if it is on CBC.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
DC is recognized by hockey insiders to have very little to say, but they like his enthusiasm. The content part of his show has become lame. I remember Tiger Williams saying that you play until they kick you off the team. DC is down to the fourth line, maybe only penalty killing, but the fans still want to see him play.

Maybe DC is a symbol of the old boys club, you keep him around no matter what, unless he does something really really stupid. I kind of like that myself in a way. There is very little loyalty around these days. Everyone has their hobbyhorses I guess.

DC likes to dabble in politics which is dangerous and could bite DC in the ass. Most Canadians just want to do their thing without interference, but politics does not leave people alone. It can get in your face. DC plays with fire.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Cherry is a part of the HNIC franchise. If you don't like him make a sandwich.

As for him being on the CBC (Gov) payroll. I can live with that. I'm just sick of paying for Little Mosque on the Prairie.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
What is Don Cherry more famous for? His opinions or his loud suits?....:roll::smile: